Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 34
Articles from 'The Field'
Captain James Cook Memorial, Kealakeakua Bay, Hawaii, circa 1890
A collection of three glass plate negatives measuring 215 x 165 mm, briefly captioned and signed by the photographer, S.H. Davis. Modern prints have been made from the negatives.
Central Office of Information photograph collection
Cruise of the Yacht St George, 1880s-92
A collection of loose modern prints measuring approximately 245 x 180 mm. This prints were copied from an album containing 53 prints compiled during the voyage. Included with the prints are xeroxes of the original explanatory captions. The R.Y.S. 'St George' was owned by Ernest James Wythes (1868-1949); the compiler and/or photographer has not been identified.
David Binnie: World tour diaries and photographs

Empire Settlement Tour
Kelsey’s record of the tour includes two volumes of daily diaries, a photograph album, loose photographs, eight boxes of lantern slides, a map, and a file of ephemera.
G.H. Williams postcard collection on Canada
Howell Wright South African Collection
Inter-University Council Collection
John Smart: Letters from North America
Letters from John Smart in America to his mother, pasted into scrapbooks with additional material, including postcards, photographs, newscuttings and printed items, with comments and explanations by Smart.
J.S. Smithson collection on Samoa
King George VI and President Roosevelt 1939
Lantern slides of Samoa
Letters of Edward Lyulph Stanley
Modern Commonwealth photograph collection
'Narrative on the sources of the Columbia'
'Narrative of the establishment on the sources of the Columbia, addressed to Mr Duncan McGillivray, Director of the N.W. Coy & the gentlemen of Upper Fort des Prairies 1807', 32 pages: (p. 1) title; (p. 2) blank; (pp. 3-29) narrative; (pp. 30-32) blank. The work is headed on p. 3, 'Narrative of the expedition to the Kootanai & Flat Bow Indian Countries, on the sources of the Columbia River, Pacific Ocean by D. Thompson on behalf of the N.W. Company 1807', signed D. Thompson.
New Zealand and America
New Zealand and the Pacific Islands
Newscuttings on New Zealand immigration
Papers collected by Roy Acheson about Wickliffe Rose
Photographs of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Pacific Islands, the United States and Africa

Photographs of the West Indies
School Empire Tours Record 1927-1939