Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 26
A journey to Asia and Africa
African travel diary of A.R.H. Mann
A diary describing a journey from London via Egypt to the Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Belgian Congo, French Equatorial Africa, Cameroons and South Africa in four volumes, each of 50 pages.
A.R.H. Mann Collection, 1935
Articles from 'The Field'
Christy collection of photographs on Africa

Church Missionary Society photograph collection
Diary: 'From west to east through Africa'
Diary in Bahr-el-Gazal
Diary and letters from Sanders to his mother and sister, c. 510 pages, covering the period when he was cutting the Sudd and was based at Meshra er Rek, followed by his time at Wau and Rumbek. There is also a coloured manuscript map of the Rumbek area, on a scale 1/250,000. The papers are accompanied by a note on Sanders and the collection.
From West to East through Africa

H.E. Hebbert collection
Photographs, slides, journals, notes, panoramas, maps and plans relating to Hebbert's time in Africa, with some biographical material.
Hicks Pasha and his staff
115 x 85 mm. Woodburytype frontispiece, to Colborne (1884).
William Hicks Pasha (1830-1883) served in the Indian Army. In 1883 he was appointed by the Egyptian Government to command a field force against the Mahdists, which entered Kordofan, but was defeated at Kashgil, an engagement in which Hicks and all his staff were killed.
I.C. Redwood Collection
Inter-University Council Collection

Inter-University Council Slides
Jackson and Archer scrapbook
Khartoum 1898
An album bound in padded red leather with 'Khartum 1898' in gold on the front. The photographs have printed captions. The captions have been used as titles and may contain offensive, inappropriate or outdated terms. They have been retained to reflect the context of their creation.
The album documents Horatio Kitchener's campaign from the massing of forces in Egypt to the taking of Khartoum and includes the battles of Atbara and Omdurman.
Letters of Hugh Drummond Pearson
Modern Commonwealth photograph collection
Newscuttings on Africa and South East Asia
The principal part of the collection is a set of thirteen scrapbooks of newscuttings relating to East Africa, particularly Kenya and Tanganyika. The rest of the collection consists of a volume of cuttings relating to post-war trading opportunities in Nigeria and three scrapbooks concerning rubber and mining in South East Asia.
Newscuttings on Southern and East Africa
Four volumes of newscuttings, three relating to Southern and East Africa and one to the Native Question in South Africa, and loose cuttings on related subjects. Many of the articles concern the activities of the colonial powers in Africa, notably Great Britain, Germany, Spain and France.
Papers of Cuthbert Christy
Diaries, notes, letters, reports, publications and maps written or collected by Christy during his medical and zoological work in Scotland, Africa and India.
Photographs of Egypt and the Sudan, 1870s-80s
'Role and problems of broadcasting with special reference to the Sudan': M.Ed thesis
An M.Ed. Thesis for the University of Wales examining the role and problems of radio in Sudanese development, 184 pages.
Suakin [i.e. Sawakin] 1885
Sudan medical papers of Robert Kirk
A wide range of papers relating to the medical practice in Sudan, written or collected by Robert Kirk.