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Landale, David Fortune, 1905-1970 (businessman)



David Fortune Landale joined Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd in 1928. He was employed at Hong Kong, London, Shanghai and Tientsin before joining the Private Office at Hong Kong. He was a Director of Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd, 1936-1970, and the company's Managing Director, 1945-1951. He was the son of David Landale (1868-1935) of Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd and Matheson & Co. Ltd.

Found in 110 Collections and/or Records:

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Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Kunming, 19 Apr. 1939-3 Dec. 1941

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/95
Scope and Contents Copies of semi-official letters nos 1-17, 19-56, 58-88, 91, 92 and 94-139 from D.F. Landale, D.L. Newbigging, J.J. Paterson and J.C. Taylor, Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to A. Urquhart, Jardine Matheson, Kunming, with enclosed letters and papers. There is a note recording that letter no. 57 was cancelled.There is an index at the beginning of the ring-binder containing the following entries:A/B: Arnhold Trading Co.C/D: Communications; Correspondence; China...
Dates: 19 Apr. 1939-3 Dec. 1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to London, 1945-1983

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/121
Dates: 1945-1983
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to London, 1945-1975

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/196
Scope and Contents Semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are A.D. Angus, I.F. Aucott, H.D.M. Barton, D.I. Bosanquet, J.J.G. Brown, I.D. Bruce, W.J. Downey, D.C. le F. Edwards, D.C. Geddes, R. Gordon, M.A.R. Herries, H.Y. Hsu, E.J.V. Hutt, H.N.L. Keswick, J.H. Keswick, S.L. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, R.C. Kwok, D.F. Landale, D.W.N. Landale, H.H. Lennox, D.D.B. McLeod, G.L. Marshall, R.E. Moore, D.K. Newbigging,...
Dates: 1945-1975
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to London, 1934-1941

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/9
Scope and Contents

Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are B.D.F. Beith, D.G.M. Bernard, W.J. Keswick, D.F. Landale and J.J. Paterson.

Dates: 1934-1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to New York, 23 June 1927-3 Dec. 1941

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/54
Scope and Contents Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd, New York, and Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Ltd, New York, with a few enclosed letters and papers:1. Nos 69-140 from B.D.F. Beith and J.J. Paterson to H.F. Scudamore and E.T. Seward, Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd, 26 February 1929-10 June 1932.2. Nos 1-7 from J.J. Paterson to A. Davidson, Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Ltd, 13 October 1932-12 February 1934.3. Two...
Dates: 23 June 1927-3 Dec. 1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to New York and outports, 2 Jan. 1940-31 Dec. 1940

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/18
Scope and Contents Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to agencies and representatives of Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd, with enclosed letters and papers. There is also a set of copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai to Jardine Matheson, New York.1. Nos 564-586 and 589-595 from D.F. Landale and J.J. Paterson, Hong Kong, to R.H. Malone and A.E. Smith, Jardine Matheson, Canton, 3 January-23 December 1940. A note records that nos 587 and 588 were not used in...
Dates: 2 Jan. 1940-31 Dec. 1940
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Shanghai, 1935-1941

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/15
Scope and Contents

Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are B.D.F. Beith, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, D.F. Landale, D.L. Newbigging, J.J. Paterson and F.A. Pollock.

Dates: 1935-1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Shanghai, 1945-1954

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/126
Scope and Contents

Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are H.D.M. Barton, T. Beesley, R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick, D.F. Landale, H.H. Lennox, M.H. Lo, J.J. Paterson, F.A. Pollock, J.C. Taylor and E.F. Watts.

Dates: 1945-1954
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Shanghai, 1945-1960

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/199
Scope and Contents Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Shanghai, with enclosed letters and papers. The first part of the series is comprised of letters to Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd's Shanghai office. The office closed in 1954, but Thomas Beesley remained in China during the first part of 1955 to attend to outstanding issues relating to the the closure. The firm was represented subsequently at Shanghai by T.W. Pan, Y.C. Liu and Jack Yuan. Liu was appointed as the company's...
Dates: 1945-1960
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Tokyo, 1948-1976

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/131
Scope and Contents Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine, Matheson & Co. (Japan) Ltd, Tokyo, with enclosed letters and papers. The first volume in the series also includes original semi-official letters from Tokyo to Hong Kong of 1948. The correspondents are I.F. Aucott, M.G. Barrow, H.D.M. Barton, D.I. Bosanquet, J.J.G. Brown, I.D. Bruce, W.J. Downey, D.C. le F. Edwards, D.C. Geddes, R. Gordon, I.F.H. Grant, S.R. Hawke, M.A.R. Herries, J.A. Heywood, E.J.V. Hutt,...
Dates: 1948-1976
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Tokyo and Yokohama, 1947-1978 (1947-1952 and 1954-1978)

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/204
Scope and Contents An incomplete series of copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine, Matheson & Co. (Japan) Ltd, Tokyo (mainly) and Yokohama, with enclosed letters and papers. The later files include some unnumbered letters. Between 1971 and 1974 the files include weekly circular letters from Hong Kong reporting on local developments. These letters were excluded from the files from November 1974 and replaced by notes indicating that the missing letters were weekly...
Dates: 1947-1978 (1947-1952 and 1954-1978)
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Kobe and Yokohama to Hong Kong, 1932-1941

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/59
Scope and Contents

Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Kobe and Yokohama, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are R.G. Bell, W.J. Keswick, D.F. Landale, A. McDonald, J.J. Paterson, H.F. Scudamore and A.B. Stewart.

Dates: 1932-1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Korea to Hong Kong, 1947-1962

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/208
Scope and Contents

An incomplete set of copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Korea, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers, including monthly reports. The correspondents are H.D.M. Barton, D.I. Bosanquet, W.K. Corneck, R. Gordon, M.A.R. Herries; F. Jolly, D.F. Landale, A. Montgomery and D.B. Nelson.

Dates: 1947-1962
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from London to Hong Kong, 1938-1941

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/83
Scope and Contents

Copies of semi-official letters from Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are B.D.F. Beith, D.G.M. Bernard, D.F. Landale and J.J. Paterson.

Dates: 1938-1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from London to Hong Kong, 1945-1983

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/138
Dates: 1945-1983
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from London to Hong Kong, 1945-1975

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/216
Scope and Contents Copies of semi-official letters from Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. The later files include monthy letters reporting on Matheson & Co. Ltd and weekly letters reporting on developments in London in general. The correspondents are I.F. Aucott, H.D.M. Barton, D.I. Bosanquet, J.J.G. Brown, J.G. Curtis, H. Flint, D.C. Geddes, R. Gordon, M.S. Henderson, M.A.R. Herries, E.J.V. Hutt, H.N.L. Keswick, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick,...
Dates: 1945-1975
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from London to Hong Kong, 1935-1941

Reference Code: GBR/0012/JM MS/J1/3
Scope and Contents

Copies of semi-official letters from Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. The principal authors are B.D.F. Beith, D.G.M. Bernard and A.B. Stewart; the main recipients are D.F. Landale and J.J. Paterson.

Dates: 1935-1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from London to Shanghai, 1945-1954

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/217
Scope and Contents

Copies of semi-official letters from Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, to Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick. W.J. Keswick, D.F. Landale, H.H. Lennox, J.F. Owen, F.A. Pollock and W.E.D. Smith.

Dates: 1945-1954
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from outports to Hong Kong, 3 Jan. 1940-31 Dec. 1940

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/19
Scope and Contents Semi-official letters from offices and representatives of Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. There are also some letters to Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, and Jardine Matheson, Shanghai.1. Original semi-official letters nos 793-822 from R.H. Malone, A.E. Smith and H.H. Tod. Jardine Matheson, Canton, to J.J. Paterson, Hong Kong, 9 January-31 December 1940, with enclosed monthly agency business reports. No. 811 encloses...
Dates: 3 Jan. 1940-31 Dec. 1940
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Shanghai to Hong Kong, 1911-1941

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/24
Scope and Contents Original semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. The later volumes include copies of semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Shanghai, 1930-1934, and two volumes of duplicate letters (J1/24/27 and J1/24/29).The correspondents are C.E. Anton, R.M. Austin, B.D.F. Beith, John Bell-Irving, D.G.M. Bernard, R.E. Coxon, T.S. Forrest, R. Gordon, John Johnstone, Henry Keswick, J.H. Keswick; W.J. Keswick, David...
Dates: 1911-1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Shanghai to Hong Kong, 1943-1954

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/145
Scope and Contents

Original semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are Robin Gordon, J.H. Keswick, D.F. Landale, H.H. Lennox, J.J. Paterson and F.A. Pollock.

Dates: 1943-1954
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Shanghai to Hong Kong, 1943-1958 (mainly 1943-1956)

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/229
Scope and Contents Copies of semi-official letters from Shanghai to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with enclosed letters and papers. The first part of the series is comprised of letters from Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd's Shanghai office. The office closed in 1954, but Thomas Beesley remained in China during the first part of 1955 to attend to outstanding issues relating to the the closure. The firm was represented subsequently at Shanghai by T.W. Pan, Y.C. Liu and Jack Yuan. Liu was appointed as the...
Dates: 1943-1958 (mainly 1943-1956)
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Shanghai to Ichang, 10 Apr. 1929-1 May 1941

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/65
Scope and Contents Copies of semi-official letters nos 12-64, 66-121, 123-131, 133, 134, 136-140, 142 and 144 from R.M. Austin, B.D.F. Beith, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, J.J. Paterson and F.A. Pollock, Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to J.R. Allan, L.G. Frost, F.M. Ide and Andrew Ross, Jardine Matheson, Ichang, 10 April 1929-1 May 1941, with enclosed letters and papers.There are also copies of unnumbered semi-official letters, 22 February and 15 March 1939, and nos 1, 2 and 5-21, 28 March 1939-8 May...
Dates: 10 Apr. 1929-1 May 1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Shanghai to London, 1935-1941

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/23
Scope and Contents

Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, with enclosed letters and papers, including newscuttings. The correspondents are B.D.F. Beith, D.G.M. Bernard, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, D.F. Landale, J.J. Paterson and F.A. Pollock.

Dates: 1935-1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

Semi-official letters from Shanghai to Tientsin, 1929-1936

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS JM/J1/71
Scope and Contents Semi-official letters nos 121-269 from R.M. Austin, B.D.F. Beith and J.J. Paterson to J.C. Taylor, with enclosed letters and papers.The file includes the following subjects (among others):A: Annual accounts.B: Beer; Blumenthal.C: Carpets; Chinese Government railway debts; E.B. Clarke (staff); coal.D: Dogskins.F: Flour; furs.G: Goatskins.H: Herzic & Hart Inc.I: Indo-China Steam Navigation Co. Ltd;...
Dates: 1929-1936
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at Records described in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers. Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.
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