Africa (continent)
Found in 20097 Collections and/or Records:
A settler's hut on the Chartered Company's, Crocodile River, 1907, 1907
85 x 85 mm. Negative only.
A "Shauri", Mumias 1899, 1899
A ship's boat, Zanzibar, 1933 - 1964
165 x 210 mm.
A shoot on Kgorwe Flats, 1910 - 1911
86 x 85 mm. Showing birds and small bucks hanging in camp, with five dogs standing in the foreground.
A sickly tree, Mamu, Southern Nigeria, 1903 - 1910
78 x 98 mm. A view showing a sickly ten year old tree covered with fruit at Mamu.
A sickly young tree, Mamu, Southern Nigeria, 1903 - 1910
78 x 99 mm. A view showing the leaves of a sickly young tree with profuse flower development.
A simsim mill, 1939 - 1941
115 x 85 mm. Showing a shelter under which there are three men, a camel and sacks of grain, presumably.
A sinister woman at Mona, 1934
A caption reads: 'The inhabitants of this village are very mixed. Arab - Mousgoum - Bagarmi - Bananas - Tuparis and this woman doubtless is of a good mixture'. Logone River, Chad.
A sinister woman at Mona, 1934
A caption reads: 'The inhabitants of this village are very mixed. Arab - Mousgoum - Bagarmi - Bananas - Tuparis and this woman doubtless is of a good mixture'. Logone River, Chad.
A sisal grower and his African assistant examine newly planted bulbils in an estate nursery, 1945
The typewritten caption on the reverse reads 'These will be replanted in fields after nine to twelve months growth'.
A sister with a patient in a ward of Butha Buthe [i.e. Butha-Buthe] Mission Hospital, 1963-07
200 x 157 mm. Showing an African sister standing beside a patient's bed in the mission hospital.
A Sitwell unit at Fort Gerry, 1895 - 1898
217 x 162 mm.
'A sketch of four sand storms passing over the Kalahara [Kalahari] Desert before the rainy season sets in', Dec. 1874
'A sketch of some ancient ruins in Matabeleland north of Camalo River, much dilapidated as the loose stones lie about in every direction', 1877
The caption reads, 'The walls are built of hewn stone. There was an inner fort surrounded by a high wall when in a perfect state, both enclosures are full of large trees and it is not seen until well within the outer enclosure and would be mistaken for a [offensive word not transcribed] Kraal. The trees are omitted as it would be impossible to see the ruins if they were shown. Taken in 1877. The outer wall 110 feet square, the inner wall 35 feet square' [historic caption].
'A sketch of the first British soldiers that ever crossed the Vaal River in South Africa, a review of part of the 24th Regiment and two guns of the Royal Artillery, sent up to the Diamond fields to maintain order amongst the diggers about 1871', 1879
Water colours and pen and ink sketches documenting Anderson's travels in southern Africa, accompanied by his original captions and explanatory notes. The original titles and captions have been enclosed in single quotation marks, and have been transcribed in the catalogue as found, with the exception of an egregiously offensive term used in some titles, which has not been transcribed. Where possible, modern place names have been supplied.
'A sketch on a branch of the Notuane [Notwane] River, 1868', 1868
Water colours and pen and ink sketches documenting Anderson's travels in southern Africa, accompanied by his original captions and explanatory notes. The original titles and captions have been enclosed in single quotation marks, and have been transcribed in the catalogue as found, with the exception of an egregiously offensive term used in some titles, which has not been transcribed. Where possible, modern place names have been supplied.
'A sketch on branch of the Notuane [Notwane River], 1868', 1868
Water colours and pen and ink sketches documenting Anderson's travels in southern Africa, accompanied by his original captions and explanatory notes. The original titles and captions have been enclosed in single quotation marks, and have been transcribed in the catalogue as found, with the exception of an egregiously offensive term used in some titles, which has not been transcribed. Where possible, modern place names have been supplied.
A small bush fire, Obuasi, 1938 - 1939
85 x 60 mm.
A small rest house in a remote part of a mission district… built for the service of a missionary who itinerates, at Sagala, 1900s, 1900 - 1917
160 x 119 mm.
A snake charmer with his black cobra in Pemba Island, 1930 - 1950
160 x 210 mm.
[A snake charmer with his black cobra in Pemba Island], 1930 - 1950
160 x 210 mm.
[A snake charmer with his black cobra in Pemba Island], 1930 - 1950
160 x 210 mm.
[A snake charmer with his black cobra in Pemba Island], 1930 - 1950
110 x 160 mm.
A Solemn and Binding Agreement, 1979-12-21
176 x 238 mm. Showing (right to left) guerrilla leaders Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo, Sir Ian Gilmour (Lord Carrington’s deputy), Lord Carrington and Bishop Abel Muzorewa former Rhodesian Premier. Watching (background left to right) Mr Francis Pym, Secretary of State for Defence, and Premier Margaret Thatcher.
A Somali on Towawa, the top rock of Wagga, pointing to the sea, 1908
Quarter-plate (landscape format). [No print]. Missing.