Found in 36 Collections and/or Records:
Account sales, 1810-1886
Account sales of the main office of Jardine, Matheson & Co. and its predecessors at, successively, Canton, Macao and Hong Kong (1-36), and the offices at Shanghai (37-49) and Canton (50-51).
Accounts current, 1812-1902
Cash books, 1819-1905
The largest part of the series consists of cash books produced by the main office of Jardine, Matheson & Co. and its predecessors at, successively, Canton, Macao and Hong Kong (1-72). The remaining cash books are comprised of series dedicated to the company's offices at Shanghai (73-103) and Canton (104-105), and a rough book for the main office at Hong Kong (106). Some of the Shanghai volumes contain press copies of cash book entries.
General letters from Shanghai, 1858-1908
Fair copies of letters and one volume of press copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai. C46/1-28, C46/30 and C46/33-35 include indexes of recipients.
Invoices, 1810-1852
John Scarth: Letters
Typescript and manuscript letters, mainly from China.
Journals, 1811-1900
Journals containing running accounts of expenses, with some additional related documents. There are journals (1-59) and rough journals (90-175) of Jardine, Matheson & Co. and related, earlier partnerships at Canton, Macao and Hong Kong, and journals of the company's offices in Shanghai (60-80), Yokohama (81-87), Canton (88), and Manila (89).
Ledgers, 1798-1900
Ledgers of Jardine, Matheson & Co. and its predecessors, including a long series of ledgers produced by the company's main office at, successively, Canton, Macao and Hong Kong (A1/35-78).
Letter from Robert Swinhoe to Charles Robert Darwin; written at Shanghai, 1873-03-26
Letter from Robert Swinhoe to Charles Robert Darwin; written at Shanghai
Letter from Thomas Kingswill to Sir George Howard Darwin; written at Shanghai, 1899-02-25
Letter from Thomas Kingswill to Sir George Howard Darwin; written at Shanghai
Letters from Shanghai, 1885-1895
Letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, with some related letters and papers.
Letters re Book Office, banking and finance, 1870-1891
Press copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai. C52/4 includes an index of recipients.
Letters re China Coast Steam Navigation Co., Apr. 1881-Feb. 1883
Press copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, General Agents of the China Coast Steam Navigation Co., to a wide range of correspondents. The volume is blank after page 81.
Letters re insurance, Nov. 1854-Mar. 1859
Fair copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, agents of the Alliance Assurance Co., Alliance Fire Assurance Office, Bengal Insurance Society, Bombay Insurance Society, Canton Insurance Office and Triton Insurance Co. Many of the letters are from Alexander Perceval.
Letters re piece goods, 1889
Press copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to correspondents in England and the United States.
Letters to Hong Kong, 1847-1870
Fair copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong. The letters are addressed to the company rather than members of the firm.
Letters to Japan, 1859-1869
Fair copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, including indexes of recipients.
Letters to the China coast, 1870-1896
Press copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to places on the China coast, including Shanghai, Foochow and Swatow, as well as some to Japan. C21/2-41 include indexes of recipients.
Letters to the China coast, 1871-1896
Press copies of shipping letters from Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong, to places on the China coast, including Shanghai, Foochow and Swatow, as well as some to Japan. C22/1-18, C22/20-21 and C22/23-25 include indexes of recipients.
Letters to the China coast, 1856-1868
Fair copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to places on the China coast, including indexes of recipients.
Letters to the China coast, 1839-1883
Fair copies of letters from Jardine Matheson, Macao and Hong Kong, to Jardine, Matheson and Co.'s agents or receiving ships on the China coast. The later letters are addressed to the firm's branches, including those at Shanghai and Yokohama. C13/1-10 and C13/14-31 include indexes of recipients.