Cyprus (nation)
Found in 543 Collections and/or Records:
British Troops crossing a street, 1955 - 1959
Troops under fire during the emergency.
[Bust and bottles], 1881
281 x 180 mm. A view showing a female bust in Hellenic style surrounded by narrow cylindrical wine or oil bottles.
Buyuk Khan, Nicosia, 1908
Quarter-plate (landscape format).
Buyuk Khan, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1908
Quarter-plate. Now mosque over a water tank surrounded by a cloistered yard or serai for putting up horses.
Café at Limassol, Cyprus, 1908
Quarter-plate (landscape format). [With varied passers-by].
Carnival festivities in Limassol [i.e. Lemesós], 1965
225 x 169 mm. Showing a street parade with spectators lining the streets. The caption on the reverse of the photograph reads: 'Carnival festivities in Limassol on the south coast of Cyprus are an annual event'.
[Carved Heads], 1881
309 x 158 mm. A display of stone heads in various styles, mainly Hellenistic and Egyptian.
[Carved inscriptions and heads], 1881
292 x 179 mm. A display showing a carved inscription in Greek in the foreground, with heads carved in Hellenistic and Oriental style behind.
[Carved inscriptions and heads], 1881
273 x 175 mm. A display of carved heads in Hellenistic style, other small carvings (mainly of animals) and two pieces of stone with Greek inscriptions.
Caterina Cornara Regina de Cipro, 1870 - 1879
Cathedral St Nicholas, Famagusta, from north
204 x 151 mm. A view looking across fields towards the Cathedral ruins.
Central Office of Information photograph collection
Channel Squadron Gate, Nicosia, 1878
184 x 117 mm. Autotype. A view showing the gate and city walls, with Cypriots posed in front of the archway for the photographer.
Christmas cards of Makarios III, 1954 - 1974
Six of Archbishop Makarios' personal coloured Christmas cards in envelopes, sent to Miss Elsa Spencer. The cards depict Nativity scenes taken from Cypriot wall paintings.
Church of St Lazarus, Larnaca [i.e. Lárnax], 1878
177 x 115 mm. Woodburytype. A view looking towards the 10th or 11th century church with finely carved gravestones standing in the shade of two trees in the foreground.
Cloisters, Belapais, Keryneia [i.e. Bellapais, Kyrenia]
205 x 152 mm. A view showing the ruined and overgrown cloisters of the 14th century abbey which lies north of the Kyrenia range of mountains.

Cobham Collection
The majority of the photographs in the collection concern antiquities and historic buildings.
[Coins], 1881
279 x 154 mm. A view showing eight wooden trays containing coins.
[Coins], 1881
191 x 162 mm. A view showing eight wooden trays containing coins.
Coming from the well, Levka [i.e. Lefka], 1878
Commonwealth in Focus Slides
Corner of the Tekkye, 1908
Showing the outside of the actual shrine of Mohammed's aunt. In front are grouped, to extreme right the Iman, in front a Cypriot Muktah (head man of a village) named Hajji Osman Mustapha; he has been this year to Mecca, which is why he is now called Hajji.
Cruise of H.M.S. 'Lancaster'
Curion, Acropolis
212 x 156 mm. A view looking across a valley towards higher ground near Curion, site of Cesnola's 'Curium Treasure' find in the 1870's which formed the basis of a major argument between archaeologists in later years.
Curium : mosaic, 1961-09
The first 33 slides in the collection are Ektachromes numbered 501-533 by Marnham. They relate to a a very small area of the island, Kyrenia on the north coast, St Hilarion Castle on the heights behind the town, and Bellapais about 3 miles along the coast. In addition there are 5 Ektachromes of Curium on the south-west coast. These are stamped Sep [19]61 and arranged by processing number.