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Subject Source: Local sources

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"A Balanced Economy": source material on Canada, 1949-01 - 1953-02

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 8/125
Scope and Contents


Dates: 1949-01 - 1953-02
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Admiralty printed papers: uncovered prints, 1903 - 1905

Reference Code: GBR/0014/FISR 8/14
Scope and Contents

Subjects include: gas engines; a visit to Portsmouth dockyard [Hampshire] and the Royal Naval College, Osborne [Isle of Wight]; the Navy Estimates, 1905-6; the Royal Naval Reserve; ships struck off the effective list; the defence of Canada; the case of the Canadian schooner Agnes G Donahoe, seized by the Government of Uruguay for illegal seal hunting.

Dates: 1903 - 1905
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Alfred Lyttelton: papers, 1885 - 1911

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAN I/3/1-10
Scope and Contents

Includes certain papers relating to his post as Colonial Secretary, 1903-5.

Dates: 1885 - 1911
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

"Approach March": annotated draft of chapter, "Other Travels, 1946-49", 1946-06 - 1967-08

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEJ 8/3/51
Scope and Contents

Account of climbing the Matterhorn during a visit to Zermatt, Switzerland, 1946, visiting the Eastern Vilayets, Turkey, 1948, and visiting Canada with Leo Amery, 1949, which was not included in the published volume. Includes a few original letters from JA to his parents.

Dates: 1946-06 - 1967-08
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, though the constituency papers and some of the correspondence and political papers remain closed.

Articles, 1943-02 - 1949-11

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEJ 7/1/1
Scope and Contents Subjects include: Conservatism and the future [by Leo Amery, see AMEL 1/6/45]; resistance by the partisans in Yugoslavia [later Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia], 1943 (from various news reports); James Burnham's book "The Managerial Revolution"; Winston Churchill's biography of his father, "Lord Randolph Churchill"; JA's visit to the Eastern Vilayets of Turkey, 1948 [see AMEJ 4/1/3], including extracts from JA's diary; Canada's...
Dates: 1943-02 - 1949-11
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, though the constituency papers and some of the correspondence and political papers remain closed.

Articles and memoranda, 1949-07 - 1952-08

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 1/7/28
Scope and Contents Texts of papers by LSA on subjects including: the economic crisis and trade policy (1952); Pakistan; the case for Commonwealth Preference; Jawaharlal Nehru; the nature of British Parliamentary government; forms of colonial self-government; the state of the Commonwealth and Empire (1951); the Most Favoured Nation clause; the 1951 Commonwealth conference; the condition of sterling; the Liberal Party and electoral reform; Empire Day; devaluation of sterling; the theory of [Sally] Herbert...
Dates: 1949-07 - 1952-08
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Briefing for meeting with Canadian High Commissioner, Donald Macdonald, 1991-05

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHLD 1/15
Scope and Contents

Subjects include Canada's views on Europe and the Middle East, following the Gulf War.

Dates: 1991-05
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Brooke: The Papers of Rupert Chawner Brooke

Reference Code: GBR/0272/RCB
Scope and Contents

This collection brings together items by and about Rupert Brooke from a variety of sources. It includes manuscript and typescript copies of Brooke's poetry and prose, correspondence between Rupert Brooke and others and a number of photographs. A limited amount of biographical and supplementary material, concentrated on items originating after Brooke's death, can also be found in this collection.

Dates: 1869 - 1989

Canada, 1924-12 - 1926-09

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 2/4/4
Scope and Contents Correspondence with 1st Lord Byng, Governor General and with [William] Mackenzie King, Prime Minister and also Arthur Meighen [Prime Minister, July-September 1926] on subjects including: the publication of the correspondence concerning King's resignation; the Canadian Federal Election in 1926 and Byng's view of King's actions in forcing an election; the tasks for Byng's successor and choosing between Sir Samuel Hoare [later 1st Lord Templewood], 2nd Lord Cromer [earlier Lord Errington], 2nd...
Dates: 1924-12 - 1926-09
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Canada, 1926-06 - 1929-12

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 2/4/5
Scope and Contents Correspondence with 1st Lord Willingdon [earlier Freeman Freeman-Thomas], Governor General and with [William] Mackenzie King, Prime Minister, on subjects including: the British General Election, 1929; immigration; the tour of Canada by Stanley Baldwin [Prime Minister]; LSA's visit on his Empire Tour; whether the Canadian High Commissioner should attend informal weekly meetings with LSA at the Dominions Office. Other correspondents include: 1st Lord Birkenhead [Secretary of State for...
Dates: 1926-06 - 1929-12
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Canada, 1934 - 1957

Reference Code: GBR/0014/NBKR 4/54-56
Scope and Contents From the Fonds:

The papers cover every aspect of Lord Noel-Baker's very full and varied career and include constituency papers, Labour Party material, extensive sections on domestic and international affairs, peace and disarmament, sport, books and articles, speeches and correspondence.

Dates: 1934 - 1957
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: With the exception of two files which are still closed, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Canada, 1934 - 1946

Reference Code: GBR/0014/FLUD 5
Scope and Contents From the Fonds:

The collection is made up largely of press cuttings, speeches and papers relating to Floud's 33 years at the Board of Agriculture (later the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries) and his time as High Commissioner in Canada (1934-1938).

Dates: 1934 - 1946
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

"Canada as an Imperial Factor", by Hamar Greenwood, 1913

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 8/2
Scope and Contents From the Series:

This series includes notes, texts and correspondence on literary works by LSA, including: a work by LSA on economics, "The Awakening"; LSA's memoirs, "My Political Life", including the unpublished fourth volume (which LSA died before he could complete); "A Balanced Economy"; a collection of addresses and lectures by LSA, "Loose Leaves"; "The Life of Joseph Chamberlain"; articles, books and pamphlets, many by LSA or with contributions and annotations by him.

Dates: 1913
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Canada Bill, 1980-12 - 1982-06

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 3/2/1/28
Scope and Contents Correspondence, mainly with the Canadian general public, on the Canada Bill to patriate the Canadian constitution. Correspondents include: Sir Bernard Braine, on proposing an amendment to delay the bill and opposition from Quebec and the Indian peoples of Canada (4); Christopher Price; J H McKibben, Agent General in Britain for Alberta, thanking JEP for his help with the new constitution (2); Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister; Gilles Loiselle, Agent-General for Quebec in Britain, on...
Dates: 1980-12 - 1982-06
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

Canada Tours, Winston Churchill Society, 1983-05 - 1989-10

Reference Code: GBR/0014/MCHL 8/1
Scope and Contents

Programmes, correspondence on arrangements, thanks etc, background information and some speech notes for MS's engagements for the Sir Winston Churchill Society at Edmonton, Vancouver and Calgary in the 1980s.

Dates: 1983-05 - 1989-10
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Canadian British Education Committee, 1948-07 - 1951-06

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 1/7/58
Scope and Contents

Correspondence on the formation and work of the Committee to encourage British students to study in Canada, with correspondents including: 1st Lord Beaverbrook [earlier Max Aitken]; [Henry] Harold Hemming, Chairman of the Committee (7); Gilbert Flemming, Ministry of Education (3).

Also includes: minutes; annual report for 1949.

Dates: 1948-07 - 1951-06
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Canadian Militia Bill 1904, 1902 - 1905-01

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 1/2/1
Scope and Contents Letters from Major-General 12th Lord Dundonald [earlier Lord Cochrane] (7) and Colonel Samuel Hughes (5), on the command of the Canadian militia, the dismissal of Lord Dundonald as commander of the Militia, the Canadian Militia Act and the anti-British policies of Sir Wilfrid Laurier [Premier of Canada]. Also includes: memorandum by Hughes on the defence of Eastern Ontario and the Quebec border; part of a report by Lord Dundonald on reorganization of the militia and Canadian...
Dates: 1902 - 1905-01
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

"Clementine Churchill": Canada, 1943-44, 1943-08 - 1968-03

Reference Code: GBR/0014/MCHL 5/1/107
Scope and Contents

Correspondence on CSC's visits to Canada for the Quebec Conferences, with correspondents including: Princess Alice, Lady Athlone, wife of the Governor-General; [William] Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada; General George Marshall; Eleanor Roosevelt. Also includes seating plans, the text of a broadcast by CSC and official photographs of the Citadel, Quebec.

Dates: 1943-08 - 1968-03
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

"Clementine Churchill": correspondence between CSC and MS, 1944, 1944-01 - 1968-03

Reference Code: GBR/0014/MCHL 5/1/109
Scope and Contents Subjects include: Winston Churchill's convalescence in Marrakech, Morocco; CSC's view of General Sir Bernard Montgomery; visiting El Glaoui, the Pasha of Marrakech; Randolph Churchill's departure for Yugoslavia; preparing for General Charles de Gaulle's visit to Marrakech; MS and the Duchess of Devonshire's ball, Jan 1944; MS's service with the ATS [Auxiliary Territorial Service], mainly at Hastings [Kent]; Churchill having pneumonia, Aug 1944; going to Canada for the second Quebec...
Dates: 1944-01 - 1968-03
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

"Clementine Churchill": family correspondence, 1929, 1977-08

Reference Code: GBR/0014/MCHL 5/1/71
Scope and Contents

Copies of letters from Randolph Churchill and Diana Churchill [later Diana Bailey and Diana Sandys] to CSC and to Winston Churchill, mainly from Randolph to CSC describing his tour of the United States and Canada with Churchill, including a visit to MGM Studios and his impression of William Randolph Hearst.

Dates: 1977-08
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

"Clementine Churchill": MS's report on Canada and the United States, 1943, 1943-08 - 1943-09

Reference Code: GBR/0014/MCHL 5/1/108
Scope and Contents

MS's report to the War Office on her impressions of the Canadian and American Women's Army Corps and of American industry during her visit to Canada and the United States as aide to Winston Churchill, Aug-Sept 1943. Also includes the text of her broadcast from Quebec for the anniversary of the Canadian Women's Army Corps.

Dates: 1943-08 - 1943-09
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Committee of Imperial Defence and Cabinet Prints: white papers, 1911

Reference Code: GBR/0014/FISR 8/47
Scope and Contents

Subjects include: the defences of Hong Kong; defence of Egypt's eastern frontier; scale of a possible attack on Prince Rupert, Canada; scale of a possible attack on Australia; the international status of the dominions of Britain was at war. Includes papers for the 1911 Imperial Conference on matters of naval and military defence.

Dates: 1911
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Committee of Imperial Defence and Cabinet Prints: white papers, 1911

Reference Code: GBR/0014/FISR 8/48
Scope and Contents

Subjects include: a possible attack on Prince Rupert, Canada and Australia; the treatment of neutral and enemy merchant ships during a war; principles of imperial defence; the status of dominion ships of war; co-operation with the dominions' naval forces; co-ordinating organisation of military forces of the empire.

Dates: 1911
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Committee of Imperial Defence and Cabinet Prints: white papers, 1913 - 1914

Reference Code: GBR/0014/FISR 8/57
Scope and Contents

Subjects include: supplies in time of war; Canadian defence; measures to prevent blocking of commercial harbours; economic aspects of the Channel Tunnel scheme; the establishment of radio telegraphic communication between inland stations.

Dates: 1913 - 1914
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.