KCPH/2/79 album
Contains 33 Results:
Penny Cleobury choir photograph collection, 1982 - 1997
Colour and black and white prints and contact sheets of photographs, mostly publicity shots, of the King’s College Choir and Stephen Cleobury.
Bedford County Press (Westminster Press Ltd), 1982 - 1997
1 black and white print, approximately 6.5” x 8.5”, serial number A8905/3. Shows 4 choristers in the foreground standing in the aisle wearing suits and gowns and consulting music and/or looking at the photographer, Stephen Cleobury in the middle distance similarly dressed, and the other choristers standing in several rows of stalls in the background.
Bertin, Frederick-Edwin, 1993
2 copies of the same black and white print showing Stephen Cleobury wearing a jacket and tie with his hands folded at his waist, standing in the stalls and surrounded by lit candles. Both copies are annotated with the subject and with slightly different dates: 31 October 1993 and November 1993.
Choir photographs, 1984
Choir photographs, 1982 - 1997
Choir photographs, 1982 - 1997
Choir photographs, 1982 - 1997
Black and white contact sheet of colour images, negative 8213955, and colour print approximately 6” x 8” of an image from that sheet. The choir are standing in the stalls wearing red cassocks and surplices and the east window is usually visible in the background. The print has a sticker on the back indicating it was published in KCCB as image 6 (of plate 32) and a processing stamp ‘77 Cambridge News 081L 96/07/23 08-43’.
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip with the Provost attending the Advent Carol Service, 1991
Black and white contact sheet of colour photographs, negative number C776791. Photographs show people behind a rope lined up alongside the Chapel awaiting the arrival of Queen Elizabeth II and her party, the party walking up the path and into Chapel, and the choristers wearing top hats and gowns processing into Chapel. One of the photos appears in plate 27 of KCCB where it is captioned as showing the Queen and Prince Philip with the Provost attending the Advent Carol Service in 1991.
Visit of the Duchess of Kent in 1993, 1993
'Suzannah’, 1982 - 1997
Black and white contact sheet annotated ‘262388’ which may have been taken by CEN, judging by the receipt attached to the glassine envelope in which the sheet was stored. Photographs show ‘Suzannah’ of the Perse School, a young woman sitting at a piano in a large room, possibly an auditorium.
Choir photographs, 1982 - 1997
Choir photographs, 1987
3 black and white contact sheets annotated ‘8757’ showing Stephen Cleobury informally posed wearing a coat and tie and gown standing in the front court. Most are head and shoulders shots and there is some repetition between the sheets.
Choir photographs, 1988
Choir photographs, 1988
Black and white contact sheet annotated ‘8880/2’ and ‘2.’ showing choristers in top hats and gowns informally posed sitting and standing in the front and back courts and on the bridge. One approximately 6.5” x 8.5” black and white print of frame 5 from this contact sheet with a sticker on the back indicating it was published in KCCB as plate 54 (it was actually plate 53).
Choir photographs, 1988
Black and white contact sheet annotated ‘8880/3.’ showing the choir wearing cassocks and surplices standing in the stalls and Stephen Cleobury standing in the aisle between them.
Choir photographs, 1988
Black and white contact sheet annotated ‘8880/4.’ showing the choir (south side) wearing cassocks and surplices standing in the stalls and Stephen Cleobury standing in the aisle with his hand on the railing, with all subjects looking at the photographer. The organ screen is in the background.
Choir photographs, 1988
Black and white contact sheet annotated ‘8880/5.’ showing the choir wearing cassocks, and in some shots also surplices, standing in the stalls. In 3 shots the choir are singing (one has the organ screen in the background) and the other 2 shots show the north side, all subjects turned to face the photographer with Stephen Cleobury standing in the aisle between them and the organ in the background.
Choir photographs, 1989
Black and white contact sheet annotated ‘89103/1’ and ‘1’ showing the choir wearing cassocks without surplices standing in the stalls turned to look at the photographer with Stephen Cleobury standing in the Chapel aisle. The east window is visible in the background, with the Rubens frame closed.
Choir photographs, 1989
Black and white contact sheet annotated ‘89103/2’ showing the choir wearing cassocks without surplices standing in the stalls turned to look at the photographer with Stephen Cleobury standing in the Chapel aisle. The east window is visible in the background, with the Rubens frame closed. Similar to 89103/1 but taken closer to the subjects.
Choir photographs, 1989
Choir photographs, 1989
Black and white contact sheet annotated ‘89103/4’ and ‘4’ showing close-ups of the choir and Stephen Cleobury wearing everyday clothes apparently in rehearsal in the choir stalls, and 4 approximately 6.5” x 8.5” black and white prints from this contact sheet. The prints are of frames 6, 8, 9 and 11 which have stickers on the back numbered 8, 1, 13 and 7 respectively. Only frame 8 was seen published in KCCB, as image 1 (of plate 76).
Choir photographs, 1989
Black and white contact sheet annotated ‘89103/5’ showing the choir and Stephen Cleobury apparently in rehearsal, wearing everyday clothes and standing in the aisle between the choir stalls with the organ screen in the background.