Found in 367 Collections and/or Records:
Catalogue of Pamphlets regarding the French Wars of Religion
Consists of slips numbered 1-44 and pasted into the volume, 36 folios. The slips are preceded by a letter from Tilley to the Librarian, A.F. Scholfield, 19 April 1933.
Catalogue of the nobility of England and collection of miscellaneous documents of the sixteenth century, c 1593
Christianismi restitutio, late seventeenth century
Collectanea from early Christian writers, 1550
'Collectanea ex libris Origenis, Adamantii, Athanasii et Epiphanii, una cum locis communibus ex iisdem authoribus collectis'. It is in three parts, each part regularly paged and furnished with an index, and there is also an 'Index locorum communium' to the whole. From a dedicatory epistle it appears that the compilation was made at Lambeth by Peter Alexander, for the use of archbishop Cranmer.
Collection of biblical passages, eighteenth century
Collection of extracts, 1581
'Encheiridion ex sanctissimorum probatissimorumque virorum ac Catholicorum patrum scriptis et sententiis collectum et scriptum, anno 1581'. A collection of patristic quotations arranged under headings with a list of contents at the beginning. On ff.163v and 164 are a few Scriptural quotations.
Collection of miscellaneous theological and historical documents, early seventeenth century
Collection of prayers and devotional writings, Seventeenth century
'Prayers, meditations, and ejaculations, and of the sacraments'; begins 'A morning prayer for grace. O most gracious God from whome …'. With a table of contents.
Collection of religious, political and literary writings, late sixteenth century
Collection of small tracts, Late sixteenth and/or seventeenth centuries
Collection of theological tracts, seventeenth century
Collection of tracts, Late sixteenth and/or early seventeenth centuries
(1) 'Francis Junius his lectures upon the prophet Jonah', with many corrections; it is apparently a translation of the Latin treatise, Opp. Genevæ, 1593, volume I, p. 1330; (2) notes taken at lectures on civil law, during the reign of King Charles I; (3) removed from the volume and described separately.
Collection of tracts and notebooks, fourteenth to seventeenth centuries
Collection of tracts and other writings, Sixteenth to eighteenth centuries
Collection of tracts, chiefly theological, Seventeenth century
Collections and memoranda by Anthony Harison, 1630s
Collections from the public records, and his own private memoranda relating to the revenues of the see of Norwich, by Anthony Harison. Amongst these collections will be found a valuation of the dilapidations of the property of the see 'libelled by Bishop Jegon against the administrators of Bishop Redman'. The book was completed in or soon after the year 1632.
Commentary on the first chapter of Genesis, eighteenth century
Commonplace book and religious writings, 1640s
On the first page is 'Collectanea quædam e variis authorum sententiis. Thomas Brathwait 1642'. There follows: (1) a commonplace book containing extracts relating chiefly to the Romish controversy; (2) a litany in behalf of a person at the point of death, beginning 'O Lord it is a great presumption ...'; (3) 'Oratio habita apud Oxonm. in Coll: Reg: pro grad. Mag: Maii 6to A. D. 1647'; (4) a sermon on Rom. xiii. 12; (5) an index to the contents of the manuscript.
Commonplace book / heads of sermons, Sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
(1) Commonplace book consisting of Greek and Latin sentences extracted from various authors; also a note, 'Sebast. Barradas. Itinerarium filiorum Israel ex Ægypto; (2) Heads of sermons (commencing from the other end of the book, reversed).
Consilium Theologicum, by Martin Bucer, 154[ ]
'Constructive Delusions' by John T. MacCurdy and Walter L. Treadway, 191508
This article makes case studies of the quasi-religious delusions of some patients who think they have messianic powers.
Contemplation and sermons, Seventeenth century
(1) 'A contemplation of the golden calfe', beginning 'Man naturally affectes variety', with the initials 'W. F.' at the foot; (2) two sermons, on Rom. v. 12 and Galat. vi. 1, dedicated to Mrs Katherine Ferrers, by S. Wadhus; the first sermon begins 'This chapter is a picture of ourselves ...'.
Contemplationes de Passione Christi, sixteenth century
An anonymous series of contemplations on the passion of Christ.
Controversiæ christianæ fidei inter veræ religionis professores et adversarios, Seventeenth century
The manuscript discusses 32 questions controverted between protestants and the Church of Rome, with references to Bellarmine, Calvin, Field and others.
Copies of Letters of AHP to his mother, Maria Margaret Pollen, and some from his friends, 1877-03-05 - 1897-09-21
Typescript copies of personal letters and ephemera from AHP and various other correspondents to Maria Margaret Pollen, covering subjects such as AHP's schooling and university education, his trips abroad, his career, family life, mutual acquaintances and social occasions, and Catholicism in Britain. Compiled by Maud Pollen. With Anthony Pollen's editorial notes and annotations on the letters and his family history.