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Benn, Anthony Neil Wedgwood, 1925-2014 (Politician)



  • Existence: 1925 - 2014


Found in 17 Collections and/or Records:


1983 Pilot Episode Artwork, 1982 - 1983

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/1/2/1/1
Scope and Contents

A visifile containing a bundle of working drawings for the unaired 1983 'Spitting Image' pilot episode. This bundle includes drawings for: hand puppets, puppets, and sets (SI/602 to 652, and SI/663).

Dates: 1982 - 1983
Conditions Governing Access: From the Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

1988 Leadership and deputy leadership elections, 1987-11 - 1988-10

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 2/1/115
Scope and Contents Correspondence and papers on the challenge to NK for leadership of the party from Tony Benn and Eric Heffer. Correspondents include: Stanley Clinton Davis; Philip Kelly, Editor of Tribune; Sam McCluskie, General Secretary, National Union of Seamen, on his support for John Prescott; Peter Mandelson, Director of Campaigns and Communications; Frank Cook; Nick Brown; Allan Roberts; [Lawrence] Tom Sawyer, Deputy General Secretary, National Union of Public Employees (NUPE); Ron Todd, General...
Dates: 1987-11 - 1988-10
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

"Behind the Vote", Labour’s Chesterfield By-Election Campaign, 1984

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 26/1/16
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series:

Includes: recordings of television interviews with NK and other members of the Shadow Cabinet; recordings of news bulletins featuring NK and Labour; recordings of speeches from Conference; party political broadcasts and election broadcasts; political documentaries; recordings of Prime Minister’s Questions, from the House of Commons.

Dates: 1984
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Deputy leadership letters: A, pro NK and supportive, 1981-06 - 1981-10

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 2/1/5
Scope and Contents

Mainly letters from the general public.

Dates: 1981-06 - 1981-10
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Deputy leadership letters: B, pro Benn and abusive, 1981-09 - 1981-10

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 2/1/6
Scope and Contents

Mainly letters from the general public.

Dates: 1981-09 - 1981-10
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

"Hanly’s People": programme with Tony Benn, 1989-12-10

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 26/1/160
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series:

Includes: recordings of television interviews with NK and other members of the Shadow Cabinet; recordings of news bulletins featuring NK and Labour; recordings of speeches from Conference; party political broadcasts and election broadcasts; political documentaries; recordings of Prime Minister’s Questions, from the House of Commons.

Dates: 1989-12-10
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

History, 1979-06 - 1984-06

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 2/1/4
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, statements and papers on subjects including: Tony Benn’s Deputy Leadership bid; Labour’s reaction to the Falklands War; action against Militant; reform of the party electoral system, particularly the election of the party leader and the reselection process.

Dates: 1979-06 - 1984-06
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Interview with Tony Benn, 1996-05-15

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL AS 3/25
Scope and Contents From the Fonds:

Material distinct from Enoch Powell's own papers as it has a different provenance (it was not maintained with Powell's own archive) and cannot be considered as having been generated by the same processes as Powell's papers.

Dates: 1996-05-15
Conditions Governing Access: From the File: Access copies available.

Miscellaneous Items, 1979, 1985 - 1997

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/5/4
Scope and Contents A box of published material produced by various organisations, the contents of which have some relation to Spitting Image, Spitting Image Productions Limited or Roger Law. The following items are present:1. A blue album that contains tearsheets of magazine front covers, and examples of advert posters for Mannesmann Tally printers. These items feature Spitting Image puppets. There is also a front cover for a 1979 issue of ...
Dates: Publication: 1979; Publication: 1985 - 1997
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Miscellaneous Magazines with Commissioned Work, 1975 - 1982

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/2/2/3/12
Scope and Contents A box containing a variety of British and international magazines, along with tearsheets, which feature plasticine model illustrations by Luck & Flaw.The following are present:1. Issue November-December 1975 of the magazine, Drive, published by the British motoring association, The AA. Pages 16 to 22 feature illustrations that accompany an article about the MOT test. The photographic image was taken by Bob Cramp (L&F/90...
Dates: Publication: 1975 - 1982
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is restricted pending cataloguing. Researchers wishing to access the collection require permission from the Keeper of Archives and Modern Manuscripts and will need to sign a Data Release form. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Research Material, 1983 - 1986

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/3/8/2/1/1
Scope and Contents A box containing seven sub-files with research material collected by Lewis Chester, connected to his work on the publication, Tooth & Claw: The Inside Story of Spitting Image. The following are present: 1. A folder with letters received by Chester from Spitting Image's 'victims' (i.e. the celebrities and politicians that were the subjects of the show's activities). These individuals were asked by Chester for their opinion on...
Dates: 1983 - 1986
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Sunday Express Magazine, 1984 - 1986

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/5/2/7
Scope and Contents Items relating to the British newspaper supplement, Sunday Express Magazine. The following items are present:1. The 19 February 1984 issue - page 9 has an item relating to Spitting Image, which includes an image of the puppet for the British politician, Tony Benn.2. Tearsheets for the 28 September 1986 issue. There is a tearsheet for the issue's cover, which has a photograph of British politician, Roy Hattersley,...
Dates: Publication: 1984 - 1986
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

The Economist, 1975 - 1979

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/2/2/3/8
Scope and Contents A file containing full issues and tearsheets for the British weekly current affairs magazine/newspaper, The Economist, which feature Luck & Flaw plasticine model illustrations. All these illustrations appear on the front covers of the issues.The following are present:1. Two tearsheets containing the front cover of issue 20-26 December 1975, which features an illustration of British Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, depicted as a car salesman;...
Dates: Publication: 1975 - 1979
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is restricted pending cataloguing. Researchers wishing to access the collection require permission from the Keeper of Archives and Modern Manuscripts and will need to sign a Data Release form. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

The Sunday Times Magazine, 1976 - 1982

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/2/2/3/10
Scope and Contents A box containing issues and tearsheets for British newspaper Sunday supplement, The Sunday Times Magazine, which feature Luck & Flaw plasticine model illustrations. One of the issues also has an article that features the partnership's ceramic ware.The following are present:1. Issue 4 July 1976, which features illustrations of the party nominees for the 1976 American presidential election. There is an illustration of Jimmy Carter (L+F/30) on...
Dates: Publication: 1976 - 1982
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is restricted pending cataloguing. Researchers wishing to access the collection require permission from the Keeper of Archives and Modern Manuscripts and will need to sign a Data Release form. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Tony Benn and the Labour Campaign Group, 1981-09 - 1987-02

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 2/1/70
Scope and Contents

Correspondence and papers on the direction of the group and the left wing of the party, including: memoranda by Benn and Eric Heffer on rethinking foreign policy, the direction of the party, head office organisation, the policy programme for 1986, the case for closing all American military bases in Britain and party discipline; a letter from Benn suggesting a Motion of Censure against the Government to allow a full debate on the Miners’ Strike.

Dates: 1981-09 - 1987-02
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Transparencies, 1975 - 1983

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/2/3/2
Scope and Contents Four boxes containing an assortment of 63mm x 63mm and 126mm x 120mm photographic transparencies, along with 35mm slides, which feature images of Luck & Flaw plasticine model illustrations that were published in various magazines, newspapers and other mediums. The contents of the four boxes are in alphabetical order, based on the subject(s) of the illustrations or the title of the work, and are split into the following: A to C, D to G, H to R, and S to W. The final box also has three...
Dates: 1975 - 1983
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Access to the collection is restricted pending cataloguing. Researchers wishing to access the collection require permission from the Keeper of Archives and Modern Manuscripts and will need to sign a Data Release form. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Tributes to Lord Brockway, 1988-08

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 26/2/86
Scope and Contents

Speeches by Tony Benn, NK and others in tribute to [Archibald] Fenner Brockway.

Dates: 1988-08
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Series: Access copies available.

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ARCHON code (for CUL materials)
Archives and MSS Dept. (GBR/0012) 8
Elections 1
Falklands War (1982) 1