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Found in 170 Collections and/or Records:


Books and journalism aborted, 1990-03 - 1995-07

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 3/2/4/9
Scope and Contents Correspondence on cancelled articles, books and media interviews by JEP, with correspondents including: John Coldstream, Literary Editor of the Daily Telegraph (2); Andrew Painter (6); representatives of Brook Productions Limited (4); James Hanning, Features Desk, the Evening Standard (3); Patrick Cormack (3); Sir Peter Tapsell; Simon Heffer, Deputy Editor of the Spectator; Ian Buruma, Foreign Editor of the Spectator (3). Also includes: texts of a review by JEP of a book on...
Dates: 1990-03 - 1995-07
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

Broadcasts, 1955-10 - 1970-02

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 4/1/27
Scope and Contents Annotated transcripts of television and radio interviews and broadcasts by JEP on subjects including: immigration; defence, particularly cuts in the Middle East, British withdrawal from Singapore (in interviews with Denis Healey, Secretary of State for Defence, 1967), and retaining use of nuclear weapons; floating exchange rates; JEP's book on the relationship between the Ministry of Health and the National Health Service, A New Look at Medicine and Politics; Parliamentary privilege and...
Dates: 1955-10 - 1970-02
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

Campaign Directorate, 1984-07 - 1986-02

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 2/1/66
Scope and Contents Memoranda and minutes on strategy for campaigns, mainly by Peter Mandelson, Director of Campaigns and Communications, and also Patricia Hewitt [Press and Broadcasting Secretary] and Philip Gould, including: communications; women’s seminars; the Defence Campaign; the Caring Community and Personal Freedom campaign; the Jobs and Industry Campaign. Also includes: minutes of the Campaign Strategy Committee; correspondence including a letter from Robin Cook, Campaigns Co-ordinator, on his...
Dates: 1984-07 - 1986-02
Conditions Governing Access: Applications for the position of Director of Campaigns and Communications have been closed for data protection reasons.

Campaign Directorate and Campaign Strategy Committee Committee, 1986-01 - 1986-12

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 2/1/73
Scope and Contents

Minutes and memoranda, mainly by Peter Mandelson, Director of Campaigns and Communications and also Robert Worcester, Market and Opinion Research International Limited (MORI), on strategy for campaigns, including: general strategy for 1987; the Jobs and Industry Campaign; the Freedom and Fairness Campaign; local elections and by-elections, including the West Derbyshire by-election; Labour and young people; international and defence policies; the Social Policy Campaign.

Dates: 1986-01 - 1986-12
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Campaign Strategy Committee, 1985-01 - 1985-11

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 2/1/67
Scope and Contents Memoranda and minutes on strategy for campaigns, including: the Social Policy Campaign; the Defence Campaign; the Caring Community and Personal Freedom campaign; Freedom and Fairness; housing and the local elections; the Jobs and Industry Campaign. Also includes a memorandum on proposed public relations activities by Lynne Franks Limited, a report on the Brecon and Radnor by-election, a paper on the decline of class politics and a paper on the presentation of Labour’s approach to suburban...
Dates: 1985-01 - 1985-11
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Children’s Newspaper Interview, 1987-08

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 26/2/54
Scope and Contents

Interview with NK on subjects including children having the vote and nuclear defence.

Dates: 1987-08
Conditions Governing Access: From the Sub-Series: Access copies available.

Citizen Service League and Army League: memoranda and articles, 1937-03 - 1955-09

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 1/7/82
Scope and Contents Papers and correspondence, including: minutes of the Army League council and committee meetings; correspondence between LSA (as Chairman of the Army League), J E Coventon, Secretary and 1st Lord Iliffe [President]; notes on the Army League official memorandum; questions and reflections on defence planning, by Basil Liddell-Hart; notes by LSA on future warfare; outline of the Citizen Service League's proposals for universal training; print of an address by LSA, as Chairman of the Citizen...
Dates: 1937-03 - 1955-09
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Colonial Army, 1951-08 - 1953-07

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEJ 1/2/89
Scope and Contents

Notes and correspondence on strengthening British forces by forming an army recruited from Africa, including: the report of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association tour of Central Africa, Mauritius and Malta, August 1951; notes on Parliamentary debates on colonial resources for defence; correspondence with Antony Head, Secretary of State for War, on the use of colonial manpower; Army League paper on an African Army; Conservative Research Department memorandum on colonial manpower.

Dates: 1951-08 - 1953-07
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, though the constituency papers and some of the correspondence and political papers remain closed.

Committee for European Security, 1973 - 1975

Reference Code: GBR/0014/FEBR 2/37
Scope and Contents Papers relating to the Helsinki Summit Conference for European Security and Co-operation, 1975 and a British Committee for European Security, including: [?] rough speech notes; articles by AFB on Helsinki and European security; report of the 3rd Commission on European Security and Co-operation, 1974; special bulletin of the 2nd Assembly of Representatives of Public Opinion for European Security and Co-operation, 1975; correspondence with individuals including Hans Janitschek, General...
Dates: 1973 - 1975
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Conservative Defence Policy Committee, 1965-07 - 1967-07

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEJ 1/7/25
Scope and Contents Includes: printed papers on defence estimates; notes for the defence debate and service estimates debate; report of the Plowden committee of inquiry into the aircraft industry, with rough notes by JA and first reactions from the Society of British Aerospace Companies Limited; letter from Sir Alexander Douglas-Home [earlier 14th Lord Home, later Lord Home of the Hirsel] on negotiations with Ian Smith [Prime Minister of Rhodesia, later Zimbabwe] on education; letter from [Leonard] Robert Carr,...
Dates: 1965-07 - 1967-07
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, though the constituency papers and some of the correspondence and political papers remain closed.

Conservative Policy Documents: Consultative Committee, 1960-05 - 1965-05

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 3/2/1/7
Scope and Contents Leader's Consultative Committee papers on subjects including: nationalisation of steel, by Iain Macleod, including a minute to Sir Alexander Douglas-Home [Leader of the Conservative Party, earlier 14th Lord Home, later Lord Home of the Hirsel]; relations with the trade unions, by Joseph Godber [former Minister of Labour] and Sir John Hobson [former Attorney-General]; general policy on the economy, Europe, industry, social security, education, law and order, defence and foreign affairs, by...
Dates: 1960-05 - 1965-05
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

Correspondence A - Z, 1922-01 - 1922-12

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 2/1/5
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Lord Burnham, commenting on LSA's work at the Overseas Settlement Committee; General 1st Lord Birdwood [General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Northern Army in India], congratulating LSA on his Emigration Bill; 1st Lord Blyth; [Joseph] Austen Chamberlain [Leader of the Conservative Party] on the disagreements between himself and LSA over the break up of the Coalition Government (4); [Austen] Neville Chamberlain, congratulating LSA on becoming a Privy Councillor and...
Dates: 1922-01 - 1922-12
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Correspondence and notes on defence, 1948 - 1990

Reference Code: GBR/0014/GLAD 1/2
Scope and Contents From the Fonds: The material at Churchill Archives Centre begins with Lord Gladwyn's school and college notebooks, and runs to his final articles, but with the exception of his personal and family correspondence, was chiefly created after Lord Gladwyn's retirement from the Diplomatic Service. A large proportion of the papers consists of notes, reports, articles, speeches and correspondence amassed from Lord Gladwyn's work as the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Lords and Liberal spokesman...
Dates: 1948 - 1990
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Correspondence with Marshal of the RAF 1st Lord Trenchard, 1935

Reference Code: GBR/0014/PJGG 2/21
Scope and Contents From the Fonds: The collection includes personal documents and honours (PJGG 1); general correspondence (PJGG 2 and 12); material relating to India including finance papers (PJGG 3), political papers (federation and defence) (PJGG 4), miscellaneous reports (PJGG 5), War Office papers about India (PJGG 8); Lady Grigg's correspondence (PJGG 6 and 7); War Office correspondence (PJGG 9); Committee papers (PJGG 10); literary material (PJGG 13-15).Perhaps the most interesting papers are those...
Dates: 1935
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Individual closures of files are indicated in the catalogue.

Correspondence with Sir Horace Wilson [Chief Industrial Adviser to the Government], 1938

Reference Code: GBR/0014/PJGG 2/23
Scope and Contents From the Fonds: The collection includes personal documents and honours (PJGG 1); general correspondence (PJGG 2 and 12); material relating to India including finance papers (PJGG 3), political papers (federation and defence) (PJGG 4), miscellaneous reports (PJGG 5), War Office papers about India (PJGG 8); Lady Grigg's correspondence (PJGG 6 and 7); War Office correspondence (PJGG 9); Committee papers (PJGG 10); literary material (PJGG 13-15).Perhaps the most interesting papers are those...
Dates: 1938
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Individual closures of files are indicated in the catalogue.

David Frost interview, 1992-03

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KNNK 17/57
Scope and Contents

Background documents and briefing notes for an interview on subjects including: health; education; the economy; defence.

Dates: 1992-03
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Defence, 1956-06 - 1957-04

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEJ 1/2/131
Scope and Contents Papers mainly relating to the Conservative Party's Defence Policy Committee, including: note from JA to the Minister of Defence [Duncan Sandys] passing on a message from the French Minister of Defence, Maurice Bourges-Maunoury, on Britain joining Franco-German defence plans; notes by Basil Liddell-Hart on the Defence White Paper, Apr 1957, and relations between the various defence branches; notes on the committee's terms of reference, on manpower and funding; memorandum on the closer...
Dates: 1956-06 - 1957-04
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, though the constituency papers and some of the correspondence and political papers remain closed.

Defence, 1974-07 - 1982-07

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEJ 7/2/8
Scope and Contents

Copies of speeches by JA in defence debates, on subjects including defence spending and the threat from the Soviet Union.

Dates: 1974-07 - 1982-07
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, though the constituency papers and some of the correspondence and political papers remain closed.

Defence, 1973

Reference Code: GBR/0014/WLFF 3/2/95
Scope and Contents From the Series:

The papers cover all Wolff's positions in the Conservative Party: his work in the Research Department, 1965-70; then as Special Adviser to the Government, 1970-74 (the files from this period are the most numerous, containing Government papers); then Director-General of the Party. Particular sequences in the papers include the reports of the Opinion Research Centre, a large number of subject files and files relating to the 1970 General Election, particularly speeches.

Dates: 1973
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Defence, 1930s, 1937-02 - 1939-02

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 1/5/33
Scope and Contents

Includes: note from Major-General Henry Rowan-Robinson congratulating LSA on a speech on co-ordinating the armed forces (July 1937); memorandum by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury [(David) John Colville, later 1st Lord Clydesmuir] on defence loans; statement on defence by the Prime Minister [(Arthur) Neville Chamberlain] (February 1939); article by Sir [James] Arthur Salter on food storage for defence; copy of Hansard, including a debate on national service (December 1938).

Dates: 1937-02 - 1939-02
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Defence briefings and other papers, January-November 1978, 1978-01 - 1978-11

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/83
Scope and Contents Includes correspondence with General Sir Patrick Howard-Dobson, January-February 1978 Also includes briefing note for MT from John Stanley MP (her Parliamentary Private Secretary relating to "NATO and the new Soviet Threat", based on a report by American Senators Nunn and Bartlett to the Senate Committee on Armed Services, May 1977 Also includes Conservative Research Department briefing notes on the Government's statement on the defence estimates for 1978, March 1978;...
Dates: 1978-01 - 1978-11
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Defence briefings and other papers, June-circa December 1977, 1977-06 - 1977

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/82
Scope and Contents Includes MT's correspondence with Peter Blaker MP (enclosing a record of his meeting with Alan Reich, Assistant First Secretary US Department of Commerce, 28 July 1977), Winston Churchill MP (attaching a copy of his paper, "Britain's nuclear deterrence", circa June 1977) and Patrick Cosgrave (Special Adviser to MT), attaching a copy of a paper on "U.S. overseas bases: problems of projecting U.S. military power abroad" by Thomas Moorer and Alvin Cottrell), ca....
Dates: 1977-06 - 1977
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in January 2008 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Defence briefings and other papers, November 1975-June 1977, 1975-11 - 1977-06

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/80
Scope and Contents Includes MT's correspondence with Air Vice Marshal Sir Edward Chilton, Brian Crozier, and George Younger MP Also includes a briefing note for MT on "BAOR offset arrangements", by Peter Joynes (Conservative Research Department), January 1977; and other CRD briefings on: the Government's statement on the defence estimates for 1976, March 1976; the Parliamentary defence debate on 12 January 1977, January 1977; the Government's statement on the defence estimates for 1977, March...
Dates: 1975-11 - 1977-06
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Defence briefings, articles and other papers, June-September 1977, 1977-06 - 1977-09

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/81
Scope and Contents Includes detailed briefing notes for MT by John Stanley MP (her Parliamentary Private Secretary) and "AMR" [probably in error for "A.N.R.", i.e. Adam Ridley, Conservative Research Department] on the defence policy of American President (Jimmy) Carter and his administration, August & September 1977 Also includes text of a speech by Dr Worner, CDU Defence spokesman, June 1977; and briefing note for MT from Adam Ridley on "The secret US/Saudi pact", August...
Dates: 1977-06 - 1977-09
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Defence of the Realm, 1983-09 - 1995-03

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 3/2/1/82
Scope and Contents Correspondence with the general public on defence issues, including the unification of Germany, conventional forces and the nuclear deterrent, with correspondents including: James Molyneaux [Leader, Ulster Unionist Party]; Lord Forte. Also includes: papers on subjects including the closure of Cambridge Military Hospital, the end of the Cold War and the balance of conventional forces in Europe; print of article by John Saville [Co-Editor of the Socialist Register] on American...
Dates: 1983-09 - 1995-03
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.