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ITV Central (Regional Television Network) (1980-) (United Kingdom)



  • Existence: 1980-


Found in 48 Collections and/or Records:

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1990 Compilation Episodes, 1988 - 1990

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/2/3
Scope and Contents

A box containing six sub-files with post-production scripts for all six episodes of the 1990 Spitting Image compilation series, originally aired on British television between 21 July and 25 August 1990. These programmes featured sketches taken from series 5 and 6.

Also present are two sub-files with correspondence and other related documentation concerning the compilation episodes.

Dates: 1988 - 1990
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Sub-Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

1995 New Year Special, 1994 - 1995

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/4/6
Scope and Contents

A file containing a post-production script for the 1995 Spitting Image New Year special episode.

Dates: 1994 - 1995
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Sub-Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

British Specials, 1987 - 1995

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/4
Scope and Contents

Post-production scripts and other material relating to special Spitting Image episodes, primarily produced for British television. The files in this section represent all the British specials produced, except for the 1993 Spitting Image Pantomime, which aired on 26 December.

Dates: 1987 - 1995
Conditions Governing Access: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Bumbledown: The Life and Times of Ronald Reagan, 1988 - 1989

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/4/3
Scope and Contents Two files containing production material relating to the Spitting Image special episode, Bumbledown: The Life and Times of Ronald Reagan. One file contains a post-production script and a programme running order for the full version, which was aired on 29 October 1988. The other file contains a post-production script, a programme running order, and a document with writers' information for the re-edited 'short version' of the episode,...
Dates: 1988 - 1989
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Sub-Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Central Independent Television Promotional Folder, 1983

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/7/2/1/1
Scope and Contents A Central Independent Television promotional folder advertising its winter programming for 1983-1984. The front and back covers feature images of the Spitting Image puppets for the British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, and American President, Ronald Reagan. Inside the folder, there is a bundle of photocopy press-cuttings with stories about the upcoming first series of Spitting Image.The original reference number for this...
Dates: 1983
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Christmas Special, 1987

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/4/2
Scope and Contents

Two files containing a production script, a banking script, and a post-production script for the 1987 Spitting Image Christmas special episode, which are on 27 December 1987.

Dates: 1987
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Sub-Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Compilation Episodes, 1984 - 1994

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/2
Scope and Contents

Post-productions scripts, along with a small amount of other documentation, relating to Spitting Image compilation episodes.

Dates: 1984 - 1994
Conditions Governing Access: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Compilation Episodes, 1991

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/2/4
Scope and Contents

A box containing six sub-files with post-production scripts for all six episodes of the 1991 Spitting Image compilation series, originally aired on British television between 8 June and 30 July 1991. These programmes featured sketches taken from series 7 and 8.

Dates: 1991
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Sub-Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Compilation for America, 1984

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/2/1
Scope and Contents

Two files containing post-production scripts for two versions of a Spitting Image compilation episode, produced for the American television market. One of the versions is labelled as 're-edited,' and is shorter in time length than the other version of the compilation episode. Also present is a list of sketches found in the '30 minute international compilation tape,' which notes writer, time length of sketch, and the fee owed for the sketch.

Dates: 1984
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Sub-Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Distribution and Production Agreements, 1990 - 1996

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/3/3
Scope and Contents

Production and distribution agreements connected to the Spitting Image Productions Limited/HIT Entertainment television puppet series, Winjin' Pom. There is a production agreement between SIPL and Central Independent Television, and several distribution contract addenda between SIPL and HIT Entertainment.

Dates: 1990 - 1996
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

EMI Music Publishing, 1992 - 1998

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/6/3
Scope and Contents

A file containing correspondence and agreements between Spitting Image Productions Limited and EMI Music Publishing, regarding the exploitation of Spitting Image and other SIPL-related music. Also present are copies of music cue sheets for the Spitting Image Pantomime and from series 15 of the show, and copies of composer and lyricist agreements.

Dates: 1992 - 1998
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Financial Correspondence and Accompanying Material, 1986 - 1989

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/9/1/2
Scope and Contents A file of correspondence, invoices and other material of a financial nature, addressed to Roger Law and to Peter Fluck. Topics include, but are not limited to: fees paid to Law and Fluck from Central Independent Television, relating to their contract, repeat fees, and the sale of Spitting Image to international markets; fees paid to Law and Fluck from Faber & Faber, regarding their work on the Treasure Island publication; the sale of...
Dates: 1986 - 1989
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

General Bundle of Magazines and Journals, 1984 - 1997

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/5/2/13
Scope and Contents Issues and tearsheets for various British and International magazines, journals and other publications; which contain articles and/or images relating to either Spitting Image, Spitting Image Productions Limited and its various activities, Roger Law or Peter Fluck. In some cases, Spitting Image is merely mentioned in passing. The following items are present:1. Tearsheets from the 14 December 1985 (No. 25/26) issue of the Dutch...
Dates: Publication: 1984 - 1997
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

General Election Special, 1987

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/4/1
Scope and Contents

Two files containing a post-production script, a camera script, a writers' breakdown document, and other items relating to Spitting Image's 1987 British general election special episode, which aired on 11 June 1987.

Dates: 1987
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Sub-Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

General Election Special, 1992

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/4/5
Scope and Contents

Two files containing production-related material for the 1992 Spitting Image British general election special episode, which aired on 8 April 1992. One file contains a post-production script, along with a document with writers' information for that episode. The other file holds writers' records sheets.

Dates: 1992
Conditions Governing Access: Part closed. The file containing writers' record sheets is closed until January 2065, under the Archive’s confidentiality guidelines for sensitive data (in compliance with the Data Protection Act (2018)).

Hysteria! Charity Event, 1987

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/7/2/2/2
Scope and Contents A file relating to Spitting Image Productions Limited's involvement in an AIDS charity concert, Hysteria!, which was held at Victoria Palace Theatre, London, on 7 June 1987. SIPL provided puppets, voice actors and puppeteers, and workshop/production crew for the event. The file includes: correspondence between SIPL and Central Independent Television, regarding permission for the former to be involved in the concert; a document listing details about the event and...
Dates: 1987
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Pilots and Series 1 to 18, 1983 - 1996

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/1
Scope and Contents Scripts for all regular episodes of the 18 series of Spitting Image, along with the script for the original, unaired 1983 pilot episode; and scripts for an American pilot that was never made. There are various forms of scripts present, including: rehearsal, camera, production, and post-production. These different scripts represent various stages or aspects of an episode's production. However, post-production scripts are the most prevalent in this section, and the...
Dates: 1983 - 1996
Conditions Governing Access: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Premios Ondas Certificate, 1984

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/11/1
Scope and Contents

A framed Premios Ondas certificate, presented by Radio Barcelona to Spitting Image and Central Independent Television. The certificate does not state the purpose of the award.

Dates: 1984
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Production Agreement Between Central Television and Spitting Image Productions Limited, 1990

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/3/3/1
Scope and Contents

A photocopy of an unsigned version of a production agreement between Central Independent Television and Spitting Image Productions Limited, relating to the television puppet series, Winjin' Pom. The original document was prepared by Central and is dated 6 September 1990.

Dates: 1990
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Research Material, 1983 - 1986

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/3/8/2/1/1
Scope and Contents A box containing seven sub-files with research material collected by Lewis Chester, connected to his work on the publication, Tooth & Claw: The Inside Story of Spitting Image. The following are present: 1. A folder with letters received by Chester from Spitting Image's 'victims' (i.e. the celebrities and politicians that were the subjects of the show's activities). These individuals were asked by Chester for their opinion on...
Dates: 1983 - 1986
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Rose d'Or de Montreux Certificate, 1985

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/11/5
Scope and Contents

A Rose d'Or de Montreux certificate, presented to Spitting Image and Central Independent Television. The certificate states that the jury of the 25th competition 'a attribué une mention' to Central for the programme.

Dates: 1985
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Rubber Movies, 1993

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/6/1/19
Scope and Contents A ring-bound and signed development agreement, dated 11 October 1993, between Central Broadcasting Limited [appears to have been a branch of Central Independent Television] and Spitting Image Productions Limited. SIPL are tasked with delivering a 25-minute script and five detailed treatments [a written summary for a television show or episode idea] for a puppet comedy series, provisionally titled Rubber Movies. It appears that this project did not go beyond the...
Dates: 1993
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Fonds: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Scripts and Accompanying Material, 1983 - 1996

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2
Scope and Contents

A range of scripts, along with episode running order documents, writers' record sheets, and other documentation relating to the Spitting Image television series. This section has been subdivided into the following: pilots and series 1 to 18 episodes; compilation episodes; specials made for the American television network, NBC; and special episodes made primarily for British television.

Dates: 1983 - 1996
Conditions Governing Access: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Series 1, 1984

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/1/2
Scope and Contents Two boxes containing 15 sub-files holding various forms of scripts for all 12 episodes of series 1 Spitting Image, which originally aired on British television between 26 February and 17 June 1984. The different kinds of scripts present are: rehearsal; camera; production; and post-production; the latter is the most predominant. Also present in some of the episode sub-files are scripts for 'quickies,' which were short vignettes inserted into a show in the final day...
Dates: 1984
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Sub-Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.

Series 2, 1984 - 1985

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2/1/2/1/3
Scope and Contents Two boxes containing 20 sub-files with various forms of scripts and accompanying material relating to all 11 episodes of series 2 Spitting Image, which originally aired on British television between 6 January and 24 March 1985. The first box holds the scripts for the 11 episodes, most of which are post-production scripts, though the occasional camera script also appears. There are also scripts for 'topicals' [also known as 'quickies'], which were short vignettes...
Dates: 1984 - 1985
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Sub-Sub-Series: See sub-level descriptions for information on access conditions.
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