Second World War (1939-1945)
Found in 2737 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 22 Mar 1945
(Untitled), 23 Mar 1945
Telegram from Commander Charles Thompson [Personal Assistant to the Minister of Defence, Straelen, Germany] to Foreign Office passing on "Personal" message from WSC to Marshal Stalin reporting that he is at Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery's [Commander 21st Army Group] Headquarters; and that orders have just been given to launch the main battle to force the Rhine on a broad front centering around Wesel [Germany].
(Untitled), 29 Mar 1945
Telegram from President Roosevelt to WSC marked "Personal and Top Secret" requesting that WSC asks his Chiefs of Staff to reconsider their withdrawal of support for a project to use pilotless bombers against large industrial targets in Germany.
(Untitled), 12 Jun 1945
Telegram from WSC to General George Marshall [Chief of Staff United States Army] marked "Personal and Top Secret" stating that he is very pleased at Marshall's offer of an air base in Okinawa [Japan].
(Untitled), 29 Apr 1945
Telegram from WSC to Marshal Stalin marked "Personal and Top Secret" informing him that he has just received a telegram from Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander [later Lord Alexander of Tunis, Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean Theatre] stating that representatives of the German forces south of the Alps have accepted the terms of unconditional surrender presented to them. Carbon copy.
(Untitled), 29 Apr 1945
Telegram from WSC to Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander [later Lord Alexander of Tunis, Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean Theatre] marked "Personal and Top Secret" congratulating him on the success of his operations in Italy despite reductions in the strength of his forces.
(Untitled), 16 Apr 1945
Telegram from WSC to Anthony Eden [later Lord Avon, Foreign Secretary] (Washington [United States]) marked "Personal and Top Secret" repeating a report of a meeting between Arthur Seyss-Inquart [Reich Commissioner for Occupied Holland] and the Dutch Underground Movement, where Seyss-Inquart offered terms of surrender for German forces in the Netherlands.
(Untitled), [Jun] [1941]
Charts showing losses at sea of goods from the United States for January to March, broken down into aircraft and equipment, munitions, raw materials, and food and feeds. [Copies].
(Untitled), 11 Jun 1941 - 12 Jun 1941
Minutes [from F A Lindemann, later 1st Lord Cherwell, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on forecast food imports, referring to "W.P.(R) (41) 39", and a chart showing sinkings [see ?CHAR 20/258B/217-218]. [Copies; given running numbers 315 and 316].
(Untitled), 30 Jun 1941
Minute [from 1st Lord Cherwell, earlier F A Lindemann, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on sending heavy bombers into Germany to draw German fighters off Russia. [Copy].
(Untitled), 08 Jul 1941 - 09 Jul 1941
Minutes [from 1st Lord Cherwell, earlier F A Lindemann, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on the idea of WSC writing a letter to the managing director of a particular firm, producing weapons which effectively deal with tanks and aircraft, countering radio beam bombing, and comparing RAF, and German and Italian air force strengths in the Middle East and Mediterranean. [Copies; given running numbers 334, 335, 336, and 337].
(Untitled), 09 Jul 1941 - 10 Jul 1941
(Untitled), 16 Jul 1941 - 23 Jul 1941
(Untitled), 15 Aug 1941 - 20 Aug 1941
(Untitled), 16 Jun 1945
Telegram from WSC to Prime Minister of Canada [Mackenzie King] marked "Top Secret and Personal" appealing to him for Canada to contribute at least 2,500 constructional troops for participation in the strategic bombing of Japan.
(Untitled), 16 Jun 1945
Telegram from WSC to Prime Minister of Canada [Mackenzie King] marked "Top Secret and Personal" giving the text of a note by the Chiefs of Staff on the American proposal for the strategic bombing of Japan.
(Untitled), 19 Jun 1945 - 20 Jun 1945
Telegram from Prime Minister of Canada [Mackenzie King] to WSC marked "Top Secret" giving details of his government's response to the request for Canadian participation in the strategic bombing of Japan [received on 20 June, British time].
(Untitled), 22 Jun 1945
Telegram from President Harry Truman to WSC marked "Personal and Secret" appreciating WSC's message of congratulation at victory in Okinawa [Japan]. [Carbon copy].
(Untitled), 27 Jun 1945 - 28 Jun 1945
Telegram from Prime Minister of Canada [Mackenzie King] to WSC marked "Top Secret and Personal" commenting on information he has received on Soviet conditions for entry into the war with Japan from a Chinese source; and giving the views of the Canadian Ambassador to China, [Victor] Odlum, on Chinese intentions [Despatched on 28 June].
(Untitled), 04 Jul 1945
Telegram from WSC to Prime Minister of Australia [John Curtin] marked "Top Secret and Personal" requesting Australian participation in the British Commonwealth land, sea and air forces against the Japanese main islands, and giving details of proposed changes in the South West Pacific Area command.
(Untitled), 04 Jul 1945
Telegram from WSC to Prime Minister of New Zealand [Peter Fraser] marked "Top Secret and Personal" requesting New Zealand participation in the British Commonwealth land, sea and air forces against the Japanese main islands, and giving details of proposed changes in the South West Pacific Area command.
(Untitled), 04 Jul 1945 - 05 Jul 1945
Telegram from Lord Halifax [earlier Edward Wood and Lord Irwin, British Ambassador to the United States] to WSC and Foreign Secretary [Anthony Eden, later 1st Lord Avon] marked "Secret" stating that Joseph Davies will spend 24 hours in London on the way to the [Berlin, Germany] meeting; giving details of other United States representatives attending; and commenting on Marshal Stalin's possible attitude to Japan. [received 5 July; carbon copy].
(Untitled), 05 Jul 1945
Telegram from WSC to the Prime Ministers or Acting Prime Ministers of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa marked "Top Secret and Personal" informing them of the position concerning Soviet conditions for entry into the war against Japan and their impact on China.
(Untitled), 05 Jul 1945
Telegram from WSC to the Prime Minister of Canada [Mackenzie King] marked "Top Secret and Personal" explaining the position concerning some of the Soviet conditions for entry into the war against Japan, in relation to information obtained by the Canadian Ambassador to China [Victor Odlum].
(Untitled), 02 Jun 1945
Telegram from WSC to President Harry Truman marked "Personal and Top Secret" stating that he is sending him a draft of the last joint statement on the Battle of the Atlantic; and that once it has been issued, he is keen to publish a statement on the "British achievement". [Carbon copy].