United Nations
Found in 129 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 11 May 1945
Telegram from WSC to Anthony Eden [later Lord Avon, Foreign Secretary, San Francisco, United States] marked "Personal and Top Secret" expressing concern at the possible withdrawal of American troops from Europe and British demobilisation, leaving the Soviet Union in the dominant position; and stating that these issues are more important than a "world constitution which may never come into being till it is superseded after a period of appeasement by a third world war".
(Untitled), 14 May 1945
(Untitled), 27 May 1945
(Untitled), 26 Jun 1945
Telegram from WSC to Lord Halifax [earlier Edward Wood and Lord Irwin, British Ambassador to the United States] (San Francisco [United States]) congratulating him and the United Kingdom Delegation on the conclusion of the San Francisco Conference.
(Untitled), 27 Jun 1945
Telegram from Lord Halifax [earlier Edward Wood and Lord Irwin, British Ambassador to the United States] (San Francisco [United States]) to WSC thanking him on behalf of the United Kingdom Delegation for WSC's congratulations on the conclusion of the San Francisco Conference.
(Untitled), 02 Jul 1945
Telegram from WSC to Edward Stettinius congratulating him on his appointment as the United States representative on the United Nations Security Council and Chairman of the US Delegation to the General Assembly. [Copy].
(Untitled), 08 Feb 1945
Telegram from WSC [Yalta, Soviet Union] to Deputy Prime Minister [Clement Attlee] for the War Cabinet marked "From: Argonaut" and "Jason 220": reporting discussions [at the Yalta Conference] on the Dumbarton Oaks [Washington, United States] recommendations on the United Nations Assembly, the future Polish government, reparations, military matters, and the British oil reserve; [describing Yalta and the Crimea]; and commenting on his immediate plans [after the Conference]. [Copy].
(Untitled), 10 Feb 1945
(Untitled), 23 Apr 1945
(Untitled), 26 Apr 1945
Telegram from Foreign Secretary [Anthony Eden, later Lord Avon] (San Francisco [United States]) to WSC marked "Personal and Top Secret" reporting that he has already "tapped the fount of [Field Marshal Jan] Smuts' [Prime Minister of South Africa] deep wisdom"; and stating that he agrees with the need to stiffen the Americans' attitude to the Soviet Union over Poland. Copy.
(Untitled), 27 Apr 1945
(Untitled), 27 Apr 1945
Telegram from WSC to Deputy Prime Minister [Clement Attlee] and Foreign Secretary [Anthony Eden, later Lord Avon] (San Francisco [United States]) stating that the War Cabinet has agreed to stick to its decision not to attach a TUC representative to the British Delegation [to the San Francisco Conference]. Carbon copy.
(Untitled), 27 Apr 1945
(Untitled), 27 Apr 1945 - 28 Apr 1945
Telegram from Deputy Prime Minister [Clement Attlee] (San Francisco [United States]) to WSC reporting on Anthony Eden's [later Lord Avon, Foreign Secretary] speech to the San Francisco Conference and other Conference matters. Despatched on 28 April. Carbon copy.
(Untitled), 29 Apr 1945
Telegram from WSC to Anthony Eden [later Lord Avon, Foreign Secretary] (San Francisco [United States]) marked "Personal and Top Secret" and "Private and Confidential" commenting on Eden's performance at the San Francisco Conference; the likelihood of an election in the near future; and on his telegram to Marshal Stalin on the "Polish deadlock" [see CHAR 20/216/104-109]. Carbon copy.
(Untitled), 29 Apr 1945 - 30 Apr 1945
(Untitled), 02 May 1945
(Untitled), 28 Feb 1945
Telegram from Dr Herbert Evatt [Australian Attorney General and Minister for External Affairs] to WSC marked "Secret" stating that the Australian representatives at both the San Francisco [United States] Conference and the Conference of the British Commonwealth prior to it will be Francis Forde [Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Army] and himself; and suggesting London rather than Canada as the location for the latter. Photocopy.
(Untitled), 21 Apr 1945
(Untitled), 23 Apr 1945
(Untitled), 23 Apr 1945
(Untitled), 22 Apr 1945 - 23 Apr 1945
(Untitled), 04 Oct 1944
Telegram from WSC to President Roosevelt marked "Personal, Private and Top Secret" informing him that Anthony Eden [later Lord Avon, Foreign Secretary] and he will be starting their journey to Moscow on 7 October; requesting that Roosevelt send a message approving the mission to Marshal Stalin; stating that he wants to find out more about Soviet intentions in the Far East; that the main talks will be about Poland; that Dumbarton Oaks [Washington, United States] will be discussed. Copy.
(Untitled), 07 Oct 1944
Telegram from WSC to Prime Minister of Canada [Mackenzie King] marked "Top Secret and Personal" stating that he will give full consideration to King's views on the Dumbarton Oaks [Washington, United States] recommendations but that he feels they must acquiesce to United States wishes with regard to early publication of the plans.
(Untitled), 28 Sep 1944
Telegram from Mackenzie King [Prime Minister of Canada] to WSC marked "Personal and Top Secret" informing him that he agrees with Field Marshal Jan Smuts [Prime Minister of South Africa] that Dumbarton Oaks [Washington, United States] proposals be reconsidered in light of Soviet objections and suggesting that official publication of the plan be deferred, giving detailed reasons behind his thinking.
Additional filters:
- ARCHON code (for CUL materials)
- Royal Commonwealth Soc. (GBR/0115) 1
- Type
- Archival Object 126
- Collection 3
- Subject
- Soviet Union 31
- International cooperation 24
- East West relations 23
- United States (nation) 23
- Western Europe 23
- International tensions 22
- Germany 20
- Foreign policy 19
- Speeches 19
- Nuclear warfare 18
- France 14
- Communism 13
- Economic conditions 12
- Economic policy 11
- United States 10
- India (nation) 9
- Transport 9
- Awards 8
- Labour relations 8
- Trade unions 8
- Air warfare 7
- Colonialism 7
- Diplomacy 7
- Egypt 7
- Literature 7
- Planning 7
- Armed forces 6
- Elections 6
- Gulf War (1990-1991) 6
- Iraq 6
- Postwar reconstruction 6
- Scotland 6
- Second World War (1939-1945) 6
- Social reform 6
- Civil aviation 5
- Falklands War (1982) 5
- Palestine 5
- Asia-Pacific War, 1941-1945 4
- Education 4
- Energy policy 4
- European administration 4
- Intelligence 4
- Maritime transport 4
- Nuclear energy 4
- Science 4
- Wales 4
- Women 4
- Agriculture 3
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- Defence 3
- Iraq (nation) 3
- Iraq War (2003-2011) 3
- Ireland (nation) 3
- Military equipment 3
- Northern Ireland 3
- Rhodesia 3
- Russia 3
- Strikes 3
- Yugoslav War (1991-1995) 3
- Zimbabwe 3
- Canada 2
- Canada (nation) 2
- China (nation) 2
- Disarmament 2
- Dubai 2
- European cooperation 2
- Food 2
- Free trade 2
- Greece 2
- Holocaust 2
- Iranian revolution (1979) 2
- Ireland 2
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- Public health 2
- Reading 2
- Religion 2
- Saudi Arabia 2
- State security 2
- Turkey 2
- United Arab Emirates 2
- Abu Dhabi 1
- Angola 1
- Arms sales 1
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- Asia (continent) 1
- Australia (nation) 1
- Battle of the Atlantic (1939-1945) 1
- Belgium (nation) 1
- Bosnia and Hercegovina 1
- Business 1
- Charities 1
- Childhood 1
- Civil defence 1
- Congo 1
- Congo, Democratic Republic of the (nation) 1
- Constitutional history 1 + ∧ less