Armed forces
Subject Source: UK Archival Thesaurus
Found in 991 Collections and/or Records:
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, A-H., Jul 1946 - Nov 1946
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 3/30
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: P M James of GPO Headquarters (6); Frederick Mummery, Assistant Secretary, Woodford Conservative Association (7); [Arthur] Drew [Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for War] (2); constituent W Askew (5); Frank Foster, Honorary Treasurer of Woodford Conservative Association (2); constituent Keith Catmur (4); [John] Millson [Private Secretary to the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Air]; Bernard Lawrence, Chief Education Officer, County of Essex, on...
Jul 1946 - Nov 1946
Conditions Governing Access:
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, C-F., Apr 1945 - Apr 1946
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 3/24
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: [Hugh] Farmar [Assistant Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Air]; J H Hughes of the Air Ministry (7); M L Elder of the War Office (4); Sir James Hawkey [Chairman of Woodford Conservative Association] (6); [James] McGregor [Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for War]; S A Coles (4); Muriel Loosemore of the Ministry of Fuel and Power (5); Steven Watson, Private Secretary to the Minister of Fuel and Power; Sir George Harvie Watt; [Claud] Wright,...
Apr 1945 - Apr 1946
Conditions Governing Access:
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, G-K., Apr 1945 - May 1946
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 3/25A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: J H Hughes of the Air Ministry (5); Lena Prescott of the Ministry of Health (6); M L Elder of the War Office (7); Sir James Hawkey [Chairman of Woodford Conservative Association] (11); [Nicholas] Henderson [Assistant Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary] (2) and Evelyn Shuckburgh [First Secretary, HM Embassy, Prague, Czechoslovakia (later Czech Republic and Slovakia)] on the parents of a constituent in Czechoslovakia; A E Hine, Private Secretary, Ministry of...
Apr 1945 - May 1946
Conditions Governing Access:
Open (folios 61-8, 195-207, and 335-47 opened in 2022)
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, H-Z., Jan 1946 - Feb 1947
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 3/33
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: [Thomas] Williams, Minister of Agriculture; Frederick Mummery, Assistant Secretary, Woodford Conservative Association (4); J H Hughes of the Air Ministry (7); [Arthur] Peterson [Principal Private Secretary to the Home Secretary]; [Harold] Copeman, Private Secretary to the Financial Secretary, HM Treasury (2); Iain MacLeod, Conservative Parliamentary Secretariat. Also includes notes and copies of correspondence from secretaries Christine Taylor, Elizabeth Gilliatt,...
Jan 1946 - Feb 1947
Conditions Governing Access:
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, I-Z., Jul 1946 - Nov 1946
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 3/31
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: [Kenneth] Witney, [Assistant] Private Secretary [to the Home Secretary]; [Harold] Bailey, Private Secretary [to the Minister of Supply and Aircraft Production] (2); Sir Harold Mackintosh [later 1st Lord Mackintosh of Halifax], Chairman, National Savings Committee (circular letter); [John] Millson, [Private Secretary to the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Air] (2); [Claud] Wright, [Principal] War Office (3); constituent W L Simpson (4); Hector McNeil...
Jul 1946 - Nov 1946
Conditions Governing Access:
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, I-Z., Jul 1946 - Jul 1947
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 3/37
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Theresa Brewster, Private Secretary, War Damage Commission (4); Sir James Hawkey, Chairman of Woodford Conservative Association; L D Baynes of the War Office (4); [Evan] Maude [Assistant Private Secretary to Chancellor of the Exchequer]; M M Killeen, Private Secretary to the Minister of Pensions (4); J H Hughes of the Air Ministry (5); [Anthony] Ridge, [Principal Private Secretary to the Postmaster General]; [Kenneth] Witney, [Assistant] Private Secretary [to the Home...
Jul 1946 - Jul 1947
Conditions Governing Access:
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, I-Z., Mar 1947 - Oct 1947
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 3/39
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: [Herbert] Stotesbury, Home Office; J H Hughes of the Air Ministry (6); E A Baker, Private Secretary, Ministry of Food (4); Stuart Mallinson, Essex County Welfare Officer; Frederick Mummery, Assistant Secretary, (7) and Sir James Hawkey, Chairman, Woodford Conservative Association; E Gower of the Board of Trade (4); Lena Prescott of the Ministry of Health (5); L D Baynes of the War Office (4); constituent Olive Warne (7); [Arthur] Drew [Private Secretary to the...
Mar 1947 - Oct 1947
Conditions Governing Access:
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, K-Z., Feb 1948 - Oct 1948
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 3/45
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: J T Williams, Private Secretary, War Damage Commission (5); Frederick Mummery, Honorary Secretary and Agent, Woodford Conservative Association (14); [Arthur] Drew, Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for War (3); [James] Chuter-Ede [Home Secretary] on an incident involving the Holborn [London] Conservative Association (2); [Robert] McAlpine [Assistant Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary]; [Christopher] Fogarty [Assistant Principal] HM Treasury (2);...
Feb 1948 - Oct 1948
Conditions Governing Access:
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, K-Z., Jan 1946 - Sep 1946
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 3/29A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Frederick Mummery, Assistant Secretary, Woodford Conservative Association (5); [Arthur] Drew, Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for War; [Percy] Cohen of Conservative and Unionist Central Office; constituent D M Reddiex (4); Lena Prescott of the Ministry of Health (6); J H Hughes of the Air Ministry (4); Mary Tyrwhitt, Director, Auxiliary Territorial Service; constituents W T Towler (4) and F C Turner (4); Stanley Reed, Secretary of the Wanstead Flats...
Jan 1946 - Sep 1946
Conditions Governing Access:
Political: Constituency: Woodford [Essex]: correspondence with or on behalf of constituents, L-R., Jun 1945 - May 1946
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 3/26A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: [Claud] Wright, [Principal] (3) and M L Elder (8) of the War Office; J H Hughes of the Air Ministry (9); constituent R W McOwen (5); Sir James Hawkey [Chairman of Woodford Conservative Association] (8); Leslie Rowan [Principal Private Secretary to Prime Minister Clement Attlee]; [Hugh] Farmar [Assistant Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Air] (2); Sir George Harvie Watt; Archie Moore, Surgeon to the London Hospital, on a constituent's health; Joyce Gordon...
Jun 1945 - May 1946
Conditions Governing Access:
Open, (folios 173-9 and 207-9 opened in 2022)
Political speeches and articles: general, 1930-04 - 1939-01
Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 1/5/8
Scope and Contents
Texts of speeches and articles by LSA on subjects including: protection of manufacturers and the removal of the McKenna Duties on luxury imports; Benjamin Disraeli [1st Lord Beaconsfield]; the silk industry; Imperial Preference; unemployment; the economics of Empire; the monetary crisis; the Representation of the People Bill; the meaning of politics; the National Government; disarmament; Cabinet reform; the future of Europe; the Peace Ballot; uprising in Austria (1934); the 1935 General...
1930-04 - 1939-01
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Fonds:
The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.
Public and Political: Defence., 01 Jul 1935 - 17 Dec 1935
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/244
Scope and Contents
Correspondence and papers on defence and rearmament, mainly in Britain and Germany.
01 Jul 1935 - 17 Dec 1935
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Air Defence: Deputations to the Prime Minister., 21 Jul 1936 - 21 Jan 1937
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/270
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Clement Attlee [Leader of the Opposition] refusing to join the deputations to the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin; Osmund Cleverly [Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister]; Henry Pownall [Deputy Secretary], Committee of Imperial Defence; Hastings Ismay [Deputy Secretary], Committee of Imperial Defence] (2).Also includes: extracts from the transcript of the first deputation, including [?] WSC on the Government's failure to expand the air industry and the RAF...
21 Jul 1936 - 21 Jan 1937
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Air Defence: Group Captain Maclean., 04 Feb 1938 - 22 Dec 1938
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/339
Scope and Contents
Includes notes, memoranda and correspondence by and from Group Captain Lachlan Maclean, including: Maclean on subjects including his decision to resign from the RAF, and a memorandum by Maclean on the parity of Air Forces; Bomber Command training report, 1937, by Air Chief Marshal Sir Edgar Ludlow-Hewitt, Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Bomber Command; notes on Air Estimates; diagram of the peace time organization of the RAF; Sir Kingsley Wood, Secretary of State for Air, on Maclean's...
04 Feb 1938 - 22 Dec 1938
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Air Defence: Wing-Commander Anderson., 01 Mar 1939 - 13 Nov 1939
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/372
Scope and Contents
Notes, memoranda and correspondence by and from Wing-Commander Charles Anderson [Commander No 1 Armament Training, Catfoss, Yorkshire], including: copy of Air Ministry Orders on short service commissions; notes on the strength of various squadrons; report by Air Commodore Hugh Champion de Crespigny, Air Officer Commanding No 25 (Armament) Group, on the armament training of No 144 (Bomber) Squadron, in bombing, gunnery and equipment; account of aircraft conditions for a bombing raid over...
01 Mar 1939 - 13 Nov 1939
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Air Defence: Wing Commander Anderson., 27 Jan 1937 - 07 Jul 1937
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/303
Scope and Contents
Includes notes, memoranda and correspondence by and from Wing Commander Charles Anderson [former Director of Training, Air Ministry] and commander of RAF Hucknall [Nottinghamshire], including: Anderson on RAF intake, obsolete armaments and aircraft, poor facilities, the retirement of Air Chief Marshal Sir John Steel, the difficulties arising from expansion of the RAF, a mass flight over London, German war economics, and building up the RAF Reserve; correspondence and notes by Group Captain...
27 Jan 1937 - 07 Jul 1937
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Air Defence: Wing Commander Anderson., 22 Oct 1935 - 23 Dec 1937
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/304
Scope and Contents
Includes notes, memoranda and correspondence from and by Wing Commander Charles Anderson [former Director of Training, Air Ministry] and commander of RAF Hucknall [Nottinghamshire] and Group Captain Lachlan MacLean, including: Anderson on the RAF's lack of inspiration and poor morale, new Home Commands organization and levels of debt among RAF officers; MacLean on subjects including the shortcomings of aircraft, aircraft production and maintenance, officer levels, air defence exercises,...
22 Oct 1935 - 23 Dec 1937
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Air Defence: Wing Commander Anderson., 13 Dec 1937 - 17 Dec 1938
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/338
Scope and Contents
Includes notes, memoranda and correspondence by and from Wing Commander Charles Anderson, Commander of No 1 Armaments Training Camp, including: notes on the employment of RAF officers; summaries and analyses of flying accidents, 1937; map of RAF stations and air commands in Britain; Air Ministry press summary; group orders on inquiries into damage to aircraft; RAF intelligence summaries, 1938; Squadron Leader Richard Atcherley, Senior Air Staff Officer, RAF Training Command, on training;...
13 Dec 1937 - 17 Dec 1938
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Air Defence: Wing-Commander Anderson., 20 May 1936 - 24 Nov 1936
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/271
Scope and Contents
Correspondence and notes from Wing-Commander Charles Anderson, Director of Training, Air Ministry, later commander of RAF Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, including: RAF personnel statistics; notes on training Air Observers; a memorandum on RAF training policy in general, including morale, the RAF's function, its readiness for war, reserves, funding, the dangers of over-specialization, the problems of rapid expansion, the shortage and increase in training schools, and specialised training;...
20 May 1936 - 24 Nov 1936
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Correspondence., 01 Apr 1938 - 31 May 1938
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/329
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: [Henry] Wickham Steed on subjects including Germany's campaign against Czechoslovakia [later Czech Republic and Slovakia], alleged tensions between the German Army and Nazi Party, and a speech by Baron Richard von Kuhlmann on Germany's economic position (2); Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Sandford [former British Consul in Addis Ababa, Abyssinia, later Ethiopia] on subjects including the position of Haile Selassie, Emperor of Abyssinia, on the Anglo-Italian negotiations on...
01 Apr 1938 - 31 May 1938
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Correspondence., 11 Dec 1935 - 30 Sep 1937
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/298
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Robert Cary on his attempt to visit the Maginot Line [France] (2); 1st Lord Iliffe, President, National Advertising Benevolent Society; Basil Liddell Hart [personal adviser to the Secretary of State for War]; Major-General Frederick Beaumont-Nesbitt [Military Attache, Paris, France]; 1st Lord Mottistone [earlier John Seely]; King Haakon VII of Norway; Sir Hubert Young [Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Northern Rhodesia, later Zambia] on subjects including the...
11 Dec 1935 - 30 Sep 1937
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Correspondence., 01 Oct 1937 - 30 Dec 1937
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/299
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Shane Leslie; Sir Hubert Young [Governor and Commander- in-Chief of Northern Rhodesia, later Zambia]; General Sir Ian Hamilton on claims by Margot, Lady Oxford and Asquith [earlier Margot Asquith] on the resignation of 1st Lord Haldane [as Lord Chancellor, 1915] (2); Marshal of the RAF 1st Lord Trenchard on meeting the German Official Air Mission; Bernard Freyberg; 1st Lord Beaverbrook [earlier Sir Max Aitken] on the Privy Councillorships of F E Smith [1st Lord...
01 Oct 1937 - 30 Dec 1937
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Correspondence., 05 Oct 1937 - 31 Mar 1938
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/328
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: 1st Lord Rothermere [earlier Sir Harold Harmsworth] on the French financial capability for war; Anthony Eden [Foreign Secretary, later 1st Lord Avon]; 1st Lord Craigavon [earlier Sir James Craig], Prime Minister of Northern Ireland; Samuel Hood [Assistant Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for India]; Lord Ednam [later 4th Lord Dudley], President, Eton Political Society (2); Brigadier-General Sir Henry Page Croft on a meeting of the Friends of Spain group,...
05 Oct 1937 - 31 Mar 1938
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Correspondence., 01 May 1939 - 30 Jun 1939
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/359
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: "Harold R" [1st Lord Rothermere, earlier Sir Harold Harmsworth] on the German submarine programme (2); Oliver Locker-Lampson; Sir Hubert Gough; Evelyn Walkden; Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony Muirhead [63rd (Oxfordshire Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment] on finding positions in the Yeomanry for William Deakin and WSC's nephews [John G Churchill and Peregrine Churchill]; Thomas Horabin on public feeling about the Government's proposals for conscription (2); A P Herbert [Alan...
01 May 1939 - 30 Jun 1939
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Correspondence., 28 Jan 1939 - 30 Apr 1939
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/358A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Charles Pears, President of the Society of Marine Artists (2); Katharine, Duchess of Atholl, on allegations of Nationalist atrocities in Spain; Group-Captain Lachlan Maclean (2); "Reggie" [Reginald Fellowes] (3); [James] Vincent Sheean; [Lionel] Archer Cust, Secretary, Royal Empire Society; 9th Lord de la Warr [President, Board of Education, earlier Lord Buckhurst]; Sir Horace Rumbold [former British Ambassador to Germany] on the Government's policy towards Hitler;...
28 Jan 1939 - 30 Apr 1939
Conditions Governing Access: