Sydney (inhabited place)
Found in 531 Collections and/or Records:
Botanic Gardens, Sydney, New South Wales, 1909
350 x 274 mm. A view from the Botanic Gardens looking out across Farm Cove and the harbour, where ships are at anchor.
Botanical Gardens-Sydney, 1888 - 1889
209 x 155 mm. A view of one of the lakes in the gardens, showing palms and shrubs growing along the bank.
Botany Road [?] from Randwick Road, 1870 - 1879
266 x 202 mm. View looking along Botany Road (later Flinders Street), probably from its junction with Randwick Road. In the left foreground are the premises of W. Knight, tobacconist, with a glaziers and a newsagents beyond on the other side of the road. Further on still, towards Oxford Street, is an unidentified factory.
Botany Street, Redfern, 1870 - 1879
267 x 201 mm. View of a group of shops on Botany Street. At the left is the Stirling Castle Hotel, followed by J.M. Canty, ironmongers; Hankin and Nicoll, boot and shoe warehouse; (?) W.H. Noon; The Live and Let Live public house; and one further small unidentified shop.
Brewery, Elizabeth Street and Albion Street, 1870 - 1879
263 x 203 mm. General view from the junction of Elizabeth Street and Albion Street of an unidentified brewery, a fine sandstone building with brick additions to the tower in the background.
Bridge and Pond, Sydney University, 1895 - 1900
208 x 137 mm. A view of a wooden bridge crossing over a small lake, presumably in Victoria Park, east of the university.
Bridge Street, 1870
238 x 175 mm. A view west along Bridge Street (from the Macquarie Street end) looking down into the town with St Phillip’s Church visible on the skyline on Church Hill.
Bridge Street, Sydney, 1908
A view looking down Bridge Street towards the Domain gates from George Street. On the right hand side of the street can be seen the ornate stone façade of the North Queensland Insurance Co.'s building (later the Burns Philp building), the Royal Exchange, the Lands Office, and in the distance the Chief Secretary's Office (now Department of Works).
Bridge Street, Sydney, looking east from George Street, 1911
A view looking down Bridge Street towards the Domain gates. On the right hand side of the street can be seen the ornate stone façade of the North Queensland Insurance Co. building (later the Burns Philip building), the Royal Exchange, the Lands Office, and in the distance, the Chief Secretary's Office (now the Department of Works).
Broad-leaved Tea-Tree, 1901
153 x 207 mm. Mounted print, mount stamped 'Henry King, Sydney'. A view of a tree in the Botanic Gardens. Handwritten caption on reverse of mount reads 'Broad-leaved Tea-tree (Melacuca Leucadendra, Linn.) Native of Eastern Australia. Planted by H.R.H. the Duke of York in the Sydney Botanical Gardens, 22nd July 1881. Photo 1901'.
Burragong Family Hotel, George Street South, 1870 - 1879
280 x 204 mm. View from a cross-roads (? the George Street junction with Hay Street) looking along the row of shops lining one side of George Street. In the right foreground is E. (or F.) Smith's Burragong Family Hotel; other identifiable commercial premises on George Street are: Louis Uhde and Co., butchers; Fairleigh, Nettheim and Co., leather and grindery merchants at no. 659; A.L. Robinson, tailor at no. 661.
Cabbage Palm, 1901
205 x 152 mm. Mounted print, mount stamped 'Henry King, Sydney'. A view of a tree in the Botanic Gardens. Handwritten caption on reverse of mount reads 'Cabbage Palm (Linistrona Australis mart.) Native of Eastern Australia. Planted by H.R.H. the late Duke of Clarence in the Sydney Botanical Gardens, 22nd July 1881. Photo 1901'.
Castlemaine Brewery, Elizabeth Street, 1870 - 1879
264 x 206 mm. General view from the street of the brewery premises, with the malt house at the rear.
Castlereagh Street, 1870 - 1879
Challis Window, Great Hall, University of Sydney, 1895 - 1900
208 x 95 mm. A view of part of the Royal Window, donated by John Henry Challis, and set in the North-West Recess, which depicts the Kings and Queens of England.
[?] Chalmer's Church, 1870 - 1879
261 x 198 mm. View of a small church or chapel in Gothic style on the corner of two unidentified streets. The pencilled caption is difficult to decipher and the above title is tentative.
Chemical Classrooms, etc., University of Sydney, 1895 - 1900
205 x 134 mm. An exterior view of the cluster of small classrooms.
Chemistry Lecture Room, 1895 - 1900
204 x 151 mm. A view of one wall of the lecture room, covered with printed material and illustrations.
Chief Secretary's Office, Sydney, 1908
A view from the gardens behind, looking through trees and shrubs towards the building, taken from the junction of Macquarie and Bridge Streets. The building now houses the Department of Works.
Christ Church St Laurence, George Street, 1870 - 1879
276 x 200 mm. View looking north along George Street South towards the west end of Christ Church St Laurence, a Gothic revival building of sandstone built between 1843 and 1845 to designs by Henry Robertson and under the supervision of Edmund Blacket.
Chrysophyllum Imperiale, Benth, 1901
153 x 203 mm. Mounted print, mount stamped 'Henry King, Sydney'. A view of a tree in the Botanic Gardens. Handwritten caption on reverse of mount reads 'Chrysophyllum Imperiale Benth. Native of the West Indies and Brazil. Planted by H.R.H. the late Duke of Edinburgh in the Sydney Botanic Gardens in 1868. Photographed 1901'.
Church Hill, 1870 - 1879
274 x 212 mm. View of Wentworth House Private Boarding Establishment, a two storeyed verandahed building on Church Hill. The two other houses in the block, without the elaborate cast-iron verandahs but with similar porches supported on Ionic columns, form part of the same terrace.
Circular Quay, 1870 - 1879
274 x 208 mm. View of warehouses on the Circular Quay. In the left background are the massive premises of Mort and Co., with the warehouses of Harrison, Jones and Devlin and Maiden, Hill and Co. in the foreground.
Circular Quay, 1870 - 1879
270 x 212 mm. View looking along the row of warehouses facing the Circular Quay, with Talbot's Wool Stores in the centre of the group.