Malta (island)
Found in 348 Collections and/or Records:
Official programme of Royal Visit to Malta, 1954
Programmes, guides, journals and one map relating to the Royal Visits to Jamaica, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Ceylon, Aden, Uganda, Malta and Gibraltar. There is also a report of Barclays Bank D.C.O. Much of the material relates to the tour of Australia.
Old Malta, 1920
44 x 67 mm.
Old Race Stand at Civita Vecchia, 1909-10 - 1909-11
Quarter-plate (landscape format). The races still held on St Peter and St Pauls Day (29 July) date from pre-Roman times. Inscription: 'cum legitime certaverit 1696.' [Showing two horses and carts in front of stand snf people around].
One of the classrooms, Infants' Department, Elementary Schools, Valetta (Boys), 1909-10 - 1909-11
Half-plate (landscape format). [ Both with some blurred faces. Row of girls standing in the far left].
One of the classrooms, Infants' Department, Elementary Schools, Valetta (Boys), 1909-10 - 1909-11
Half-plate (landscape format). [ Both with some blurred faces. Row of girls standing in the far left].
Opera House, 1912
290 x 234 mm. Showing the junction of Ordnance Street and Kingsway (Strada Reale) with the ornate Opera House on the corner and 'karrozzin' (horse-drawn cabs) parked in the roadway. Built between 1861 and 1866, the building was largely destroyed by bombing during the Second World War.
Opera House
275 x 210 mm.
275 x 210 mm.
Other countries, 1900 - 1953
Two photographs taken in Malta, one of which is dated 1907; a photograph taken in Gibraltar, c. 1900-1910; and a postcard from Grand Cayman, 1953.
Paintings, 1907 - 1910
Paintings created by Alfred Hugh Fisher for the Colonial Office Visual Instruction Committee. Fisher's titles and captions have been recorded as found. They may include language which is offensive, inaccurate or inappropriate, but have been retained to reflect the context of the collection's creation. Captions supplied by the cataloguer are enclosed in square brackets.
Panorama of Grand Harbour, Valletta, 1860s
Part of Aqueduct, near Casa Leone, 1909-10 - 1909-11
Quarter-plate (landscape format). [A couple of people by the solid stone wall with a road otherwise empty].
Part of Aqueduct, near Casa Leone, 1909-10 - 1909-11
Quarter-plate (landscape format). Donkey cart in foreground. [Taken near previous picture].
Part of Tapestry, St Johns
275 x 210 mm.
Phoenix Textiles Limited, 1958 - 1965
205 x 155 mm. An exterior view of the Phoenix Textiles factory, exact location unknown.
Phoenix Textiles Limited, 1958 - 1965
205 x 105 mm. An interior view of the factory showing rows of automatic looms.
Photographs of Malta, c.1958-1965
A collection of loose prints measuring approximately 205 x 160 mm and with captions on the reverse. Photographs by Central Office of Information and other sources.
[Pieta Creek], 1882 - 1900
200 x 215 mm. The Peninsular and Oriental passenger terminal is on the left, the Villa occupied by John Hookham Frere (1769-1846), the diplomat and writer, can be seen on the top of the hill to the right.
Ploughing with an ox and a wooden plough near Zebbug, 1909-10 - 1909-11
Quarter-plate. On the way to Civita Vecchia. [Rather distant view].
Porta Reale [Valletta], 1912
284 x 240 mm. Showing the fine original entrance to Valletta at the western end of Kingsway, now destroyed. The two statues set into the wall are of De L'Isle Adam, first Grand Master, and Jean de la Vallette, founder of the city.
Portal of the Connaught Hospital, Civita Vecchia, Malta, 1909-10 - 1909-11
Half-plate. [Showing three nursing nuns in white standing at the door below the arms of Grand Master Manoel Antonio de Vilhena].
Porte Reale, Valetta [i.e. Valletta] looking towards St Michael's Bastion, St John Cavalier on the right [Bridge of the Porta Reale], 1850 - 1859
311 x 265 mm. View looking north along the west walls of Valletta from St James Bastion, with the viaduct leading to the Porte Reale in the foreground. To the left, beyond the viaduct is the St John Bastion with the St John Cavalier to the right and the St Michael Bastion in the background. The print is signed: 'Robertson and Beato'.
Portrait of Dr. Giorgio Borg Olivier, c.1960
180 x 245 mm. A head and shoulders portrait of the former Maltese Prime Minister. Photograph by Grech's Studio, 54 St. John's Street, Valletta.
Press cuttings about Hore-Belisha's visit to Malta, 1938-04-23
The collection, though small, is interesting as no other papers appear to have been left by Hore-Belisha. It comprises letters, diaries, some photographs and documents (mainly copies) covering most of Hore-Belisha's career but concentrating on his most important position as War Minister from 1937-1939 and particularly the events surrounding his dismissal by Neville Chamberlain.
Public Library, 1912
291 x 244 mm. A view of Queen's Square from Kingsway. In the centre of the square is the statue of Queen Victoria erected for the jubilee of 1897, behind which stands the fine classical building of the Library first used as such from 1811. At the left of the print is the side wall of the Governor's Palace which leads down to a market (not in use in this photograph) in the street beside the library.