Stoy, Richard Hugh, 1910 - 1994 (astronomer)
Found in 81 Collections and/or Records:
Annual report, 1964
The report by R.H. Stoy on the work of the Cape Observatory for 1 April 1963 to 31 March 1964, 9 pages.
Annual report, 1965
The report by R.H. Stoy on the work of the Cape Observatory for 1 April 1964 to 31 March 1965, 10 pages.
Annual report, 1968
The report by R.H. Stoy on the work of the Cape Observatory for the year 1967, 10 pages.
Correspondence of G.A. Harding, 1969 - 1973
Correspondence of O.J. Eggen, 1958-02-04 - 1962-09-05
Correspondence of R.H. Stoy, 1954
A copy of a letter from R.H. Stoy, Royal Observatory, Cape Province, South Africa, to A. Danjon, Paris Observatory, 23 October 1954, regarding the selection of a site for the proposed European Observatory, suggesting the enlisting of support from C. Jackson and S.P. Jackson, and recommending that a seeing survey be carried out. There are also copies of Stoy's correspondence with C. and S.P. Jackson, 20 September - 12 October 1954, who express views on sites and conditions.
Correspondence on a kinetheodolite, 1964 - 1966
Correspondence on Britain and the E.S.O., 1959-04-16 - 1959-06-11
A notice to British National Committee of Astronomy members on the setting up of a sub-committee to consider British participation in the European Southern Observatory. There are also Redman's letters to J.H. Oort and R. Woolley on the British position, including reference to R.H. Stoy's suggestion that Britain contributes on a reduced scale.
Correspondence on Cape instruments, 1939 - 1949
Correspondence on Cape salaries, 1964-08-27 - 1968-09-16
Correspondence between Dr Stoy of the Cape Observatory, A. Hunter of the Royal Greenwich Observatory and others regarding the monthly salaries of staff employed at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, and their conditions of service.
Correspondence on general astronomy, 1946 - 1963
Correspondence regarding miscellaneous astronomical matters, including correspondence with R.H. Stoy, Professor H.A. Brück, Dr W.H. Steavens, Dr W. Fricke, Professor D.W.N. Stibbs, Professor P.C. Chaudri, Professor W. Fessenkow and Dr J. Ring.
Correspondence on International Geophysical Year, 1956 - 1960
Correspondence on Royal Society nominations, 1950 - 1959
Correspondence with various people, including B.F.J. Schonland, F.J.M. Stratton, G.B.B.M. Sutherland, R.A. Lyttleton, R.O. Redman and H.S.W. Massey, regarding the nomination for the Royal Society of R.H. Stoy, A.D. Thackeray, D.J. Malan, J.H. Oort, R. Atkinson, A.C.B. Lovell, F. Hoyle and others.
Correspondence on staff, 1965-07-19 - 1965-07-29
A letter from A.D. Thackeray to Sir Richard Woolley, 19 July 1965, regarding staff at the Radcliffe Observatory, and a copy of Thackeray's reply of 29 July suggesting that R.H. Stoy come to England to discuss the issue of staff with the Science Research Council.
Correspondence on the 150-inch telescope, 1967-06-20 - 1967-09-12
Correspondence on the Cape Observatory, 1937 - 1949
Correspondence on the International Astronomical Union, 1961
Correspondence on the Large Telescope User's Panel, 1966-06-22 - 1975-03-25
Correspondence on the Large Telescope User's Panel, 1967-07-24 - 1974-08-26
Correspondence on the National Committee, 1955-01-22 - 1955-05-13
Correspondence with R.H. Stoy, 1963-10-15 - 1963-10-21
Correspondence between Sir Richard Woolley and R.H. Stoy regarding Cape proper motions.
Correspondence with R.H. Stoy, 1964-01-07
Correspondence between Sir Richard Woolley and R.H. Stoy regarding Woolley's request for spectra of RR Lyrae variables in Omega Centauri, and including comments on the subject by D.S. Evans.
Correspondence with R.H. Stoy, 1965-02-01 - 1965-04-26
Correspondence between Sir Richard Woolley and R.H. Stoy regarding the proper motion of RR Lyrae stars and the completion of the northern stars by the Royal Greenwich Observatory Astrometric Department. The letters also discuss the possibility of a Cape Observatory programme on M-Dwarf stars.
Correspondence with R.H. Stoy, 1965-12-31 - 1966-01-07
Correspondence between Sir Richard Woolley and R.H. Stoy regarding the star UY Eri and whether it should be called the fastest W Virginis star or the longest period RR Lyrae star.
Correspondence with R.H. Stoy, 1966-01-11 - 1966-01-18
Correspondence between Sir Richard Woolley and R.H. Stoy regarding work on the RR Lyrae stars and a way to beat the difficulties arising from the variation from one cycle to the next.
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- Subject
- Antarctica 1
- Russia 1
- South Africa 1
- Western Australia 1