Australia (nation)
Found in 2776 Collections and/or Records:
Brisbane River, Billimba Reach, 1873
205 x 150 mm. A view towards the river, taken from the garden of a private residence.
Brisbane River, showing Victoria Bridge and shipping, 1910
205 x 155 mm. A view looking across the river, with bridge at right, and steam ships moored at wharves.
Brisbane; riverside scene with crowd assembled at landing point
245 x 195 mm. This sepia print has Brisbane in pencil on the back, but is otherwise unidentified. The costume suggests a date in the late 1880s.
Britannia Falls, Blue Mountains, 1911
A view of the falls from below, which are in fact more a large series of cascades, set among forest foliage and ferns.
British China and glassware, main avenue, 1880
289 x 233 mm.
British Court, Great Hall, 1880
289 x 233 mm.
British hats and clothing, 1880
289 x 233 mm.
British machinery annexe, looking north, 1880
289 x 233 mm.
British machinery annexe, looking south, 1880
289 x 233 mm.
'British migration to Western Australia, 1829-50': PhD thesis
A Ph.D. thesis for the London School of Economics, University of London, 385 pages.
Broad-leaved Tea-Tree, 1901
153 x 207 mm. Mounted print, mount stamped 'Henry King, Sydney'. A view of a tree in the Botanic Gardens. Handwritten caption on reverse of mount reads 'Broad-leaved Tea-tree (Melacuca Leucadendra, Linn.) Native of Eastern Australia. Planted by H.R.H. the Duke of York in the Sydney Botanical Gardens, 22nd July 1881. Photo 1901'.
Broken Hill Silver Mines, 1909
350 x 274 mm. A view of a cluster of mine buildings in operation, with excavated earth in the foreground.
Broken Hill Silver Mines, 1911
A view looking towards the mines, with a railway track in the foreground, and a residential district in the distance.
Broughton's Pass Weir overflowing, 1915
289 x 238 mm. A view looking down on the weir, with two men in the foreground watching the river. The weir, on the Cataract River, was built as a result of a Commission's recommendation in 1867, and in order to turn the intermingled waters of the four streams into a 36 mile conduit consisting of a series of tunnels, open canals and aqueducts.
Brown's Bridge, Taree, Manning River, New South Wales, 1909
350 x 274 mm. A view looking down the fenced road towards a wooden bridge over the river, with a bicyclist on the road.
Buffalo Mountains, 1888 - 1889
205 x 159 mm. A view from cleared land, looking over woodland to the mountains in the distance. This range lies about 150 miles NE of Melbourne, and the area is now a National Park.
Buggy going through a giant fig tree near Atherton, 1910
[The split trunk of the giant fig tree makes an arch for the buggy to pass under].
Buggy going through a giant fig tree near Atherton, 1910
[The split trunk of the giant fig tree makes an arch for the buggy to pass under].
Buildings and agriculture, Victoria, 1890 - 1900
Colour and monochrome postcards.
Buildings of Quarantine Station, Queenscliffe [sic], Victoria, 1909
Landscape format. [Distant view from the ship].
Bullock team near Davis River, Pilbara, 1905 - 1908
152 x 108 mm. A view showing a large bullock team and wagon standing in a woodland clearing in the Pilbara area. Photograph by W.D. Campbell. Negative No. 542.
Bullocks drawing timber, 1910
200 x 150 mm. Showing two wagons, loaded with three trunks, pulled by teams of 12 bullocks, with wagonners beside them.
Burke and Wills Monument, 1870 - 1880
119 x 183 mm. A view of the bronze statue of the two explorers which stands on a bronze pedestal at the top of Collins Street, Melbourne.
Burnt gum trees between Burnie and Pigeon Hill, Tasmania, 1910-01
Landscape format. From moving train.
Burragong Family Hotel, George Street South, 1870 - 1879
280 x 204 mm. View from a cross-roads (? the George Street junction with Hay Street) looking along the row of shops lining one side of George Street. In the right foreground is E. (or F.) Smith's Burragong Family Hotel; other identifiable commercial premises on George Street are: Louis Uhde and Co., butchers; Fairleigh, Nettheim and Co., leather and grindery merchants at no. 659; A.L. Robinson, tailor at no. 661.