Found in 364 Collections and/or Records:
A Commentary on the Book of Judges, Eighteenth century
This is written out fairly for the press in a clear hand, with corrections apparently by the author. The Commentary is preceded by a 'Preface' and 'A Preliminary dissertation concerning the nature and character of the Judges.'
A new Form of Meditations for every day in the year, written originally in French by R. F. John Crasset S. T., 1684
'A new Form of Meditations for every day in the year, written originally in French by R. F. John Crasset S. T., and faithfully put into English by A. H. F. M.’
A Note and Common-Place Book of Thomas Earl, Minister of S. Mildred's, Bread Street, Sixteenth century
A Platform of Prayer, by Samuel Gardiner, Seventeenth century
'A Plattforme of Prayer: In the Duties, 1. Before; 2. In; 3. After our prayers. Projected, penned, published, By Samuel Gardiner, Docter of Divinitie.' Prefixed is an 'Epistle Dedicatorie,' occupying 29 leaves. Unfortunately the names of the two persons to whom the book is dedicated have been torn away. This MS. which is foliated throughout, is written out apparently for the press, but does not seem to have been published.
A treatice most proffitable of the benefitt that true Chistianes receyue by the dethe of Jesus Christe, Mid sixteenth century
Abstract of the Valor Ecclesiasticus for Norwich diocese, temp. Henr. VIII, seventeenth century
On a waste leaf at the beginning are 'This book is an abstract of the large' and 'pd 10s for it'. See also MS Dd.03.83, no. 10.
Abstracts of sermons, c 1620
Abstracts of five sermons: by Dr Day, on 1 Cor. xii. 12, 13; by Mr Sinewes, on Ps. i. 6; by an unidentified preacher, on Ps. ii. 2; by Dr Hill, on Matt. xx. 22; and by 'My lord archbyshop', on Rev. iii. 7 (this last unfinished).
Abstracts of sermons by Alexander Ross, c 1652
Account of the conversion to Roman Catholicism of the duchy of Chablais and country adjoining Geneva, c 1599
"AHP: For Lucy", 1888-08-25 - 1991-09-26
Alcoranus Latine, Seventeenth century
The 4th sura is omitted—the latter chapters are not divided as usual: the last being numbered 150.
Alcoranus Latine; portion of the Summa of Thomas Aquinas, Sixteenth century
Alphabetical collection of S. Isidore's Glosses, Seventeenth century
'Isidori glossæ multo ampliores, quin et meliores quam, quæ sunt editæ apud S. Gervasium. An. 1602. Per Eustat. le Vignon'. An alphabetical collection of S. Isidore's Glosses, in a careful scribe's hand. The compiler has introduced emendations frequently in his own hand.
Amos: Diaries and photographs of Anne Elizabeth Fisher (later Pike and Amos)
An advertisement touchinge the controversies of the Church of England, Seventeenth century
Begins 'It is but ignorance if any man finde it ...'.
An English Version, Word by Word, of the Lectiones for the Saints' Days throughout the year, Sixteenth century
On the reverse of the last leaf is written: 'This book I found amonge the bookes of Fakenham late Abbott of Westmonster. Tho. Kny[vett] februar. 1560.'
An essay of God's goodnes …, 10 November 1705
An essay of God's goodnes and justis with respects to mankind in oposetion to the doctrine of the super- and sub-lapsarians', by 'L. D. M.' The title is repeated on the second folio with the substitution of 'predestination' for 'super- and sublapsarians'.
Augustine on the unity of the Church, seventeenth century
'A booke or epistle of Sct. Aur. Augustine, bishop of Hippo, against an epistle of Petilian, bishop of Constatntine, concerning the unity of the Church: translated into English', beginning 'Augustine bishop to the brethren belonginge to the charge of our ministerie ...'; the manuscript was apparently written out for the press.
Autobiographical notes of Mr John Livingston, Minister, 1677
Biblical abstract, Seventeenth century
An abstract of the contents of the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha.
Bishop William Bedell's Irish bible, c 1640
Boethii Liber de Consolatione Philosophiæ; and S. Augustini de Civitate Dei Libri duo priores, 1636
The M.S. is written from both ends. These are stated on the fly-leaf to have been 'e MStis Codicibus transcripti, A.D. 1636'.
Book of Psalms
Book of Psalms in shorthand, with a note at the front identifying the owner as John Chantlor.
Cambridge University Prayer Union: Minute Book
Minute book, written in various hands, 199 folios. Attached to a flyleaf at the beginning is a letter from S.R. Smith to A.F. Scholfield, University Librarian, 10 October 1934.
Casus conscientiæ dictati a reverendo patre Jacobo Himmioben excepti a M. Joanne Weickardt, 1630
Begins 'Prolegomena in decem præcepta. Cum decalogi a Deo facta promulgatio ...'. After ff. 352 and 365 are tables of kindred and affinity, in Latin and German.