Found in 114 Collections and/or Records:
Speeches and press releases, 1980-02 - 1980-11
Slightly annotated late drafts, including annotated text of a party political broadcast for Wales by NK. Other subjects include: Conservative education cuts; the Assisted Places Scheme for private schools; the steelworkers’ strike; local elections; youth unemployment; regional industrial aid policy; funding for children with special needs; unemployment in Wales.
Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 06 Nov 1951 - 22 Dec 1951
Speeches, press releases and articles, 1973-09 - 1979-07
Subjects include: youth employment; Thatcherism; cuts in education spending; the disastrous result of the 1979 General Election for Wales; European policy and the Common Market; the 1979 Budget.
Speeches: speech notes., 09 Oct 1948 - 28 Oct 1948
Speeches: speech notes., 04 Feb 1950 - 09 Feb 1950
Speeches, speech notes and press releases, 1981-01 - 1981-11
Includes draft and printed text of NK’s Alf Killick Memorial Lecture, "A Way Ahead for Education". Other subjects include: education cuts; the state of the steel industry; sixth form education; unemployment in Wales; the threat to Labour from the Social Democrats; Labour’s education policy; elections for Labour’s deputy leader; adult education; local elections; youth unemployment; pre-school provision.
Speeches, speech notes and press releases, 1982-01 - 1982-12
Includes NK's speech written for Michael Foot, Labour leader, in the debate on the invasion of the Falklands. Other subjects include: Labour’s education policy; education cuts; unemployment in Wales; support for the comprehensive system; a tribute to Robert Tressell, author of "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists"; the Falklands War; infighting within the party; private education; industry and education.
Speeches, speech notes, press releases and articles, 1993-02 - 1993-12
St John’s Colliery, Maesteg, 1985-07 - 1985-08
Reports from a public enquiry on the proposed closure of St John’s Colliery, Maesteg, Glamorgan [Wales].
Thomas Ellis Lewis: Papers on the proposal for a Welsh Secretary
Correspondence and other papers regarding a proposal for a Secretary of State for Wales. The collection includes 'Select bibliography of Welsh nationalism, Welsh Home Rule, Secretary of State for Wales etc.': index card entries for books, pamphlets and articles. There is also a 'Memorandum on the proposed appointment of a Secretary of State for Wales' and a manuscript draft, 'Reasons for the establishment of a Secretary of State or for some change in the present system'.
(Untitled), 08 Jan 1911
(Untitled), 16 Sep 1912
Cutting from the Liverpool Daily Courier: cartoon attacking WSC's proposal for separate parliaments for Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the English regions.
(Untitled), 04 Oct 1942
Letter from WSC to David Lloyd George thanking him for his support for the Bill on "the right of Welsh speaking persons to testify in the Welsh language in Courts of Justice in Wales".
(Untitled), [Dec] [1913]
Memorandum by [John Cathcart Wason] on the danger to the Empire posed by the current Home Rule crisis and suggesting that local parliaments for Ireland, Scotland, Wales and, possibly, the English regions on the Canadian and Australian federal model could be the answer. Typescript. Sent with CHAR 2/62/123.
(Untitled), [Dec] [1913]
Cutting from the Dundee Advertiser: speech by John Cathcart Wason advocating local parliaments for Ireland, Scotland, Wales, London and, possibly, English regions.
(Untitled), 28 Oct 1914
Letter from David Lloyd George (11 Downing Street) to WSC complaining about the attitude of Lord Kitchener and the War Office to the raising of a Welsh-speaking army corps.
(Untitled), 18 Jun 1945
Letter from WSC to 7th Lord Lisburne [earlier Lord Vaughan] regarding Lisburne's resignation as Lord Lieutenant of Cardiganshire [Wales] [carbon].
(Untitled), 05 Jun 1945
Letter from Anthony Bevir [Prime Minister's Private Secretary] to Frank Mottershead [Principal Private Secretary to the First Lord] (Admiralty) informing him that he is enclosing a letter from the Lord Lieutenant of Pembrokeshire [Colonel Hugh Higgon] which he has not yet shown to WSC [not enclosed] and asking what the facts are. Carbon.
(Untitled), 17 Jun 1945
Letter from Anthony Bevir [Prime Minister's Private Secretary] to Colonel Hugh Higgon [Lord Lieutenant of Pembrokeshire] regarding his request [that the captured U-Boat visit Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales] and explaining that it cannot be arranged as "the two British crews which are sailing these vessels cannot be spared for long from more important war service". Carbon.
(Untitled), 11 Jun 1945
Letter from Frank Mottershead [Principal Private Secretary to the First Lord] (Admiralty) to Anthony Bevir [Prime Minister's Private Secretary] regarding the request by the Lord Lieutenant of Pembrokeshire [Colonel Hugh Higgon] that one of the captured U-Boats visit Milford Haven [Pembrokeshire, Wales] and explaining why this will not be possible. Signed typescript.
(Untitled), 20 Jun 1945
(Untitled), 23 Jun 1945
Letter from Anthony Bevir [Prime Minister's Private Secretary] to Colonel Hugh Higgon [Lord Lieutenant of Pembrokeshire] marked "confidential" expressing his pleasure that "your difficulties about the U-boat are settled", explaining that the Admiralty were "rather sticky, no doubt for good reasons", and stating his intention to write about the Honours List. Carbon.
(Untitled), 04 Apr 1945
Letter from WSC to Sir James Grigg [Secretary of State for War] marked "personal" agreeing that his reply to WSC's suggestion can wait until he has seen his Chairman at East Cardiff [carbon].
(Untitled), 20 Apr 1945
Letter from WSC to the Town Clerk of Cardiff [S Tapper Jones] expressing his appreciation at being made an Honorary Freeman of the City, but regretting that, "owing to the pressure of other engagements", he cannot make any definite arrangements to visit Cardiff for the purpose of admission [carbon].
(Untitled), 09 Jun 1945
Letter from WSC to the Town Clerk of the Borough of Pembroke expressing his appreciation of the decision by the Council to offer him the Freedom of Pembroke [Pembrokeshire, Wales] but stating that it is impossible for him to fix a date at the present time [carbon].