Africa (continent)
Found in 20097 Collections and/or Records:
A holiday jaunt to the Cattle Cordon, 1936
'A holiday jaunt to the Cattle Cordon between Barotseland and Northern Rhodesia Aug 23rd to Sept 1st 1936.'
A homestead at Kano, Northern Nigeria, 1933 - 1964
205 x 150 mm. The caption continues: 'Note groundnut haulms stored in the trees for cattle fodder in the dry season.'
A Hottentot [Khoekhoe] man and woman, 1864
'A Hottentot [Khoikhoi] man and woman with a view of the Table Mountain and Cape Town at the Cape of Good Hope. Engraved by T. Wallis from an original picture by W.M. Craig. Publish[e]d by C. Brightly, T. Kinnersley, June 1864'.
A Housemaster's Bungalow, 1945
A Housemaster's Bungalow, 1945
A housemaster's bungalow attached to one of the Boarding Houses, 1945
Exterior view of the house.
A hunting party of natives setting off; you can see the Forest Edge; this is on the Kibiri-Kimingine Rd, 1934-10
65 x 40 mm.
A journey in French West Africa in 1901
An account of a journey undertaken by White, then 23, and two companions, from Dakar through St Louis, Kayes (on Mungo Park's route to the Niger), and Djéné on the Bani River, arriving finally at Bobodiulasso, 15 pages. There are references to the activities of Samori and comments on colonial policy. The account is accompanied by a covering letter from White to the Secretary of the Royal Empire Society, 12 July 1948, and the Secretary's reply, 21 July 1948.
A journey to Asia and Africa
A juju man impersonating a woman, 1938
56 x 84 mm.
A Kampala Indian's upholstery shop, 1952 - 1964
210 x 160 mm.
A Kasompe hawker finds customers interested in second hand clothing purchased in the Belgian Congo and renovated at Kasompe, 1951
A Kasompe shoe repairer at work, 1951
A Kasompe tailor at work, 1951
A Kasompe tinsmith making water vessels for sale to African women, 1951
A Kavirondo Boy with face painted White. Mumias 1899, 1899
A Kavirondo Masher. 1899, 1899
A Kelkaff loom, 1942-06
95 x 100 mm. Showing a man sat on the ground using the loom.
A Kenya Stream, 1939 - 1941
90 x 90 mm. General view of a stream.
A Kikiu village, 1939 - 1941
145 x 95 mm. Showing four circular huts beside the road.
A kind of vegetable I ate at Logwi, 1934
The caption continues: 'It grows on a creeper and tastes like a sweet potato'.
A Kopje (a weathered inselberg) showing weathered joints and faults, 1933 - 1964
160 x 210 mm. View of a Kopje, in this case a granite or rock formation, on an otherwise smooth plain.
[A Kopje (a weathered inselberg) showing weathered joints and faults], 1933 - 1950
115 x 135 mm. View of a Kopje, in this case a granite or rock formation.
A Korama Hunter, 1900
112 x 155 mm. Showing a hunter posed beside a village hut, holding his bow and with a leather basket slung over one shoulder. In the background a small circular thatched granary can be seen.
A Korama hunter showing position of hands and method of using ring, 1900
113 x 159 mm. A close-up view of a hunter using his bow and showing clearly the position of the hands and the leather (?and iron) ring attachment tied to the bowstring in order to facilitate drawing.