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The Papers of Sir Antony Part

Reference Code: GBR/0014/PART

Scope and Contents

Papers concerning the compilation and publication of Part's autobiography, "The making of a mandarin"; with other papers including speeches given before and after Part's civil service career and business papers after his retirement


  • Creation: 1936 - 1990


Conditions Governing Access

Boxes 1-9 are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Boxes 10-21 are closed pending cataloguing.

Conditions Governing Use

Researchers wishing to publish excerpts from the papers must obtain prior permission from the copyright holders and should seek advice from Archives Centre staff.

Biographical / Historical

Part was educated at Wellesley House, Broadstairs, Harrow, and Trinity College, Cambridge.

His distinguished career in the Civil Service ran as follows: 1937, Entered Board of Education; 1939-40 Assistant Private Secretary to successive Ministers of Supply; 1940-44 Army Service 1944 Lt-Col GS(1) HQ 21 Army Group; 1945-46 Principal Private Secretary to successive Ministers of Education; 1950-51 Home Civil Service Commonwealth Fund Fellow to USA; 1954-60...
Under-Secretary, Ministry of Education; 1960-63 Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Education; 1963-65 Deputy Secretary, MPBW; 1965-68 Permanent Secretary, MPBW; 1968-70 Permanent Secretary, BoT; 1970-74 Permanent Secretary, DTI; 1974-76 Permanent Secretary, DoI.

He was awarded the MBE (military) in 1943, becoming a CB in 1959, KCB in 1966 and GCB in 1974. Part died in 1974 and his autobiography, "The Making of a Mandarin", was published posthumously in 1990.

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21 archive box(es) : paper

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