Showing Collections: 401 - 425 of 552
The Papers of Rowland Kenney and Kit Kenney
Comprising official papers, correspondence and notebooks mainly relating to Norway and Finland.
The papers focus on Rowland Kenney's work in Norway during the two World Wars and on Kit Kenney's work in Finland and Norway during the Second World War.
The Papers of Roy Pilgrim
Mr Pilgrim's notes on Operation Crossroads.
The Papers of Russell Hardy
Material relating to Russell Hardy's campaign for a National Churchill Day, including material on Second World War Resistance movements and a memorial to Ivor Novello.
The Papers of Sarah Churchill
Comprising correspondence, literary papers, photographs, press cuttings and film.
With some correspondence with Mary Soames after Sarah Churchill's death, about her literary papers and estate, 1983-4, 1988.
The Papers of Sasha Moorsom Young
Papers comprising letters, diaries, literary papers, school and university memorabilia, and photographs.
The Papers of Selwyn Lloyd
Papers comprising diaries, correspondence, financial papers, military papers, political papers, constituency correspondence, press cuttings and photographs.
The Papers of Sir Aaron Klug
Papers comprising of correspondence to individuals and organisations; research projects; speeches; the Royal Society; drafts and finished manuscripts; businesses engagements; speeches; photographs; slides; awards and artefacts.
The Papers of Sir Alan Lascelles
The Papers of Sir Alan Walters
Collected economic papers relating to his role working for the Prime Minister (Margaret Thatcher MP), with later economic briefing and forecasting papers, academic papers, articles and press cuttings
The Papers of Sir Andrew Graham Gilchrist
Military, diplomatic and literary papers, 1937-93.
The Papers of Sir Angus Cunninghame Graham
The papers comprise signals, letters and miscellaneous papers relating to Admiral Cunninghame Graham's Naval service in both world wars and the inter-war period; his correspondence with Professor Arthur Marder and his correspondence on the subject of the libel action brought by Captain Jack Broome, RN, against David Irving for his book on convoy PQ 17; and papers, press-cuttings and recollections dating from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
The Papers of Sir Antony Part
Papers concerning the compilation and publication of Part's autobiography, "The making of a mandarin"; with other papers including speeches given before and after Part's civil service career and business papers after his retirement
The Papers of Sir Archibald Finlayson Forbes
Papers, mainly relating to the Iron and Steel Board, banking and other interests
The Papers of Sir Archibald Hurd
The Papers of Sir Arthur Marshall
Includes papers and correspondence relating to Sir Arthur's career, public life and interests.
The Papers of Sir Auckland Campbell Geddes
This collection mainly consists of private papers and correspondence, 1885-1954, and family papers, 1783-1963. The material, especially the ministerial and ambassadorial papers, collected together by David Geddes provides an insight into the 1910s and 1920s. The collection also includes Geddes' writings on medical, spiritual and military matters.
The Papers of Sir Austin Robinson
Papers relating to the Ministry of Production in World War II; the Board of Trade and HM Treasury, Marshall Aid, and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
The Papers of Sir Barnes Neville Wallis
Copies of papers written by Wallis in the course of his aeronautical research.
The Papers of Sir Basil Schonland
Papers comprising working files from the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, at Harwell
The Papers of Sir Bryan Godfrey-Faussett
The Papers of Sir Cecil Spring-Rice
The collection held at Churchill Archives Centre consists chiefly of correspondence; it also includes papers relating to Spring-Rice's diplomatic postings; poetry and other writings; and diaries of travels in Japan.
The Papers of Sir Charles Frederick Goodeve
Papers comprising of articles, lectures, correspondence, a diary, research notes, press cuttings, photographs and microfilm.
The Papers of Sir Charles Hyde Villiers
Comprising manuscript diaries and business papers.
The Papers of Sir Charles Oatley
The papers include: account of Oatley's wartime work in the development of radar; papers and correspondence on the development of the Scanning Electron Microscope at the University of Cambridge Engineering Department; papers on Oatley's development of the Electrical Sciences Tripos at Cambridge.
The Papers of Sir Charles Peake
Comprising two diaries and letters written by the diplomat Charles Peake.