Swaziland (nation)
Found in 102 Collections and/or Records:
A mission station at Mbabane, 1910 - 1911
139 x 86 mm. Showing three European women and two African servants standing in front of a wooden bungalow, presumably at Mbabane. Neither the mission nor the women pictured have been identified.
A war dance, 1910 - 1911
140 x 87 mm. Showing a line of Swazi warriors, armed with sticks and clubs, performing a war dance.
A young Swazi, 1910 - 1911
87 x 139 mm. A full length portrait of a Swazi man wearing a loin cloth, lion skins and a European waistcoat and carrying a spear.
Bob Le Sueur in East and Southern Africa
A diary describing Le Sueur's time in Africa, November 1997 - April 1998, 190 pages with a two-page index. The volume covers the journey out (pp. 1-3), Kenya (4-65), Tanzania (65-85), Malawi (65-98), Zimbabwe (99-113), Namibia (113-125), South Africa (126-152, 157-172 and 174-184), Lesotho (152-157), Swaziland (172-174) and the journey home (184-188).
Buffalo [aerial view], 1965
Contains Kodachromes originally arranged in two sequences, which have been listed by processing number: 1-37 (numbers 11, 19 and 31 mare missing).
Bushveld : Mpaka, 1965-11
Central Office of Information photograph collection
Commonwealth in Focus Slides
[Commonwealth Universities], 1946 - 1991
Includes material on Universities throughout the Commonwealth of Nations. Many, though not all, of the slides were taken by Ian Maxwell.
Coronation service at Mbabane for H.M. King George V, 1911
Delegates to the Swaziland Independence Conference pictured at the conference table at Marlborough House, London, 1968-02
East of Piggs Peak, 1967-08
[Distant view].
Falls in the Mbabane River near Mbabane, 1910 - 1911
140 x 87 mm. A view looking across the small Mbabane Falls.
First Agricultural Show, Bremersdorp, 1911-06
208 x 147 mm. Showing spectators gathered under a makeshift awning in the exhibition ground. Bremersdorp (now known as Manzini) was named after one Albert Bremer who in 1887 opened a store there. From 1890-1902 (when it was succeeded by Mbabane) Bremersdorp was the administrative centre of the country.
(For white rhino see Y), 1967-08
(For white rhino see Y), 1967-08
Geographical, 1942 - 1980
Goedgegun, 1965-11
[From the air].
Government House, Mbabane, 1965-11
Government House, Mbabane, 1965-11
[View in grounds].
Government House, Mbabane, 1965-11
[View in grounds].
Havelock, 1965-11
Havelock, 1965-11
Index, 1939
An index to newscuttings on Abyssinia, Protectorates (RCMS 334/7/3) and the Union of South Africa (RCMS 334/7/6). The Abyssinia entries are for newscuttings of 1936, but the collection does not include cuttings from this year. There is no indication of when the index was produced.