Found in 170 Collections and/or Records:
Books and journalism aborted, 1990-03 - 1995-07
Broadcasts, 1955-10 - 1970-02
Campaign Directorate, 1984-07 - 1986-02
Campaign Directorate and Campaign Strategy Committee Committee, 1986-01 - 1986-12
Minutes and memoranda, mainly by Peter Mandelson, Director of Campaigns and Communications and also Robert Worcester, Market and Opinion Research International Limited (MORI), on strategy for campaigns, including: general strategy for 1987; the Jobs and Industry Campaign; the Freedom and Fairness Campaign; local elections and by-elections, including the West Derbyshire by-election; Labour and young people; international and defence policies; the Social Policy Campaign.
Campaign Strategy Committee, 1985-01 - 1985-11
Children’s Newspaper Interview, 1987-08
Interview with NK on subjects including children having the vote and nuclear defence.
Citizen Service League and Army League: memoranda and articles, 1937-03 - 1955-09
Colonial Army, 1951-08 - 1953-07
Notes and correspondence on strengthening British forces by forming an army recruited from Africa, including: the report of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association tour of Central Africa, Mauritius and Malta, August 1951; notes on Parliamentary debates on colonial resources for defence; correspondence with Antony Head, Secretary of State for War, on the use of colonial manpower; Army League paper on an African Army; Conservative Research Department memorandum on colonial manpower.
Committee for European Security, 1973 - 1975
Conservative Defence Policy Committee, 1965-07 - 1967-07
Conservative Policy Documents: Consultative Committee, 1960-05 - 1965-05
Correspondence A - Z, 1922-01 - 1922-12
Correspondence and notes on defence, 1948 - 1990
Correspondence with Marshal of the RAF 1st Lord Trenchard, 1935
Correspondence with Sir Horace Wilson [Chief Industrial Adviser to the Government], 1938
David Frost interview, 1992-03
Background documents and briefing notes for an interview on subjects including: health; education; the economy; defence.
Defence, 1956-06 - 1957-04
Defence, 1974-07 - 1982-07
Copies of speeches by JA in defence debates, on subjects including defence spending and the threat from the Soviet Union.
Defence, 1973
The papers cover all Wolff's positions in the Conservative Party: his work in the Research Department, 1965-70; then as Special Adviser to the Government, 1970-74 (the files from this period are the most numerous, containing Government papers); then Director-General of the Party. Particular sequences in the papers include the reports of the Opinion Research Centre, a large number of subject files and files relating to the 1970 General Election, particularly speeches.
Defence, 1930s, 1937-02 - 1939-02
Includes: note from Major-General Henry Rowan-Robinson congratulating LSA on a speech on co-ordinating the armed forces (July 1937); memorandum by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury [(David) John Colville, later 1st Lord Clydesmuir] on defence loans; statement on defence by the Prime Minister [(Arthur) Neville Chamberlain] (February 1939); article by Sir [James] Arthur Salter on food storage for defence; copy of Hansard, including a debate on national service (December 1938).