Found in 19 Collections and/or Records:
Archives of the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, 1915 - 2017
The majority of records cover faculty governance and administration.
Charles Bernard Denston: Papers
Autobiography, short stories, poems, personal recollections of working at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and Duckworth Laboratory of Physical Anthropology in Cambridge, press cuttings and printed material on the experiences of former prisoners of war held by the Japanese.
Charles Gabriel Seligman: Ethnological Notes
Typescript notes on ethnological sources, letters and other papers.
Charles Myers: Papers
Journal of expedition to Torres Straits, articles, lecture notes and correspondence
Charles Thurstan Shaw: Correspondence and Papers
Includes correspondence, both personal and professional, biographical material, professional papers from Thurstan Shaw’s time in Africa, archaeological notebooks and lecture notes.
Derek Stenning: Anthropological collections on Uganda
Four series of anthropological files relating to Uganda.
'Die Anfange der Musik' by Carl Stumpf, 1909
George Kingsley Roth and Adolf Brewster Brewster: Papers on Fiji

Letters, Memoranda, and Journal, containing the History of Mr William Gooch [Fellow of Caius College], Astronomer of the Daedalus Transport, 1786 - 1835
Meyer Fortes: Ashanti Social Survey
Meyer Fortes: Notebooks, correspondence and papers
Minutes of meetings of the Cambridge University Anthropological Club, 1902 - 1910
Records in this category - Minutes of University associations and clubs, occasionally with related records - cover staff social and trades union associations, University fund-raising bodies and research groups, and student clubs.
Papers of Alison Izzett
Penelope 'Pepe' Roberts: papers on Ghana
Field notebooks, notes, draft and published articles, and audio-visual material relating for the most part to Roberts's research on education in Ghana. Together with a series of photographs and slides documenting aspects of life in Sefwi Wiawso and Roberts's time in Ghana and Nigeria.
'Primitive Colour Vision', 190105
The article is concerned with the language used to denote colour in different cultures.
Ralph Bulmer: Scandinavian field notes
Typescript transcripts of field notes from Northern Norway and Swedish Lapland. At the front of both volumes is a photocopy of a covering letter from R.N.H. Bulmer to the Cambridge University Librarian, 6 August 1973, regarding the collection's terms of use.
Ronald Wood Paine: Photographs of Fiji, Hawaii and Vancouver Island
Sir Grahame Clark: archaeological papers
The Papers of George Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers
The papers include: papers relating to GPR's anthropological and other scientific work, including involvement in eugenics; papers relating to his political activities, including letters to and from the British Union of Fascists, mostly concerning his 1935 run for Parliament; and large number of documents related to GPR’s 18B detention and internment.