Showing Collections: 476 - 500 of 552
The Papers of Sir Michael Franklin
The collection relates primarily to Sir Michael’s involvement with policy on Europe. It includes his diaries from 1961-4, and a memoir of his time at the Cabinet Office from 1977-81. This memoir was written by Sir Michael in retirement.
The Papers of Sir Michael Perrin
Papers and correspondence relating to the discovery of polythene, work at the Tube Alloys directorate, development of atomic energy and the Wellcome trust.
The Papers of Sir Nicholas and Lady (Minna) O'Conor
Includes diaries, family and diplomatic correspondence of Sir Nicholas O'Conor; and diaries, personal and literary papers of Lady (Minna) O'Conor
The Papers of Sir Norman Leslie
Papers about merchant shipping convoys during the First World War
With a letter from Cecilia Mary Leslie about her father's work, 1978
The Papers of Sir Patrick Nairne
Comprising correspondence, working papers, speeches, diaries and audio tapes
The Papers of Sir Percy James Grigg
The Papers of Sir Peter de la Billière
Papers comprising correspondence, manuscripts of books, lectures, photographs, slides and press cuttings relating to his entire army career and his work carried out since retirement.
The Papers of Sir (Philip) Stuart Milner-Barry
These papers mostly consist of correspondence and articles. The papers all deal with intelligence matters such as access to wartime records, claims of espionage, memories of wartime code-breaking-related activities and publications by former Bletchley Park staff or about Bletchley Park.
The Papers of Sir Ralph Hawtrey
The Papers of Sir Richard (Otto) Clarke
This collection of Clarke's papers covers most of his life particularly the period from the Second World War to the end of his life. The material includes correspondence, articles, speeches, lectures and notes on budgets. Also included are publications by Clarke himself and by others. In addition there are some papers relating to Clarke's death.
The Papers of Sir Robert Cockburn
Papers relating to research in radar, atomic energy and guided weapons
The Papers of Sir Robert Edwards
Personal and scientific papers including correspondence, research and laboratory notebooks, draft publications and journal articles, newspaper clippings, photographs, videos and film.
The Papers of Sir Robert Hardingham
Papers relating to the aviation industry
The Papers of Sir Robin Chichester-Clark
Political and personal papers, including material relating to Northern Ireland.
The Papers of Sir Roger Stevens
The Papers of Sir Roy Denman
Comprising a diary, correspondence and papers, speeches and lectures, and press cuttings
The Papers of Sir Stanley Hooker
Copies of two papers by Hooker on the historical development of gas turbines and jet propulsion, including a survey of mainly British engines, and also on "The Barnoldswick Saga", on the development of the Whittle jet engine, 1943-46.
The Papers of Sir Thomas Fife Clark
Papers comprising official papers, speeches, correspondence, press cuttings, photographs and audio tapes.
The Papers of Sir Victor Mallet
Copy of an unpublished memoir, 1919-46.
The Papers of Sir Vincent Wigglesworth
This collection mainly consists of reprints of Wigglesworth's papers and protocols covering his research into insect physiology throughout his career. There are also diaries and photographs of Wigglesworth's research visits to West Africa, 1928, and the Indian sub-continent, 1934 - 1935.
The Papers of Sir William Barker
The papers held at Churchill Archives Centre relate to affairs and events in Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic and Slovakia] and the Soviet Union and shed light on British diplomacy during the Cold War.
The Papers of Sir William Deakin
The collection largely comprises research papers, particularly about Yugoslavia [now Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia] during the Second World War, 1950s-1990s. In addition, a small number of papers concern Deakin's work on "Marlborough: His Life and Times", mainly consisting of typed transcripts of letters and documents used in research, and on Churchill's history of the Second World War.
The Papers of Sir William Gorell Barnes
The papers cover a number of important aspects of Barnes' work as Personal Assistant to Clement Attlee, while Lord President of the Council during World War II and Prime Minister after the War, and his concern with Colonial and Common Market affairs both in his official capacity as Assistant (later Deputy) Under-Secretary of State at the Colonial Office and later through the Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Council.
The Papers of Sir William Hawthorne
The papers in this collection relate to Sir William's personal life and to his business, research and University interests.
The Papers of Sir William John Haley
Includes diaries 1922-86, correspondence 1935-83, and press cuttings.