New South Wales (state)
Found in 1174 Collections and/or Records:
Bridge Street, Sydney, looking east from George Street, 1911
A view looking down Bridge Street towards the Domain gates. On the right hand side of the street can be seen the ornate stone façade of the North Queensland Insurance Co. building (later the Burns Philip building), the Royal Exchange, the Lands Office, and in the distance, the Chief Secretary's Office (now the Department of Works).
Britannia Falls, Blue Mountains, 1911
A view of the falls from below, which are in fact more a large series of cascades, set among forest foliage and ferns.
Broad-leaved Tea-Tree, 1901
153 x 207 mm. Mounted print, mount stamped 'Henry King, Sydney'. A view of a tree in the Botanic Gardens. Handwritten caption on reverse of mount reads 'Broad-leaved Tea-tree (Melacuca Leucadendra, Linn.) Native of Eastern Australia. Planted by H.R.H. the Duke of York in the Sydney Botanical Gardens, 22nd July 1881. Photo 1901'.
Broken Hill Silver Mines, 1909
350 x 274 mm. A view of a cluster of mine buildings in operation, with excavated earth in the foreground.
Broken Hill Silver Mines, 1911
A view looking towards the mines, with a railway track in the foreground, and a residential district in the distance.
Broughton's Pass Weir overflowing, 1915
289 x 238 mm. A view looking down on the weir, with two men in the foreground watching the river. The weir, on the Cataract River, was built as a result of a Commission's recommendation in 1867, and in order to turn the intermingled waters of the four streams into a 36 mile conduit consisting of a series of tunnels, open canals and aqueducts.
Brown's Bridge, Taree, Manning River, New South Wales, 1909
350 x 274 mm. A view looking down the fenced road towards a wooden bridge over the river, with a bicyclist on the road.
Burragong Family Hotel, George Street South, 1870 - 1879
280 x 204 mm. View from a cross-roads (? the George Street junction with Hay Street) looking along the row of shops lining one side of George Street. In the right foreground is E. (or F.) Smith's Burragong Family Hotel; other identifiable commercial premises on George Street are: Louis Uhde and Co., butchers; Fairleigh, Nettheim and Co., leather and grindery merchants at no. 659; A.L. Robinson, tailor at no. 661.
Burrinjuck Dam near Yass, N.S.W [i.e. New South Wales], 1949
Collection of professional photographs, each 90 x 70 mm, published for the Yass Newsagency by the Valentine Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd., Sydney and Melbourne. Yass is 43 miles north of Canberra. Its population in 1947 was 3254.
Bush Road, Patterson District, 1885
203 x 150 mm. A view along a fenced, unsurfaced road in lightly wooded country.
Bush Road, Patterson District, 1885
153 x 196 mm. A view of an unfenced, unsurfaced road, through woodland, with cleared trees and stumps by the side of the road.
Cabbage Palm, 1901
205 x 152 mm. Mounted print, mount stamped 'Henry King, Sydney'. A view of a tree in the Botanic Gardens. Handwritten caption on reverse of mount reads 'Cabbage Palm (Linistrona Australis mart.) Native of Eastern Australia. Planted by H.R.H. the late Duke of Clarence in the Sydney Botanical Gardens, 22nd July 1881. Photo 1901'.
Cabbage Palms at Toncurry, New South Wales, 1909
350 x 274 mm. View of a large cluster of palms, with some felled trees in the foreground.
Cabbage Tree Point, Port Hacking, 1888
275 x 220 mm. A view along the seashore, with a child sitting on a bleached tree lying on the beach.
Cabbage Trees, a type of the Illawarra District, 1909
274 x 350 mm. A view of the trees growing in a field where cows are grazing. Tall palm trees, their fronds grow only at the very top of the tree in a fan-like shape.
Cape Hawke, from Bennet Head, New South Wales, 1909
350 x 274 mm. A view looking down on to the wide sandy beach, with a hilly headland beyond.
[Caption torn] Plane - Wilcannia and [caption torn] Daniels, N.S.W. [i.e. New South Wales], 1910 - 1930
Showing a light plan with folded wings being 'garaged'.
Carlotta Arch, near the Devil's Coach House, 1910
[No print]. [Missing].
Carrington Hotel, Katoomba, 1885
Carting wheat to the Railway, 1909
350 x 274 mm. A view looking down on wagons loaded with wheat and drawn by large teams of horses.
Cascade and Rocks, 1888
220 x 275 mm. A view of a steep rockface, with a cascade of water in the lower half of the picture, and two men standing on a ledge above.
Cascade and Rocks, 1888
220 x 275 mm. A view of a rocky hillside, scattered with trees and shrubs, with a man sitting on a ledge above a small cascade which drops into a pool at the bottom of the picture.
Cascade, Bielsdown Ck. [i.e. Creek], Nth. Coast District, N.S.W [i.e. New South Wales], 1909
350 x 274 mm. A view from the pool below of the cascades, with trees lining the river bank.
Cascade, Katoomba, 1885
190 x 140 mm. Showing a smallish cascade flowing over rocks.
Casino Bridge (during construction), 1885
170 x 120 mm. A side view of the bridge, fairly near completion, but with parts of the superstructure unfinished.