Royal Society
Found in 164 Collections and/or Records:
Papers on the Royal Society, 1889 - 1901
Papers on the Royal Society, 1879 - 1935
Papers on the Royal Society, 1915 - 1936
Miscellaneous papers concerning the Royal Society, including a report on P.M. Ryves' Observatory at Zaragoza, Spain; correspondence relating to the obituaries of Sir Thomas Muir, Professor A. Rambaut and David Gill; correspondence regarding Royal Society medals; and letters concerning submitted papers.
Papers on the Royal Society, 1937 - 1947
Papers on the Royal Society Antarctic Expedition, 1956
A copy of a letter of appointment to R.A. Smart, Leader of the Royal Society Antarctic Expedition, with notes of guidance, a press release and notes on Halley Bay.
Papers on the Royal Society Government Grant Committee, 1928 - 1929
Correspondence and reports relating to the Royal Society Government Grant Committee.
Papers on the Science Research Council, 1965-02-12 - 1970-04-22
Papers on Universal Time, 1884 - 1898
"Papers read in the R.S. Oct 22 1713 - 10 May 1728", c 1728-c 1730
The Macclesfield Collection principally comprises the archives of John Collins (1625-1683) and William Jones (1675-1749). As well as being mathematicians in their own right, both men corresponded with leading scientific figures of their day and so the collection includes autograph material by Isaac Newton, Edmond Halley, Henry Briggs, Roger Cotes, Henry Oldenburg and Robert Hooke.
Papers relating to the glass experiments of the Board of Longitude and the Royal Society, 1824-05 - 1829-01
The purpose of the glass experiments was to find a more satisfactory method of producing glass for optical plate. Includes correspondence with the glassmakers, Pellatt and Green on providing premises for building a glass house and furnace.
Papers relating to the warehouse in Catherine Street occupied by the Board of Longitude, 1782 - 1826
The accounts of printers and publishers for Board of Longitude publications, with miscellaneous accounts.
Personal correspondence, 1945 - 1952
Personal correspondence, 1951 - 1956
Personal correspondence, R-Z, 1956 - 1958
Petition to the Queen of the President, Council and Fellows of the Royal Society of London, for the Grant of a New Place of Meeting, c 1700-c 1720
The Portsmouth Collection is the principal collection of Isaac Newton's scientific and mathematical papers, including early drafts of the Principia, and his correspondence with Oldenburg, Halley Flamsteed and many of the other most prominent scientists of his day.
Plan and drawing of an instrument for finding longitude, 1803
Letter, plan and drawing.
Remarks Upon the Solar and the Lunar Years, The Cycle of 19 Years, commonly called The Golden Number, the Epact, And a Method of finding the Time of Easter, as it is now observed in most Parts of Europe, 1750 (The contents of this pamphlet were, according to the title page, first communicated to the Royal Society by Martin Folkes on 10 May 1750.)
"Being Part of a Letter from The right Honourable George Earl of Macclesfield to Martin Folkes Esq; President of the Royal Society."
Remarks Upon the Solar and the Lunar Years, The Cycle of 19 Years, commonly called The Golden Number, the Epact, And a Method of finding the Time of Easter, as it is now observed in most Parts of Europe, 1750 (The contents of this pamphlet were, according to the title page, first communicated to the Royal Society by Martin Folkes on 10 May 1750.)
"Being Part of a Letter from The right Honourable George Earl of Macclesfield to Martin Folkes Esq; President of the Royal Society."
Royal Society inquiry into gas reservoir of the Gas Light Company, 1809 - 1814
Sir Joseph John Thomson: Correspondence and Papers
The Royal Society, Burlington House, 17 May 1933
Captioned photograph of the assembled Fellows of the Royal Society sitting in rows.
Titles of papers relative to the Royal Observatory and Royal Society in the possession of Sir Joseph Banks, 1765 - 1820
Set of documents relating to the Royal Observatory, wrapped in paper marked 'King's warrant of appointment to the Royal Observatory, appointment of visitors and sundry other papers relative to the Royal Observatory'.
Transactions with the British Association, 1868 - 1873
Papers relating to transactions with the British Association. The papers include notices of meetings in Exeter, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Brighton and Bradford; a copy of the recommendations adopted by the General Committee at the Liverpool meeting; minutes of the Royal Society Council meetings and reports of the Kew Committee; a printed report of the Committee on Science Lectures and Organization; and a circular on state aid to science.
Transactions with the Royal Society, 1836 - 1846
Transactions with the Royal Society, 1845 - 1848
Papers relating to transactions with the Royal Society, including correspondence with its members. The material includes reports on several papers; a copy of the list of candidates for election into the Royal Society, 1848; papers from the 'Journal of the Belles Lettres'; a copy of Chapter I of the Amended Statutes of the Royal Society; and a printed booklet titled 'A Letter addressed to the Earl of Rosse, President-Elect of the Royal Society, by Marshall Hall'.
Additional filters:
- ARCHON code (for CUL materials)
- Royal Greenwich Observatory (GBR/0180) 145
- Archives and MSS Dept. (GBR/0012) 19
- Type
- Archival Object 162
- Collection 2
- Subject
- Antarctica 5
- London 4
- Paris 4
- Russia 4
- Germany 3
- Japan 3
- Magnetism 3
- Arctic 2
- India 2
- Kensington 2
- Oxford 2
- Science 2
- Sherborne 2
- United States 2
- Africa 1
- Astronomical observatories 1
- Astronomical telescopes 1
- Australia 1
- Austria 1
- Belgium 1
- Biographies 1
- Canada 1
- China 1
- Clocks 1
- Czechoslovakia 1
- Denmark 1
- Education 1
- Electricity 1
- English Channel 1
- Examinations 1
- France 1
- Geology 1
- Helgoland 1
- Ipswich 1
- Italy 1
- Lectures 1
- Longitude 1
- Macclesfield 1
- Malta 1
- Mathematics 1
- Meteorology 1
- Montserrat 1
- Museums 1
- Natural sciences 1
- Netherlands 1
- New South Wales 1
- New Zealand 1
- Peru 1
- Physics 1
- Railway transport 1
- Saint Paul's Cathedral 1
- Sicily 1
- Solomon Islands 1
- South Australia 1
- Southampton 1
- Spain 1
- Standards 1
- Switzerland 1
- Thames 1
- Time 1
- Victoria 1
- Wanstead 1
- Weights and measures 1
- Woodbury 1 + ∧ less