Keswick, Sir John Henry, 1906-1982 (Knight, businessman)
- Existence: 1906 - 1982
John Henry Keswick joined Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd in 1929. He was employed in several departments in China before working in the Private Office at Hong Kong and Shanghai, and subsequently joined Matheson & Co. Ltd. He was a Director of both Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd and Matheson & Co. Ltd. He was the son of Henry Keswick (1870-1928) of Jardine, Matheson & Co. Ltd and Matheson & Co. Ltd.
Found in 202 Collections and/or Records:
Semi-official letters from Coonoor to London, 1958-1972
An incomplete series of originals and copies of semi-official letters from Matheson, Bosanquet & Co. Ltd, Coonoor, to Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are H. Flint, D.M. Hacking, M.A.R. Herries, H.S. Jackson, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, P.S.M. Molyneaux, M.S. Parikh and R.H. Sundaram.
Semi-official letters from Hankow to Shanghai, 1938-1941
Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hankow, to Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are H.A. Allan, W.S. Dupree, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick and F.A. Pollock.
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong and Shanghai to Taipei, 1929-1941
Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong and Shanghai, to Jardine Matheson, Taipei, with enclosed letters and papers. There are also a few letters from Taipei to Hong Kong. The correspondents are B.D.F. Beith, B.E. Bolton, I.D. Bruce, R.E. Coxon, R. Gordon, C. Griffin, C.S. Hayley, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, H. Lachlan, D.F. Landale, D.L. Newbigging, J.J. Paterson, F.A. Pollock, A.B. Stafford and A.B. Stewart.
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Australia, 1953-1978
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to British West Indies, 17 Sep. 1954-20 May 1958
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Hankow, 18 July 1951-11 Dec. 1954
Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine Matheson, Hankow:
1. Unnumbered letters from J.H. Keswick to W.J. Wu, 18 July 1951-17 December 1952.
2. No. 1 from R. Gordon to W.J. Wu., 29 December 1953.
3. Nos 1-31 from R. Gordon (mainly) and J.H. Keswick to W.J. Wu, 20 January-11 December 1954, with some enclosed papers.
The ring-binder is labelled 'File I'.
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Korea, 1948-1963
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to London, 1945-1983
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to London, 1945-1975
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to New York, 2 Feb. 1953-29 Dec. 1962
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to New York and between London and Tokyo, 2 Jan. 1957-31 Dec. 1957
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Shanghai, 1935-1941
Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are B.D.F. Beith, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, D.F. Landale, D.L. Newbigging, J.J. Paterson and F.A. Pollock.
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Shanghai, 1945-1954
Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are H.D.M. Barton, T. Beesley, R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick, D.F. Landale, H.H. Lennox, M.H. Lo, J.J. Paterson, F.A. Pollock, J.C. Taylor and E.F. Watts.
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Shanghai, 1945-1960
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Singapore, 1954-1975
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Singapore, 1954-1978
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Tokyo, 1948-1976
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Tokyo and Yokohama, 1947-1978 (1947-1952 and 1954-1978)
Semi-official letters from Hong Kong to Tsingtao, 16 Nov. 1951-10 Apr. 1953
Copies of unnumbered semi-official letters from J.H. Keswick (mainly) and E.F. Watts, Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to P.J. Marques, Jardine Matheson, Tsingtao, 16 November 1951, 24 November 1951, 4 December 1951, 4 April 1952, 27 June 1952, 6 September 1952, 18 September 1952, 30 September 1952, 17 December 1952, 23 December 1952, 16 March 1953 and 10 April 1953, and Jack Yuan, Jardine Matheson, Tsingtao, 25 April 1952. The ring-binder is labelled 'File I'.
Semi-official letters from Ichang to Shanghai, 21 Mar. 1929-17 June 1941
Semi-official letters from Kobe and Yokohama to Shanghai, 1929-1940
Copies of semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Kobe and Yokohama, to Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are R.M. Austin, B.D.F. Beith, R.G. Bell, J.H. Keswick, W.J. Keswick, A. McDonald, J.J. Paterson and H.F. Scudamore.
Semi-official letters from London to British West Indies, 1954-1958
Semi-official letters from London to Hong Kong, 1945-1983
Semi-official letters from London to Hong Kong, 1945-1975
Semi-official letters from London to Shanghai, 1945-1954
Copies of semi-official letters from Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, to Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, with enclosed letters and papers. The correspondents are R. Gordon, J.H. Keswick. W.J. Keswick, D.F. Landale, H.H. Lennox, J.F. Owen, F.A. Pollock and W.E.D. Smith.