Found in 327 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 19 Nov 1944
Telegram from President Roosevelt to WSC marked "Personal and Top Secret" expressing concern at hearing reports that the British Government are once again considering making a contract for importing Argentinean meat and stating that such an action would be used for propaganda purposes by the Argentinean Regime.
(Untitled), 19 Nov 1944
Telegram from WSC to President Roosevelt marked "Personal and Top Secret" stating that he is sending him all their telegrams on the issue of importing Argentinean meat in order better to put the British position before him.
(Untitled), 20 Nov 1944
Telegram from WSC to Lord Halifax [earlier Edward Wood and Lord Irwin, British Ambassador in the United States] marked "Personal and Top Secret" stating that he is sending him copies of the telegrams between himself and President Roosevelt on importing Argentinean meat. Copy.
(Untitled), 26 Nov 1944
Telegram from WSC to President Roosevelt marked "Personal and Top Secret" stating that in light of United States objections the British Government are willing to continue importing Argentinean meat on a month by month basis rather than signing a long-term contract; but regretting a document [quoted in full in CHAR 20/175/112-113] from the United States Government to the Foreign Office which he feels is "threatening" on the subject.
(Untitled), 26 Nov 1944
Telegram from WSC to President Roosevelt marked "Personal and Top Secret" quoting in full a document from the United States Government to the Foreign Office on the political implications of the importing of Argentinean meat by the United Kingdom.
(Untitled), 31 Dec 1944
Telegram from WSC to President Roosevelt marked "Personal and Top Secret" thanking him for his message of 11 December on the importing of Argentinean meat.
(Untitled), 18 Jan 1918
Letter from R A V Morris (Local Food Control Committee, St Marylebone, 6 Holles Street, Oxford Street [London]) to Lady Randolph Churchill informing her that the Ministry of Food requires her to provide details of her date of birth for the sugar distribution scheme and asking her to complete a declaration form [not present]. Signed typescript.
(Untitled), 01 Aug 1943 - 28 Aug 1943
(Untitled), 02 Oct 1943 - 31 Oct 1943
(Untitled), 09 Jul 1941 - 10 Jul 1941
(Untitled), 24 Jun 1941
Minute [from 1st Lord Cherwell, earlier F A Lindemann, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC sending on a draft minute to the Minister of Food [1st Lord Woolton, earlier Frederick Marquis] on imports of pork, diary products, oil and oilseeds, and Argentine meat. [Copy; given running number 320].
(Untitled), 15 Jul 1941 - 16 Jul 1941
Minutes [from 1st Lord Cherwell, earlier F A Lindemann, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on a note by Peregrine Churchill on concealing large establishments from the air, price control on fish landings and distribution, bomb-load figures, and production of gas weapons. [Copies; given running numbers 350, 351, 252, and 352A].
(Untitled), 20 Aug 1941 - 29 Aug 1941
(Untitled), 22 Apr 1947
(Untitled), 31 Mar 1947
(Untitled), 27 Oct 1948
(Untitled), 31 Jan 1949
(Untitled), 20 Jul 1949
Letter from Sir Bernard Freyberg [Governor-General of New Zealand] (Wellington, New Zealand) to WSC, stating that he was sending him a large smoked ham, which he hoped he would eat rather than give away. Freyberg adds that he was also sending CSC fifteen pounds of sweets and chocolate and in a postscript asks if WSC's secretary could let him know if the food didn't arrive. Signed typescript
(Untitled), 12 Apr 1949
Parcel label addressed to WSC from Sir Bernard Freyberg [Governor-General of New Zealand] (Government House, New Zealand), signed with love from Freyberg. Annotated as being a gift of a large ham which had been given to Mrs Landeman, with a note of a telegraphed reply from WSC thanking Freyberg.
(Untitled), 16 Jul 1951
(Untitled), 04 Sep 1941 - 10 Sep 1941
(Untitled), 10 Sep 1941 - 26 Sep 1941
(Untitled), 25 Jul 1941 - 31 Jul 1941
(Untitled), 01 Jul 1941 - 03 Jul 1941
Minutes [from 1st Lord Cherwell, earlier F A Lindemann, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on a pilot surplus and the need to increase heavy bomber production, the U-boat position at 28 June according to the Admiralty album, food imports (referring to "W.P.(R) (41) 44"), and medicine duties. [Copies; given running numbers 329, 330, 331, and 332].