Found in 429 Collections and/or Records:
Collection of tracts, speeches and other writings, Fifteenth to eighteenth centuries
Collections on the Court of Chancery, c 1625
Collections per Mr Golsborough un des prothonotaries del Comm Banke, Early seventeenth century
Cases and legal dicta, mostly written in a law-clerk's hand but some possibly written by Mr Golsborough. With indexes.
Commentary on the Digest, Mid seventeenth century
A running commentary on the various books and titlesof the Digest of Roman laws, illustrated from the early commentators. It commences 'De ratihabitione sic statuendum', and ends with Tit. 9, 'Pro legato'.
Commonplace book and book of precedents, Late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
The first 80 pages of the volume form a commonplace book written in the seventeenth century. At the end of the book reversed are 11 leaves of writing of which six written in 1556 were intended to form part of a book of precedents; on f. 8 is 'An elegie upon the deathe of the righte worthye Sr Thomas Griffine, knighte', beginning 'I labor not to know why Griffine died...'; on ff. 9 and 10 are 'An indenture of mortgage of a manor', and on f. 11 are forms of conveyance dated 1611.
Compendium of Greek grammar / legal treatise, Late seventeenth century
(1) ‘Compendium Græcæ grammaticæ Thomæ Wheeler’; the first five leaves contain ‘Regulæ generales scholæ, and mention the portions of grammar, etc., which the scholars are to learn daily; and are subscribed Thomas Wheeler, 1686 (see also MS Dd.11.68); (2) ‘Sir Edward Cooke’s treatise of baile and mainprise’, arranged into 12 chapters; see also MS Ii.05.09, no. 7.
Computa Ballivorum, Collectorum, &c., Caroli, Principis Walliæ, honorum, maneriorum, terrarum, &c., dicto Principi debita pro dimidio Anni finito ad Festum S. Michaelis, 17 Jacobi I., in Comitatibus Kant., Surr., Sussex., Oxon., Bark., Bedd., et Buck., 1603 - 1625
At the foot of the last mem. is the autograph Examinatur of 'Hen.Woodford, deput. Thomæ Neale, Mil., Auditor. 29 Martii, 1620.'
Computa Ballivorum, Firmariorum, &c., honorum, castrorum, &c., quorumcunque tam temporalium quam spiritualium, in comitatu Cumbr. in possessione Regis Jacobi; viz. a Festo S. Michaelis, 44 Elizabethæ, usque idem Festum, 1 Jacobi I.; per unum annum integrum, 1603 - 1625
The last mem. has the autograph signature of 'Geo. Snygg, Baron' [of the Exchequer].
Computa Ballivorum, Firmariorum, &c., honorum, castrorum, &c., quorumcunque temporalium; necnon rectoriarum, terrarum glebalium, emolument. ecclesiast. quorumcunque, in Comitatu Stafford., in possessione Reginæ Elizabethæ; viz. a Festo S. Michaelis, 40 Eliz. usque idem Festum, 41 Eliz., 1603 - 1625
At the end of the last mem. is the autograph signature of Tho. Flemyng.
Computa ministrorum Henrici Principis, infra Dom. Ducat. Cornub., in Comitatibus Essex., Hartf., Midd., Suff., et Cant.; viz. pro uno Anno integro finito ad Festum S. Michaelis, 8 Jacobi I, 1603 - 1625
At the foot of the last mem. is this note, with an autograph signature: 'I have made this Record by vertue of the warrant of Sr Edward Phelipps, Knt., Chauncellor to the Prince his highnes, dated the 24th of June, 1611. Per Hugonem Sexey, Auditorem. 23 July, 1611.'
Computa Ministrorum possessionum Coronæ in Comitatu Lanc., a Festo S. Michaelis, 11 Jacobi I. usque ad idem Festum, 12 Jacobi I, 1603 - 1625
Computa omnium et singulorum Ballivorum, Firmariorum, Collectorum, &c., omnium et singulorum honorum, castrorum, &c., quorumcunque temporalium; necnon omnium rectoriarum, terrarum glebalium, et emolumentorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcunque, in Comitatu Radnor., nuper in possessione Elizabethæ Reginæ, ac modo Regis Jacobi; viz. a Festo Michaelis, 12 Jacobi, usque idem Festum, 13 Jacobi, 1603 - 1625
At the foot of the last mem. is the autograph Examinatur of Edw. Bromley, Baron [of the Exchequer].
Computus Johannis Shalcrosse, Ar., Receptoris et Ballivi Alti Pecci [in Comitatu Derbiensi], a Festo S. Michaelis, 16 Caroli I. usque idem Festum, 17 Caroli I, 1625 - 1649
At the foot is the autograph Examinatur of Tho. Hanson, Auditor.
Computus Marmaduci Darell, Militis, Cofferarii et Custodis Magni Garderobæ Hospicii Dni Regis [Jacobi I.], computantis de exitibus Officii sui; viz. ab ultimo die Decembris, 19 Jacobi I. usque primum die Aprilis, 20 Jacobi I., scilicet per spatium dimidii unius anni integri, 1603 - 1625
John Sotherton, Baron [of the Exchequer], Thomas Hutton and Justinian Povey, clerks, Auditors. The sum total is £44756. 2s. 4d. ob.
Constantine Harmenopoulos, Epitomes Juris Civilis, liber primus Latine redditus, sixteenth century
Harmenopoulos died at Constantinople A.D. 1383
Copies from year-books, Mid sixteenth century
A copy of the year-books from 40th to 50th Edw. III.
Copies of documents relating to ecclesiastical courts, Mid sixteenth century
A collection of libels, sentences, depositions of witnesses, inhibitions, etc., in the Court of Arches and other ecclesiastical courts in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
Copies of documents relating to forests and manors in the Middle Ages, Late sixteenth century
(1) Courts held for the forest of Barnwood in Buckinghamshire, in the reigns of King Richard II, King Henry IV, King Henry V, King Henry VI and King Edward IV, and a few notes relating to the reign of Philip and Queen Mary I; (2) 'Extenta manerii de Borestall facta 15 Hen. VI' and 26 Hen. VI; (3) a perambulation of the king's forests in Buckinghamshire, 26 Edw. I.
Copies of legal, diplomatic and political documents from the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, Seventeenth century
Copies of medieval royal, parliamentary and legal records, Seventeenth century
Copies of orders made in the court of Star Chamber, Mid seventeenth century
The orders are from the time of Queen Elizabeth I; begins 'Thomas Egerton dominus custos magni sigilli Angliæ intr. sexto die Maii anno tricesimo octavo reginæ Eliz.'
Copies of royal letters and legal documents, mid or late seventeenth century
Copies of Star Chamber decrees and censures, seventeenth century
Counterpart of an Indenture of Release by Charles Ashton, D.D., Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, sole surviving trustee of the Manor of Barton Burwych alias Wards, and of certain lands, tenements, etc., in the parish of Barton, in the County of Cambridge, to the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, in whose behalf the trust had been created, 1744
Courtney Stanhope Kenny papers, 1708 - 1930
Including papers of Masters, Professors and Fellows of Downing College, and gifts from past members. Includes academic administrative records but not estates correspondence.