Found in 1176 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 31 May 1945
Telegram from President Harry Truman to WSC marked "Personal and Top Secret" stating that he approves of WSC's telegram to General de Gaulle [President of the Provisional Government of the French Republic, on the conflict in Syria].
(Untitled), 31 May 1945 - 01 Jun 1945
Telegram from British Minister to Syria [and Lebanon, Terence Shone] to the Foreign Office passing on a "personal" message from the President of Syria [Shukri Kouatly] to WSC appealing for British assistance in the conflict with France and reporting on the bombing of towns including Damascus. [Despatched on 1 June].
(Untitled), 22 Jun 1945
Telegram from British Ambassador to France, Alfred Duff Cooper [later 1st Lord Norwich], to WSC marked "personal" suggesting either the Minister of State, Middle East [Sir Edward Grigg, later 1st Lord Altrincham], or the Secretary of State for Air [Harold MacMillan, later 1st Lord Stockton] conducts the Levant [Syria and the Lebanon] negotiations.
(Untitled), 01 Jun 1945
Telegram from the President of Syria [Shukri Kouatly] to WSC expressing his gratitude at British intervention in the conflict with the French in his country.
(Untitled), 02 Jun 1945
Telegram from WSC to Sir Hugh Stonehewer Bird [British Ambassador to Iraq] marked "Top Secret" and "Personal" indicating his displeasure over "a complacent attitude on the part of the Arab States and particularly of Iraq" [following British intervention against the French in Syria]; and requesting he emphasise Britain's will to intervene for reasons of "world peace and security" wherever it sees fit. [Copy].
(Untitled), 03 Jun 1945
Telegram from WSC to Commander in Chief Middle East Force [General Sir Bernard Paget] marked "Guard" and "Personal" recommending he "show full consideration to the French" as soon as the situation [in Syria] is in control.
(Untitled), 03 Jun 1945
Telegram from WSC to the President of Syria [Shukri Kouatly] informing him that British forces expect "moderation and helpfulness" from the Syrians in the aftermath of their dispute with the French. [Carbon copy].
(Untitled), 04 Jun 1945
Telegram from Terence Shone, British Minister to Syria [and Lebanon] to WSC passing on a message from the Syrian President [Shukri Kouatly] assuring WSC of his support for him and British policy; and Shone informing WSC that he thinks the President appreciated "the delicacy of the present situation with France". [Copy].
(Untitled), 04 Jun 1945
Telegram from General Sir Bernard Paget [Commander in Chief Middle East Force] to WSC marked "Top Secret" and "Guard" stating that he is trying to show "as much consideration as possible to the French" concerning the situation in Syria and commenting on his dealings with General Beynet.
(Untitled), 05 Jun 1945
Telegram from General Sir Bernard Paget [Commander in Chief Middle East Force] to WSC marked "Guard" and "personal" on relations with the French in Syria and his dealings with General Beynet and Humblot.
(Untitled), 07 Jun 1945
Telegram from WSC to General Sir Bernard Paget [Commander in Chief Middle East Force] marked "Guard" and "personal" approving of "everything" he has done [concerning the conflict with the French in Syria].
(Untitled), 18 Feb 1900
Letter from WSC (Monte Cristo Mountain, near Chieveley, Natal [South Africa]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he describes manoeuvres against the Boer forces which he hopes will relieve Ladysmith. He encloses a telegram [not present] and discusses the action which should be taken about it. Envelope present.
(Untitled), [26] [Feb] [1900]
Letter from WSC ([near Chieveley] South Africa) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he asks her to look into the list of people who should receive copies of ["Savrola"]; reports that they have captured "a great part of the Boer position" and that the continuation of fighting prevents her coming [with the hospital ship Maine] to the area; and asks her to send him copies of several newspapers. Envelope present.
(Untitled), 01 May 1900
(Untitled), 09 Jun 1900
Letter from WSC (Pretoria [South Africa]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] in which he says that he has been unable to write due to "almost ceaseless operations against the enemy" but that he intends to return home. He discusses the military action against the Boers; a future lecture tour in the United States and his hopes that ["London to Ladysmith via Pretoria"] has been well-received. Signed typescript with manuscript corrections.
(Untitled), 21 Dec 1900
(Untitled), 09 Jan 1901
(Untitled), 23 Mar 1901
(Untitled), 19 Dec 1902
Visit to South Africa, 1968-11 - 1969-02
War Office memoranda, 1917-01 - 1917-06
War Office memoranda, 1917-06 - 1917-12
War Office memoranda, 1918-01 - 1918-12
West Indian documents
Loose papers and one newspaper from Patrick and his son James Colquhoun's correspondence files. RCMS 263/1-9 have a cover headed 'Nevis 1820' and RCMS 263/11-31 are in a similar cover '1832 West Indies'. Each has a note of contents, but these do not tally exactly with the items now present.