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Productions Files, 1983 - 1997, 2002

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/2

Scope and Contents

Material relating to the production of television shows, direct-to-video live shows, and animated short films, either produced by Spitting Image Productions Limited or involving their services to television networks and other organisations. There is a range of documentation found in this series, including, but not limited to: contracts for writers and other personnel involved in productions; correspondence; production agreements between SIPL, television channels, and others; proposals; and scripts.

This series has been subdivided into the following: Spitting Image; BBC progammes; Winjin' Pom; Krazy Kat; Suchard chocolate Easter bunnies commercial; Newman and Baddiel live videos; The Big Story; and Channel 4 programmes.

The material in this section is fairly comprehensive in representing SIPL's output in the production of television shows and animated short films, beyond Spitting Image. However, there are a few omissions. There is no paperwork relating to SIPL's involvement in the making of puppets for the British children's television show, Round the Bend, which ran from 1989 to 1991. Furthermore, there is no paperwork for the radio/television show, The Mary Whitehouse Experience, produced for the BBC. There is also no paperwork relating to the various commercials that SIPL and its subsidiaries produced or were involved in for external companies, such as Cadbury's creme and mini eggs, Halls' menthol tablets, and Chiclets' chewing gum. An exception to this is a document concerning a commercial for Suchard chocolate Easter bunnies.


  • Creation: 1983 - 1997
  • Creation: 2002


Conditions Governing Use

See sub-level descriptions for information on copyright ownership.


68 archive box(es) : Paper; photographic material (paper)

1 file(s) (A portfolio.) : Paper

Language of Materials



In production chronological order.

Separated Materials

See sub-level descriptions for information on related material found in other parts of the archive.

Repository Details

Part of the Cambridge University Library Repository

Cambridge University Library
West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DR United Kingdom