Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 1104
2 photographs of Newfoundland inserted in 'The History of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1754-1783', M.A. Thesis by Gordon O. Rothney (1934)
Photographer unknown. The prints form part of the thesis (RCMS 236) and are stored with it.
2 photographs taken at the opening of the second House of Assembly of Papua and New Guinea
Two loose black and white prints with typewritten captions attached to reverse, taken by W Pedersen for the Australian News and Information Bureau.
[5 photographs of Auckland. c.1897]
Loose photographs, some captioned, measuring approximately 210 x 150 mm, and showing views of Auckland and Waitemata Harbour.
A brief historical memoir of Delhi and guide to points of interest together with the official programme in detail of the Imperial Coronation Durbar of 1911
Leather-bound booklet, measuring 6¾ x 8 inches, of 153 pages, illustrated by photographs stuck in. The majority of the photographs are by Johnston and Hoffman.
A collection of Photographs illustrative of the Railway System of New South Wales 1887
'A grave without a cross'
A translation by Trevor Jaggar from the Kiswahili of the 1990 reprint of Kareithi's novel, with a translator's note and preface, 54 pages. In his note Jaggar explains that his purpose in translating Karethi's work was 'to enable British and other readers of English to learn something of what the Mau Mau War felt like to a Kikuyu striving for the independence of Kenya from British colonial rule'.
A journey in French West Africa in 1901
An account of a journey undertaken by White, then 23, and two companions, from Dakar through St Louis, Kayes (on Mungo Park's route to the Niger), and Djéné on the Bani River, arriving finally at Bobodiulasso, 15 pages. There are references to the activities of Samori and comments on colonial policy. The account is accompanied by a covering letter from White to the Secretary of the Royal Empire Society, 12 July 1948, and the Secretary's reply, 21 July 1948.
A journey to Asia and Africa
A memoir of life as a colonial officer in Sierra Leone, West Africa
Memoir (228 pages) accompanied by notes and rough drafts (circa 100 pages). An index is filed with the collection.
A mythology of Nova Scotia
An unpublished collection of typescript prose and poetry fragments, 162 pages, described by the author in a letter to the R.C.S. Librarian, 26 September 1996: 'This resulted out of a year spent in Cambridge in 1979-80 and the literary effort trying to mend the split in my mind between Cambridge and Nova Scotia/Canada'.
'A patriarch of Empire': typescript autobiography
A memoir of Sir Frederick Young with related papers.
[A photograph of a drawing of Napier in 1864]
A print, mounted on card, and measuring 142 x 100 mm, with a caption stating 'Napier, N.Z. 1864' and signed 'E.J. Mountier. 1894'. The photograph is a reproduction of a painting of the young settlement viewed from an overlooking hill, with the sea at the left and houses and enclosed land in the foreground.
A short history and description of the Parliament House, Melbourne
'A short history of Paterson, Simons & Company'
A sketch of the constitution of the Kandyan kingdom
A work on the constitution of the Kandyan Kingdom, the last independent state in Sri Lanka, which had its capital at Kandy, 414 pages. The manuscript is endorsed at the end 'Copied by J.H. Direckize Translator of the Ratnapura Kachcheri (?) 28th Octr. 1892'.
A view in Belize
'A walk to the Nyassa country'
An account of Edward Steere's journey to Lake Nyassa written in Zanzibar, Lent 1876, 24 pages. There is an accompanying letter from Steere to Major Evan Smith, Consul General, 23 August 1875, informing him of his plans for the expedition.
A.B. Brewster photograph album
200 x 150 mm. modern copies of original prints.
'Abolitionist societies 1787-1838: a half-century of abolition': University of London MA thesis
380 pages.
Aboriginal Australian Art
Loose prints produced by the Australian Information Service. The printed captions on the reverse have been recorded as found.
Aboriginal Australians
Book containing two portrait images.
A.C. Barnes collection on East Africa, Nigeria, and Fiji, 1914-1933
Accounts of the siege of Minorca
Accra Post Office. circa 1915
A collection of uncaptioned loose prints, measuring approximately 200 x 145 mm. The collection was exhibited in the Gold Coast section of the British Empire Exhibition 1924 and were deposited at the Royal Colonial Institute on the instruction of Major W.T.E. Wallace, Acting Postmaster General of the Gold Coast (see letter accompanying prints). Prints 11 and 12 show other Post Offices in the colony. Photographer unknown.