Landale, David Fortune, 1905-1970 (businessman)
David Fortune Landale joined Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd in 1928. He was employed at Hong Kong, London, Shanghai and Tientsin before joining the Private Office at Hong Kong. He was a Director of Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd, 1936-1970, and the company's Managing Director, 1945-1951. He was the son of David Landale (1868-1935) of Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd and Matheson & Co. Ltd.
Found in 110 Collections and/or Records:
Property correspondence between Hong Kong and Taipei, 1950-1951
Property correspondence between Hong Kong and Tokyo, 1948-1949
Property correspondence between Hong Kong, London and Shanghai, 1945-1949
Property correspondence between Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, and Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, D.F. Landale, H.H. Lennox, J.F. Owen, J.J. Paterson, F.A. Pollock, W.E.D. Smith and J.C. Taylor.
Property correspondence between Hong Kong, London and Shanghai, 1921-1941
Property letters from Hong Kong to London, 1945-1957
Original property letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are H.D.M. Barton, R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, D.F. Landale, H.H. Lennox, J.J. Paterson, F.A. Pollock, W.E.D. Smith and E.F. Watts.
Property letters from Hong Kong to Shanghai, 20 Nov. 1945-19 July 1954
Property letters from Hong Kong to Tientsin, 12 June 1951-31 Oct. 1952
Copies of property letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Alex Kidd, Jardine Matheson, Tientsin: nos P.1, P.2, P.9-11 and P.13-15 from J.H. Keswick (mainly), D.F. Landale and E.F. Watts, 12 June-8 December 1951, and P.1-5 from J.H. Keswick and H.H. Lennox, 21 March-31 October 1952. There are notes recording that nos P.3-8 of 1951 have been transferred to another file. The subjects include the Tientsin property valuation and the Waller Estate. The ring-binder is labelled 'File I'.
Property letters from Hong Kong to Tokyo and Yokohama, 1947-1957
Copies of property letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine Matheson, Tokyo (mainly) and Yokohama, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondence are I.F. Aucott, H.D.M. Barton, I.D. Bruce, R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick, D.F. Landale, F.A. Pollock, M.L. Railton and E.F. Watts.
Property letters from London to Hong Kong, 1945-1957
Copies of property letters from Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are H.D.M. Barton, R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, D.F. Landale, J.J. Paterson, F.A. Pollock and W.E.D. Smith.
Property letters from London to Hong Kong and Shanghai, 14 July 1921-6 Dec. 1939
Property letters from London to Hong Kong and Shanghai, 13 Dec. 1939-6 Nov. 1941
Property letters from Shanghai to Hankow, 9 Mar. 1928-20 Nov. 1941
Property letters from Shanghai to London, 7 Dec. 1945-28 July 1954
Property letters from Tientsin to Hong Kong, 29 June 1949-10 Feb. 1953
Property letters from Tokyo to Hong Kong, 1947-1957
Copies of property letters from Jardine Matheson, Tokyo, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are I.F. Aucott, H.D.M. Barton, R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick; D.F. Landale, F.A. Pollock, M.L. Railton and E.F. Watts.
Restricted semi-official letters from Hong Kong to London and Shanghai, 15 Sep. 1949-1 Dec. 1950
Restricted semi-official letters from London to Hong Kong and Shanghai, 25 Aug. 1949-10 Aug. 1950
Copies of restricted semi-official letters from W.J. Keswick, Matheson & Co. London: nos R.1-5 and 7-14 to R. Gordon and D.F. Landale, Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, 25 August 1949-10 August 1950, and no. 6 to J.H. Keswick, Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, 31 January 1950, with enclosed letters and papers. The ring-binder is labelled 'Restricted Letters From London. File I'.
Restricted semi-official letters from Shanghai to Hong Kong and London, 25 Aug. 1949-13 Dec. 1950
Semi-official and other letters from Bombay and Calcutta to Hong Kong, 7 Nov. 1945-20 Dec. 1961
Semi-official and property letters from Canton to Hong Kong, 1947-1955
Copies of semi-official letters and some property letters from Jardine Matheson, Canton, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are D.R. Fraser, R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick, D.F. Landale, C. Lee, Lo Po Chuen, A.R. Ross, C.F. Stockar and A. Wright.
Semi-official and property letters from Foochow to Hong Kong, 1946-1955
Copies of semi-official and some property letters from Jardine Matheson, Foochow, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed papers. The correspondents are I.D. Bruce, A.M. d'Oliveira, R. Gordon, S.R. Hawke, J.H. Keswick, D.F. Landale, H.H. Lennox and J.C. Taylor.
Semi-official and property letters from Hong Kong to Canton, 1946-1955
Copies of semi-official and some property letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine Matheson, Canton, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are H.D.M. Barton, D.C. Geddes, R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick, D.F. Landale, M.C. Lo, J.C. Taylor and E.F. Watts, Hong Kong, and Lo Po Chuen, Conant Lee, A.R. Ross, C.F. Stockar and A. Wright, Canton.
Semi-official and property letters from Hong Kong to Chungking, 22 Oct. 1945-12 Apr. 1950
Semi-official and property letters from Hong Kong to Foochow, 1946-1954
Copies of semi-official and some property letters from R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick, D.F. Landale and F.A. Pollock, Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to I.D. Bruce, A.M. d'Oliveira and S.R. Hawke, Jardine Matheson, Foochow, with enclosed letters and papers.
Semi-official and property letters from Hong Kong to Swatow, 1945-1953
Copies of semi-official and some property letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine Matheson, Swatow, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are R. Gordon, M.J. Henderson, J.H. Keswick, D.F. Landale, R.H. Malone, F.A. Pollock, E.F. Watts and Yew Ah Kow.