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Colonial Office


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Official: Colonial Office: Expenses incurred during visit to Egypt: various papers., 18 Mar 1921 - 07 Jan 1922

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/19
Scope and Contents Correspondence between Sir Archibald Sinclair [later 1st Lord Thurso, Private Secretary to WSC] and Captain T B Marson (3) on expenses incurred by Sir Hugh Trenchard [Chief of Air Staff]; [Lord] Edward Hay [Military Secretary to High Commissioner in Palestine] on payment for the Palestine delegation; and W H Eggett (3).Includes copy of letter from WSC to Sir Warren Fisher [Permanent Secretary, Treasury] on the payments of expenses and summaries of expenses incurred by various officials...
Dates: 18 Mar 1921 - 07 Jan 1922
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Maps., 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/17
Scope and Contents

Includes a map of Arabia showing the areas of influence of various Arab leaders; a map of Turkey in Asia showing French and Italian areas of influence; and a map of Eastern Turkey in Asia, Syria and West Persia.Includes internal departmental correspondence and notes by General Sir Charles Harington, Commander in Chief of the army of the Black Sea, on the effects of the Treaty [of Versailles].

Dates: 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Middle East: Various papers., 1920 - 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/14
Scope and Contents Papers on various subjects including: the dispute between King Hussein [of the Hijaz, Arabia] and Ibn Saud [Sultan of Najd, Arabia]; British government subsidies to the chiefs of the Arabian peninsula; the 'Akhwan' Islamic religious movement; Britain's military forces in Persia [later Iran] and Mesopotamia [later Iraq]; the position of Emir Feisal and his dealings with the Foreign Office and [1st Lord] Curzon [of Kedleston, Lord President of the Council]; the position of Sir Percy Cox, High...
Dates: 1920 - 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Middle East: Various papers., 13 Jan 1921 - 24 Dec 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/15
Scope and Contents Papers on various subjects including: the control of Mesopotamia [Iraq] through garrisons and the use of tanks and the RAF; statements of expenditure including subsidies to Arabia chiefs; the transfer of the administration of the mandated territories to the Middle East department; analysis of the costs of military forces in Palestine, North West Persia [later Iran], Mesopotamia and Egypt; negotiations between Turkey and France over Syria; the position of Emir Feisal; military activities by...
Dates: 13 Jan 1921 - 24 Dec 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Minutes and telegrams., 09 Jan 1922 - 22 Sep 1922

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/26
Scope and Contents WSC's copies of minutes and telegrams to various individuals including: Sir John Chancellor; Sir Percy Cox, High Commissioner, Mesopotamia [later Iraq] on negotiations with Turkey and reduction of forces in Iraq; [General Jan Smuts] Prime Minister of South Africa; Sir James Masterton Smith [Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies] on the Imperial War Museum and the Imperial Institute; 1st Lord Byng [Governor General in Canada] on the embargo on Canadian cattle; Sir John...
Dates: 09 Jan 1922 - 22 Sep 1922
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: naval policy: notes and papers., 27 Nov 1906 - Apr 1907

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/44
Scope and Contents

Includes printed papers and correspondence from the Colonial Office, the Admiralty and the Foreign Office on the redistribution of the Royal Navy and its effect on the Colonial Office.Also includes: list of disturbances and occasions calling for HM ships and forces in the West Indies from 1881.

Dates: 27 Nov 1906 - Apr 1907
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Newfoundland [Canada] fisheries: drafts, papers, and correspondence., 1906 - 1907

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/20
Scope and Contents Correspondents include (mostly printed up as official papers): Sir William MacGregor [Governor of Newfoundland]; Hugh Cox (Colonial Office); 9th Lord Elgin and Kincardine [Secretary of State for the Colonies]; Sir Eldon Gorst and Sir Eric Barrington [Assistant Under Secretaries of State for Foreign Affairs]; Whitelaw Reid [United States Ambassador to Great Britain]; Elihu Root [Secretary of State, United States]; Sir Mortimer Durand [British Ambassador to the United States]; Sir Robert Bond...
Dates: 1906 - 1907
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Palestine visit: Petitions, etc., 27 Nov 1920 - 27 Mar 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/20
Scope and Contents

Signed petitions from groups approving of the Balfour declaration and the foundation of Palestine as Jewish National Home including: the Jewish National Council of Palestine; the Jewish community of Tel Aviv and Jaffa [Israel] and the colony council of Richon le Zion. Also signed petitions from groups opposing the measures and the mandate to Palestine including the inhabitants of Hebron.Also includes telegrams welcoming WSC to Palestine and a timetable of his visit to Gaza.

Dates: 27 Nov 1920 - 27 Mar 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Partial list of correspondents., 1921 - 1922

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/12
Scope and Contents

Summary of correspondence received at the Colonial Office which gives details of the sender's name, date of communication and subjects covered.

Dates: 1921 - 1922
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: South and East Africa: correspondence., 04 Dec 1905 - 29 Dec 1905

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/5
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Moses Gaster, Chief Rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese Jew's Congregation, on obtaining land in the British Empire for a Jewish settlement; Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson [Governor and Commander in Chief, Cape Colony, later part of South Africa] on affairs in South Africa; Edward Peacock, Manager of the Morning Post; John Atkins; Edward Marsh [Private Secretary at the Colonial Office] on army finances in Sierra Leone; Herbert Samuel [Parliamentary Under-Secretary of...
Dates: 04 Dec 1905 - 29 Dec 1905
Conditions Governing Access: Open.

Official: Colonial Office: supplementary estimates: various notes and papers., c 1907

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/43
Scope and Contents

Includes hand-written notes on finances for St Helena, the Imperial Institute, the repatriation of chinese coolies from the Transvaal [South Africa] (including a copy of a minute by WSC), and grant and aid following the earthquake at Kingston, Jamaica.

Dates: c 1907
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: supplementary estimates: West Indian telegraphic communications and mail service: prints and papers., Jun 1906 - Aug 1907

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 10/42
Scope and Contents

Includes Colonial Office papers and correspondence on the West Indian steamer subsidy and inter-colonial mail service; contract with the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company; reports of the Interdepartmental Committee on West Indian Telegraphic Communication (chaired by WSC).

Dates: Jun 1906 - Aug 1907
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: Telegrams about Mesopotamia [Iraq]., 08 Jan 1921 - 11 Nov 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/16
Scope and Contents Telegrams mainly from Sir Percy Cox, High Commissioner in Mesopotamia (20) and Sir Aylmer Haldane, Commander in Chief, Mesopotamia (6) on the control of Mesopotamia through garrisons and the RAF; reduction in military expenditure; dealings with and the position of Emir Feisal; the evacuation of troops; operations against insurrections; and a possible Turkish invasion of Mosul [Iraq]. Also includes telegrams from Archibald Sinclair [later 1st Lord Thurso, Private Secretary to Secretary of...
Dates: 08 Jan 1921 - 11 Nov 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Colonial Office: various papers., 14 Dec 1920 - 25 Nov 1921

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 17/1
Scope and Contents Includes: a paper by [Major] Desmond Morton on the need for stabilisation of exchange rates and trade throughout the Empire by a single Imperial currency; extract from a speech of General [Jan] Smuts, Prime Minister of South Africa on an Imperial Bank; notes of a meeting between WSC, Lord Riddell and Lord Burnham [earlier Harry Webster] on the Communications Committee and the importance of communication throughout the Empire; a paper by Colonel John Fuller on the importance of roadless...
Dates: 14 Dec 1920 - 25 Nov 1921
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Treasury: correspondence from WSC (carbon copies)., 09 Nov 1924 - 30 Dec 1924

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 18/2
Scope and Contents Recipients include: Stanley Baldwin [Prime Minister] (5); Leo Amery, Secretary of State for the Colonies, (6) on subjects including expenditure on Iraq and Palestine; 1st Lord Birkenhead [earlier F E Smith, Secretary of State for India]; Sir Laming Worthington-Evans [Secretary of State for War]; Ronald McNeill [later 1st Lord Cushendun, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs]; William Bridgeman, First Lord of the Admiralty, (4) on subjects including marriage licenses for...
Dates: 09 Nov 1924 - 30 Dec 1924
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Treasury: correspondence mainly from WSC or James Grigg [Principal Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer] (carbon copies)., 01 Jul 1925 - 28 Dec 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 18/10
Scope and Contents Recipients include: Sir Maurice Hankey [Secretary to the Cabinet] (2); Sir Sydney Chapman [Permanent Secretary, Board of Trade] on safeguarding of industries; Prime Minister [Stanley Baldwin] (6) on subjects including the trade union political levy and the Colonial Office reorganisation; Lord Wodehouse [later 3rd Lord Kimberley]; Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister [earlier Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame, later 1st Lord Swinton, President of the Board of Trade]; Peter Larkin [Canadian High Commissioner to...
Dates: 01 Jul 1925 - 28 Dec 1925
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Treasury: WSC's minutes., 16 Nov 1924 - 24 Dec 1924

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 18/3
Scope and Contents Includes carbon copies of minutes and letters from WSC to various individuals, mainly Treasury officials, including: Sir Warren Fisher [Permanent Secretary]; Sir George Barstow [Controller of Supply Services]; Prime Minister [Stanley Baldwin]; Walter Guinness [later 1st Lord Moyne, Financial Secretary]; Sir Russell Scott [Controller]; Sir Otto Niemeyer [Controller of Finance]; Sir Horace Hamilton [Chairman, Board of Customs and Excise]; James Grigg [Principal Private Secretary to the...
Dates: 16 Nov 1924 - 24 Dec 1924
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Treasury: WSC's minutes., 11 Oct 1925 - 27 Dec 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 18/13A-B
Scope and Contents Includes carbon copies of minutes from WSC to various individuals, mainly Treasury officials, including: Sir Otto Niemeyer [Controller of Finance]; Sir George Barstow [Controller of Supply Services]; Sir Warren Fisher [Permanent Secretary]; Sir Russell Scott [Controller]; Sir Maurice Hankey [Secretary to the Cabinet]; James Grigg [Principal Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer]; Alfred Hurst; Sir Richard Hopkins [Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue]; Sir Horace Hamilton...
Dates: 11 Oct 1925 - 27 Dec 1925
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Oliver Lyttelton: photographs, 1944 - 1970

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAN II/4/21/1-4
Scope and Contents

Including photographs of Oliver Lyttelton with the 5th Army in Italy during the Second World War, as Colonial Secretary, 1951-4, and at a meeting of the Trustees of Churchill College, 1958

Dates: 1944 - 1970
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Printed annual reports of British colonies and protectorates, 1920 - 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 1/3/61
Scope and Contents Annual colonial reports for: Jamaica (1921-24); Cayman Islands (1922-25); Trinidad and Tobago (1921-25); Grenada (1922-25); St Lucia (1921-24); St Vincent (1921-25); Leeward Islands (1920-26); Turks and Caicos Islands (1921-25); Barbados (1920-26); Bermuda (1921-24); Bahamas (1920-25). Also includes: report of the West Indian Currency Committee; memorandum on the establishment of a telegraph system in the West Indies; report by Edward Wood, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the...
Dates: 1920 - 1926
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Private and personal correspondence with Governors General, State Governors and Colonial Governors, 1905 - 1929

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 2/4
Scope and Contents This series covers LSA's personal correspondence as Secretary of State for the Colonies, as opposed to the official Colonial Office material in the public and political papers. The correspondence covers a wide range of subjects relating to the colonies and governors' duties, including: the political and economic state of the colonies; colonial development; colonial officials; trade; communications with the home Government; LSA's reorganization of the Colonial Office; the tours of the Empire...
Dates: 1905 - 1929
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Public and political: Colonial Office, 1939 - 1941

Reference Code: GBR/0014/GLLD 21
Scope and Contents

Subject files and correspondence, with some royal correspondence and a file on Lloyd's last illness and death.

Dates: 1939 - 1941
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please cite as Churchill Archives Centre, The Papers of George Lloyd, 1st Baron Lloyd of Dolobran, GLLD

Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1902 - 1948

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEL 1/4
Scope and Contents

Colonial Office papers, on subjects including: LSA's appointment as Secretary of State; speeches relating to the Empire; LSA's Empire Tour of 1927-28; a claim against the Canadian Government over the contract to build the Georgian Bay Canal; the administration of central and eastern Africa; other issues such as the trade outlook, pension policy and the General Strike.

Dates: 1902 - 1948
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Speeches, 1958-11 - 1958-12

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEJ 7/1/28
Scope and Contents

Speeches given by JA [as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office] in the House of Commons on the return of direct rule for Malta from Britain, and working towards a new Maltese settlement, and the economic problems of St Helena.

Dates: 1958-11 - 1958-12
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, though the constituency papers and some of the correspondence and political papers remain closed.

Speeches, 1959-03 - 1959-12

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEJ 7/1/29
Scope and Contents Speeches given by JA [as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office], mainly in the House of Commons, with some background notes from the Colonial Office, on subjects including: Kenya and its constitution; sweated labour, particularly relating to Hong Kong; the Colonial Development and Welfare Bill; the Nigeria Independence Bill; a visit to London by the Spanish Minister of Commerce, including talks on Gibraltar; Chinese refugees in Hong Kong; Central African Federation for...
Dates: 1959-03 - 1959-12
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, though the constituency papers and some of the correspondence and political papers remain closed.
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Additional filters:

Colonialism 82
South Africa (nation) 37
Colonial countries 20
Economic conditions 19
Political patronage 18