Collection of religious, political and literary writings, late sixteenth century
Scope and Contents
(1) ‘A miscellany of sundry matters’; some of these are poems in Latin and English by Herbert Westfaling, afterwards bishop of Hereford; others bear the initials ‘W. M.’ [William More?]; another bears the title ‘Mathewe Rogers to his children’; (2) a discourse on the Lord’s supper, in ten ‘sayinges’, dedicated to the protector Edward duke of Somerset, beginning (after the dedication) ‘Christ is in the holye supper ...’; (3) ‘The saynge of doctor Ridleye uppon the sacrament of the bodye and blodde of our savioure Jhesus Christe, touchinge the Lordes supper’, beginning ‘Many thinges confoundethe ...’; this is Nicholas Ridley’s ‘Brief declaration of the Lord’s supper’, first published in 1555, but the manuscript contains only about the first half of the printed edition; the name ‘Roger Code’ is written at the foot of one folio; (4) ‘A booke of the auncyent honorable service within the close of Yorke as yt was used in the tyme of Kyng Edward the forth and long aftere’, beginning ‘The auctor speketh and ys aunswered’; the text begins ‘Fyrste the usher must see that the haule be seyme in everye poynte ...’; (5) ‘The great ffeaste at the stallacon of the reverend father in God, George Nevell, archebusshope of Yorke, and chaunceler of Englond in the VIth yere of the reygn of kynge Edward the IIIIth. And first the goodlye provycion made for the same’; (6) ‘Mr Roger Goad to Sir Wylliam More’, a poem; the writer was probably the person who served as vice-chancellor of the University of Cambridge, 1576-7; then follows another piece bearing the signature ‘W. More’; (7) ‘A lewde pasquyle sette forthe by certeen of the parlyament men 8 Ely.’ [i.e. 1565-6], beginning ‘Molyneux / Quis regnaturus est super populum Israel’; (8) ‘Rules and orders agreed unto by the mynysters in Buckynghamshyre tochinge the exersyce of theym selves together in the interpretacon of the scriptures’, beginning ‘The name of every man that wyll speke in thys exersise ...’; (9) ‘The receyvyng of quene Elizabeth at Cambryge’, a short account of the queen’s visit in 1564; (10) ‘The effecte of the artycles agreed upon by the prynce of Orenge and magistrates of Andwarpe with theym of the regyon’; these 26 articles are followed by ‘Condycons of peace’ and by those ‘For Englande’; (11) ‘The kyng Phyllips campe at Sanct Quyntyns in August, 1557’; (12) ‘The effecte of the lord keeper’s oration in the starre chamber’, beginning ‘Fyrste he shewyth that he was wylled from the quen’s ma’tie to declare unto ...’; (13) several small poems, English and Latin, including a set of macaronic verses ‘against Sir Thomas Knevett’; (14) ‘A prayere made by the quen’s majestie the 15th of August, 1574, being then in Brystol’, beginning ‘I render unto the o mercyfull ...’; (15) literary and historical miscellanea, similar to no. 1, above; some of these relate to William More and Herbert Westfaling; on the last page is a portion of ‘A maske before quen Elizabethe’.
- Creation: late sixteenth century
- Westfaling, Herbert, ? 1532-1602 (Bishop of Hereford) (Person)
- More, William, Sir, 1520-1600 (knight, MP, Chamberlain of the Exchequer) (Person)
- Ridley, Nicholas, ? 1500-1555 (Bishop of London and protestant martyr) (Person)
- Goad, Roger, 1538-1610 (college head) (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (
1 volume(s) (144 leaves.)
Language of Materials
Custodial History
The words 'W. Kytton boke' are marked on the outer edge of the leaves. From the Library of John Moore (1646–1714), Bishop of Ely (‘Royal Library’), no. 828.
Physical Description
Repository Details
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