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Augustine Heard and Co


Found in 43 Collections and/or Records:

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Accounts and bills of Augustine Heard & Co., 31 Aug. 1845-16 Oct. 1876

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/A8/28/12
Scope and Contents Accounts, bills, letters and other items regarding Augustine Heard & Co., dated Hong Kong, Shanghai, Foochow and elsewhere, and including Foochow cash statements and statements of claims on the estate of the company. The documents include reference to H. Blanchard; R.F. Gutierrez; William Keswick; T.G. Linstead; James Whittall; Baring & Co.; Douglas Lapraik & Co.; Fearon & Co.; Hedge & Co.; Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation; Wanchi Steam Bakery; Woosung Estate;...
Dates: 31 Aug. 1845-16 Oct. 1876
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Accounts and bills of Augustine Heard & Co., 26 Apr. 1858-31 Jan. 1878

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/A8/30/13
Scope and Contents

Accounts, bills, etc., mostly claims on the company's estate; dated Shanghai and elsewhere. The documents include reference to William Brandt; William Endicott; Fow hong; John Heard; Charles Kingsley; William Keswick; Loong suen; John C. Phillips; J.S. Robison; Edward Souper; James Whittall; Foochow; Great Britain; Hongkew; London; New York; and dentistry.

Dates: 26 Apr. 1858-31 Jan. 1878
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Accounts and bills of Augustine Heard & Co., 1862-1868

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/A8/32/3
Scope and Contents

The documents are dated Hong Kong and Canton, and include many relating to the 'Suwo Nada'. They include reference to H.L. Emery; 'White Cloud'; bakeries; and shipping.

Dates: 1862-1868
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Accounts of Augustine Heard & Co., circa 1865-circa 1866

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/A8/27/8
Scope and Contents

Accounts and related items regarding Augustine Heard & Co., dated Hong Kong, 1865-1866 and undated, including some documents concerning Thomas Hunt & Co. The documents include reference to the 'Ocean Rover'; insurance; and shipping.

Dates: circa 1865-circa 1866
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Accounts of Augustine Heard & Co., circa 1848-circa 1867

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/A8/31/1
Scope and Contents

Accounts, etc., regarding Augustine Heard & Co., dated Hong Kong and no place. The documents include reference to Thomas Hunt & Co.; 'Kiushu'; 'Snipe'; and shipping.

Dates: circa 1848-circa 1867
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Accounts of Augustine Heard & Co., 12 Mar. 1851-26 Oct. 1872

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/A8/26/7
Scope and Contents

Accounts and related items of Augustine Heard & Co., dated Hong Kong, Foochow and Shanghai. They include accounts with Thomas Hunt & Co., with related memoranda; an auction account; an account relating to the Kanagawa estate, Shanghai; a furniture account; a factory expenses account; and cash statements. The documents include reference to Yokohama; hemp; and shipping.

Dates: 12 Mar. 1851-26 Oct. 1872
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Accounts of Augustine Heard & Co., 1850-1874

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/A8/38/2
Scope and Contents

The accounts are dated Shanghai and elsewhere. The documents include reference to M.E. Bennett; Byramjee Cooverjee Bhabha; Cheney Brothers; B. Darbyshire; Dixwell; E. Framjee; Ben Holladay; Robert Pulsford; Thomas Walker; Yong yun; Fruhling & Goschen; Goodhue & Co.; 'Cortes'; 'Suwo Nada'; Foochow; San Francisco; property; and shipping.

Dates: 1850-1874
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Accounts of Augustine Heard & Co., 31 Oct. 1854-31 May 1864

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/A8/39/5
Scope and Contents

The accounts are dated Hong Kong and Shanghai, and are mostly with E.L. Lança, but also include some with Joseph M. Lord. The documents include reference to the 'Little Orphan'.

Dates: 31 Oct. 1854-31 May 1864
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Augustine Heard & Co. telegrams, 1875

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/E1/29
Scope and Contents Telegrams sent mainly to Augustine Heard & Co., Hong Kong, from correspondents in Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai, Boston, Lyon and London, April-May 1875, regarding the execution of a deed of assignment of the firm's property (stock in trade, debts and effects) to James Whittall and Theophilius G. Linstead as trustees for the firm's creditors. There are also related declarations by the creditors of Augustine Heard & Co., sent from Shanghai, Yokohama or no specified location,...
Dates: 1875
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Series: Some of the records are unavailable due to their poor physical condition.

Business letters: America, 1821-1898

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B6/2
Scope and Contents Letters from the United States, comprised of 4,296 principal letters and 176 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:Alexander G. Abell; F. Alger; Allan and Hogg; Richard Alsop; Alsop and Co.; American Guano Co.; American Watch Co.; Ammon, Caspari and Co.; Dr Alexander Anderson; J.E. Anderson; Anderson and Co.; Anderson, Weller and Co.; G.S. de Angelini (Captain of the 'Marinus'); John T. Archer; F. Argenti and Co.; Arkell, Tufts and Co.; Nicolas Tanco...
Dates: 1821-1898
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 477 (letters nos 1-347), 478 (347*-725), 479 (726-1145), 480 (1146-1513), 481 (1514-1892), 482 (1893-2169), 483 (2170-2324), 484 (2325-2531), 485 (2532-2687), 486 (2688-3061), 487 (3062-3339), 488 (3340-3450), 489 (3451-3783), 490 (3784-4149), 491 (4150-4496), 492 (4497-4926 and S1-118) and 493 (S119-176).

Business letters: Bombay, 1822-1881

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B6/4
Scope and Contents There are 13,160 principal letters and 31 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:Ponsonby Adair; Adam, Skinner & Co.; Peter Adams; Aga Abdool Khaluck Cazarany (also Abdool Khalie Cazarani and Hajee Adbul Khaluck Cazarany); Aga Ali Kashanee (Hajee Ali Cashanee); Aga Mahmed Cazroony (Mahmed Cazroony); Aga Mohamed Hajee Abdul Russool Cazarani; J.C. Aguiar; Rufina Angelica C. Aguiar; Alexander Mackintosh & Co.; James Allan (Magniac & Co.);...
Dates: 1822-1881
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 17 (letters nos 1-271), 18 (272-582), 19 (583-868), 20 (869-1172), 21 (1173-1492), 22 (1493-1826), 23 (1827-2033), 24 (2034-2394), 25 (2395-2623), 26 (2624-2829), 27 (2830-3200), 33 (3201-3499), 34 (3500-3826), 35 (3827-4038), 36 (4039-4319), 37 (4320-4800), 38 (4801-5178), 39 (5179-5604), 40 (5605-6039), 41 (6040-6492), 42 (6493-6885), 43 (6886-7491), 44 (7492-7983), 45 (7984-8425), 46 (8426-9001), 47 (9002-9421), 48 (9422-9884), 49 (9885-10276), 50 (10277-10794), 51 (10795-11132), 52 (11133-11544), 53 (11545-11981), 54 (11982-12164), 55 (12165-12574), 56 (12574*-12868), 57 (12869-13160 and S1-31).

Business letters: Calcutta, 1818-1893

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B6/5
Scope and Contents There are 8,540 principal letters and 20 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:H.W. Abbott; J. Abbott; Abdool Raxlee Isabhoy; George Ure Adam; Aga Mirza Sherazie; Aga Syed Ally; Aga Syed Saduck; Agabeg Brothers; Agricultural & Horticultural Society, Calcutta; M. di Aguiar; Agurchund Hurrukchund; Ahmuty & Co.; William Ainslie (of Shaw, Ainslie & Co. and Colvin, Ainslie, Cowie & Co.); John Alexander (of Canton); Alexander & Co.;...
Dates: 1818-1893
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 61 (letters nos 1-309), 62 (310-659), 63 (660-1010), 64 (1011-1242), 65 (1243-1519), 66 (1520-1756), 67 (1757-1979), 68 (1980-2298), 69 (2299-2756), 70 (2757-3245), 71 (3246-3776), 72 (3777-4131), 73 (4132-4562), 74 (4563-4903), 75 (4904-5285), 76 (5286-5731), 77 (5732-5938), 78 (5939-6170), 79 (6171-6369), 80 (6370-6698), 81 (6699-7095), 82 (7096-7409), 83 (7410-7706), 84 (7707-7998), 85 (7999-8310) and 86 (8311-8540 and S1-20).

Business letters: Canton, 1814-1904

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B7/2
Scope and Contents There are 12,706 principal letters and 218 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:Abdollally Ebrahim Co. (also Abdolally Ebrahim & Co.; Abdoolally, Ebrahim & Co.; and A. Ebrahim & Co.); Acow & Co. (also Akoe & Co. and Akow & Co.); Aga Ahmed; A. and G.L. Agabeg; G.L. Agabeg & Co.; Arthur Agassiz; Aga Mahomed Ally; Agra & United Service Bank Ltd; Ahmedbhoy Rahamtoolla; William Ainslie (Shaw, Ainslie & Co. and Colvin,...
Dates: 1814-1904
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 2 (letters nos 1-321), 3 (322-563), 4 (564-844), 5 (845-946), 6 (947-1318), 7 (1319-1678), 207 (1678-2023), 208 (2024-2319), 209 (2320-2549), 210 (2550-2897), 211 (2897-3294), 212 (3296-3619), 213 (3620-3989), 214 (3989-4233), 215 (4234-4565), 216 (4566-4745), 217 (4746-5110), 218 (5111-5311), 219 (5312-5651), 220 (5652-5943), 221 (5944-6209), 222 (6210-6511), 223 (6512-6798), 224 (6796-7087), 225 (7088-7410), 226 (7410-7759), 227 (7760-8051), 228 (8052-8359), 229 (8360-8625), 230 (8626-8952), 231 (8953-8971), 232 (8971-9075), 233 (9076-9229), 234 (9230-9413), 235 (9414-9570), 236 (9571-10018), 237 (10019-10234), 238 (10235-10396), 239 (10397-10760), 240 (10761-11176), 241 (11176-11518), 242 (11519-11624), 243 (11625-11919), 244 (11920-12012), 245 (12013-12187), 246 (12188-12362), 247 (12363-12706) and 248 (S1-218). Letter no. 3295 has not been microfilmed.

Business letters: East Indies, Siam and Malaya, 1821-1898

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B6/6
Scope and Contents There are 11,133 principal letters and 33 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:Fabian de Abaroa; G.E. Adams (Captain of the 'Reunion'); Abdool Allie; Abdool Rhamma Ben Mahomed; Abdul Rassool; Abed ben Sakur; H.E.C. Abendroth; Ackland & Boyd; Lim Acquay; [ ] Adam; J.L. Adam; William Adam (of the 'Swallow'); Adam & Co.; William Adamson; [ ] Afoune; Aga Abdul Rahim Bin Hajee Abdul Rasool (Abdul Rahim); Henry Alabaster; Major Edward Aldrich...
Dates: 1821-1898
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 87 (letters nos 1-240), 88 (241-567), 89 (568-899), 90 (900-1271), 91 (1272-1504), 92 (1505-1769), 93 (1770-2082), 94 (2083-2353), 95 (2354-2663), 96 (2664-2956), 97 (2957-3311), 98 (3312-3728), 99 (3729-3821), 100 (3822-4232), 101 (4233-4671), 102 (4672-5184), 103 (5185-5559), 103A (5560-5713), 104 (5714-6240), 105 (6241-6324), 106 (6325-6819*), 107 (6819**-7280), 108 (7281-7671), 109 (7671*-8088), 110 (8089-8496), 111 (8497-8730), 112 (8731-9348), 113 (9348*-9845), 114 (9846-10014), 115 (10015-10602) and 116 (10603-11133 and S1-33).

Business letters: Foochow and River Min, 1846-1890

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B7/11
Scope and Contents There are 4,291 principal letters and 8 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:W.R. Adamson & Co.; Adamson, Bell & Co.; Edward Fleet Alford; Walter E. Allum; Alexander Forbes Angus (tea inspector for Jardine, Matheson & Co.); C. Alidel (?); Edward C. Anthony (Captain of the 'Guinevere'); Peter Arthur (Chief Officer, S.S. 'Glenfinlas'); J.R. Ashton; Hugh Wylie Auld (Captain of S.S. 'Melbourne' and S.S. 'Glenlyon').Alexander...
Dates: 1846-1890
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 507 (letters nos 1-318), 508 (319-467), 509 (468-789), 510 (790-1124), 511 (1125-1415), 512 (1416-1685), 513 (1686-1895), 514 (1896-2230), 515 (2231-2406), 516 (2407-2611), 517 (2612-2969), 518 (2970-3276), 519 (3277-3523), 520 (3524-3784), 521 (3785-3917), 522 (3918-4083) and 523 (4084-4291 and S1-8).

Business letters: Hankow, 1861-1901

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B7/12
Scope and Contents The correspondents include Chaloner Alabaster; John Henry Anderson (of Robert Anderson & Co., Kiukiang and Hankow); Robert Anderson (of Robert Anderson & Co., Kiukiang and Hankow); Robert Anderson & Co.; John Bell-Irving; Henry Beveridge; E.T. Blair; J.L. Brown; Richard C. Brown (son of Captain Richard H. Brown); Francis Bulkeley Bulkeley-Johnson (also Francis Bulkeley Johnson, afterwards Bulkeley-Johnson); George Whittingham Caine (Consular Service); Chartered Mercantile Bank of...
Dates: 1861-1901
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 540 (letters nos 1-485), 541 (486-927), 542 (928-1571) and 543 (1572-1948).

Business letters: Hong Kong, 1833-1905

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B7/15
Scope and Contents There are 14,309 principal letters and 404 supplementary letters, including the following correspondents: Achoo; Achoon; A-chun; Lt George Evatt Acklom, 44th Foot; Edward James Ackroyd, Supreme Ct; Abdolla Devraj; N. Abdoolally; H.E.C. Abendroth; H.H. Abercrombie; Abdollally Ebrahim Co.; A.E. Abraham; Frederick C. Adams; James Adams, 'Equestrian'; William Stanley Adams M.D.; William Adamson; Adamson, Bell & Co.; R.F. Addyman; W.E. Aga; A.L. Agabeg Jnr; Agra & Masterman's Bank Ltd;...
Dates: 1833-1905
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 123 (letters nos 1-312) 124 (313-673), 125 (674-978), 126 (979-1322), 127 (1323-1799), 128 (1800-2053), 129 (2054-2398), 130 (2399-2628), 131 (2630-3089), 132 (3090-3602), 133 (3603-4004), 134 (4005-4589), 135 (4589-4882), 136 (4883-5262*), 137 (5263-5528), 138 (5529-5938), 139 (5939-6303), 140 (6304-7027), 141 (7028-7742), 142 (7743-7996), 143 (7997-8382), 144 (8383-8754), 145 (8756-9259), 146 (9260-9346), 147 (9347-9676), 148 (9677-10079), 149 (10080-10415), 150 (10416-10835), 151 (10836-11373), 152 (11374-12096), 153 (12097-12454), 154 (12455-12779), 155 (12780-13175), 156 (13176-13376), 157 (13377-13728), 158 (13729-14309), 159 (S1-213) and 160 (S214-404). Letters nos 2629 and 8755 has not been microfilmed.

Business letters: India, 1819-1898

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B6/9
Scope and Contents Letters from India (excluding Bombay, Calcutta and Madras), with some from Ceylon, Persia and Burma. There are 1,595 principal letters and 9 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:Abraham & Co.; Ackland & Boyd; Robert Abercrombie; Peter Adams; Aga Mohamad Jaffer bin Mohamad Ali Saffer; Aga Mohamad Rahim Sapper; J.C. Aguiar; Richard Alexander; Amerchund Dramochande (Amarchande Dramochande); P. Anstruther; T.M. Appavoopillay & Co.; Arbuthnot...
Dates: 1819-1898
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 496 (letters nos 1-447), 497 (448-1000), 498 (1001-1466) and 499 (1467-1595 and S1-9).

Business letters: Lintin, 1823-1853

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B7/25
Scope and Contents The correspondents include William Adam (of the 'Swallow'); William Allen (Captain of the 'Ann'); Bartolomeu Barretto; Thomas Brown (Captain of the 'Duke of Roxburgh'); Burjorjee Maneckjee (Burjorjee Manackjee); Captain James Burnett; C. Bury; Captain George Cheveley; William Clifton (Captain of the 'Red Rover'); George Ward Cole; Thomas Collingwood; Richard Henry Cox (of H.C.S. 'Duchess of Atholl'); Dhunjeebhoy Muncherjee; J.K. Durant (of the 'Eugenia'); James Bridges Endicott (uncle of...
Dates: 1823-1853
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reel 8.

Business letters: London, 1814-1898

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B6/10
Scope and Contents There are 20,751 principal letters and 63 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:Edwin Morton Abbott; R.B. Abbott; Aberdare Patent Steam Fuel Company Ltd; Acclimatisation Society of Great Britain; William Edward Acraman; Acraman & Co.; Acraman, Thorne & Co.; Adam, Skinner & Co.; E.L. Adams; Henry Adams; Alexander Adamson; J.L. Adamson; William Adamson; Adamson & Ronaldson; Henry Unwin Addington; Aders & Hogg; Agie & Insinger,...
Dates: 1814-1898
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 287 (letters nos 1-173), 288 (174-304), 289 (305-413), 290 (414-590), 291 (591-845), 292 (846-1162), 293 (1163-1482), 294 (1483-1738), 295 (1739-1936), 296 (1937-2155), 297 (2156-2458), 298 (2459-2756), 299 (2756-3049), 300 (3050-3336), 301 (3337-3624), 302 (3625-4014), 303 (4015-4410), 304 (4411-4695), 305 (4696-4943), 306 (4944-5153), 307 (5154-5356), 308 (5357-5529), 309 (5530-5700), 310 (5701-5954), 311 (5955-6179), 312 (6180-6370), 313 (6371-6622), 314 (6623-6884), 315 (6885-7230), 316 (7231-7455), 317 (7456-7757), 318 (7759-8016), 319 (8016-8269), 320 (8270-8504), 321 (8505-8736), 322 (8737-9032), 323 (9033-9350), 324 (9350*-9661), 325 (9662-10027), 326 (10028-10408), 327 (10409-10802), 328 (10803-11098), 329 (11099-11424), 330 (11425-11682), 331 (11683-11925), 332 (11925*-12209), 333 (12210-12501), 334 (12502-12817), 335 (12818-13147), 336 (13148-13393), 337 (13394-13636), 338 (13637-13923), 339 (13924-14181), 340 (14182-14395), 341 (14396-14594*), 342 (14595-14797), 343 (14798-15004), 344 (15005-15211), 345 (15212-15437), 346 (15438-15668), 347 (15669-15881), 348 (15882-16078), 349 (16079-16266), 350 (16267-16456), 351 (16457-16672), 352 (16673-16880), 353 (16881-17099), 354 (17100-17321), 355 (17322-17551), 356 (17552-17786), 357 (17787-18030), 358 (18031-18271), 359 (18272-18499), 360 (18501-18761), 361 (18762-18996), 362 (18997-19259), 363 (19260-19514), 364 (19515-19747), 365 (19748-19774), 366 (19975-20208), 367 (20209-20443), 368 (20444-20664), and 369 (20665-20751 and S1-63). Letters nos 7758 and 18500 have not been microfilmed.

Business letters: Macao, 1813-1898

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B7/27
Scope and Contents There are 8,263 principal letters and 50 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:Acow (Akow); Acow & Co. (also Akoe & Co. and Akow & Co.); William Adam (of the 'Swallow'); Affo; Revd José Joaquim d'Afonseca Mattos (Professor at Seminario de S. Jose, Macao); A.V. de R. Aggersborg; C. Agnew; Fernando Aguirre; Ahmed Hajee Esaac; H. Alexander; Alisch & Co.; William Allen (Captain of the 'Ann'); Frederick P. Alleyn; Angel Almeda (Captain of...
Dates: 1813-1898
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 8 (letters nos 1-79), 9 (80-406), 10 (407-675), 11 (676-928), 12 (929-1206), 13 (1207-1552), 14 (1553-1998), 15 (1999-2323), 16 (2324-2660), 192 (2661-2907), 193 (2908-3266), 194 (3267-3604), 195 (3605-4117), 196 (4118-4639), 197 (4640-5179), 198 (5180-5501), 199 (5502-5919), 200 (5920-6358), 201 (6359-6615), 202 (6616-6825), 203 (6826-7290), 204 (7291-7765), 205 (7766-8135) and 206 (8136-8263 and S1-50).

Business letters: Shanghai, 1844-1891

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B7/37
Scope and Contents There are 10,805 principal letters and 15 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:W.R. Adamson; W.R. Adamson & Co.; R.F. Addyman; Agra & United Service Bank Ltd; Chaloner Alabaster; Samuel Alcock; Joseph W. Allen; Thomas Allen; J. Allmand Jnr (of Yokohama); Alexander Anderson (Inspector of Maitland Ewing & Co.'s estate); Captain George Cobham Anderson (Marine Superintendent, Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong); John Henry Anderson (Robert Anderson...
Dates: 1844-1891
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 373 (letters nos 1-185), 374 (186-408), 375 (409-638), 376 (639-983), 377 (984-1184), 378 (1185-1363), 379 (1364-1634), 380 (1635-1843), 381 (1844-2096), 382 (2097-2356), 383 (2357-2488), 384 (2489-2656), 385 (2651-2853), 386 (2854-2998), 387 (2999-3145), 388 (3146-3378), 389 (3379-3557), 390 (3558-3725), 391 (3726-3918), 392 (3919-4075), 393 (4076-4197), 394 (4198-4353), 395 (4354-4481), 396 (4482-4647), 397 (4648-4806), 398 (4807-4973), 399 (4974-5139), 400 (5140-5263), 401 (5264-5465), 402 (5466-5680), 403 (5681-5900), 404 (5901-6079), 405 (6080-6251), 406 (6252-6436), 407 (6437-6625), 408 (6626-6831), 409 (6832-7086), 410 (7087-7295), 411 (7296-7446), 412 (7447-7627), 413 (7628-7889), 414 (7890-8153), 415 (8154-8383), 416 (8384-8634), 417 (8635-8890), 418 (8891-9269), 419 (9270-9584), 420 (9585-9868), 421 (9869-10079), 422 (10080-10334), 422* (10335-10559) and 423 (10560-10805 and S1-15).

Business letters: Takao, 1856-1881

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B8/6
Scope and Contents The correspondents include Alexander Badenoch (Captain of the 'Herald of Light'); Allan W. Bain; B. d'Almeida Siva; Alexander Cameron (Captain of the 'Florence Nightingale'); J. Gratton Cass (for Elles & Co.); James Patfield Cook (partner, Thomas Hunt & Co.); Elles & Co.; John Freer (Chief Officer of the 'Pathfinder'); Augustine Heard & Co.; Hagen, Da Silva & Co.; 'Hong Kong Times'; H.T. Howard (Captain of the hulk 'Science'; of Dent & Co.); Thomas Hunt & Co.;...
Dates: 1856-1881
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reel 565.

Business letters: unplaced, 1813-1900

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B11
Scope and Contents Business letters sent from unknown places, comprised of 5,690 principal letters and 33 supplementary letters. The correspondents include the following names:Abdool; H.H. Abercrombie; Edward James Ackroyd (Register, Supreme Court); A.E. Abraham; Achim; Acow & Co. (Akoe & Co. or Akow & Co.); James Adams (Chief Mate, 'Equestrian'); William Stanley Adams M.D. (of Glasgow); C. Murray Adamson; William Adamson; R.F. Addyman; Aderjee Sapoorjee; Afong; A.L. Agabeg Jnr; A.V. de...
Dates: 1813-1900
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 571 (letters nos 1-440), 572 (441-1141), 573 (1142-1930), 574 (1931-2607), 575 (2608-3172), 576 (3173-3902), 577 (3903-4542), 578 (4543-5197) and 579 (5198-5690 and S1-33).

Business letters: Whampoa, 1825-1885

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/B7/51
Scope and Contents The correspondents include the following names:William H. Adams (of the 'Maria'); George Allcot; C.H. Allen; Jordan Allen (Captain of the 'Polonaise'); João Lourenço d'Almeida; Angier & Allanson; John Martin Armstrong (Thomas Hunt & Co.); Joseph Arquit (Captain of the 'Candace'); Antoine Auzias (Captain of the 'Josephine Amédee'); W.E. Ayers.Frederick E. Baker (Captain of the 'Niphon'); Aurelio Ballen (of the 'Clarita' and 'Carmen'); A.H. Bancroft; Henry Barnett...
Dates: 1825-1885
Conditions Governing Access: The original letters are not available to readers, but microfilm copies may be ordered in the Manuscripts Reading Room - Reels 560 (letters nos 1-348), 561 (349-1007) and 562 (1008-1253).
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