Showing Collections: 7851 - 7875 of 9057
The Papers of Professor A.V. Hill
The Papers of Professor David Kendall
This small collection mostly relates to Kendall's research and work on mathematical statistics. There are also some personal research papers about the mountaineer Rev. Charles Hudson.
The Papers of Professor Harold Barlow
The collection held at Churchill Archives Centre comprises the academic, personal and scientific working papers (including patent applications and publications) of Professor Barlow. There are also some papers of Prof. Alex Cullen. The latter date from 1860 (a family photograph) to 1991 (a memorial lecture).
The Papers of Professor James Cassels
The papers held at Churchill Archives Centre include a small amount of biographical and personal material, public or official correspondence, and material relating to government policy on energy (mainly in the 1980's).
The papers of Professor James Ward
The Papers of Professor Joseph Preston
In addition to reprints of most of Preston's published scientific papers the collection consists principally of manuscript working papers either for research projects, articles or lectures throughout his career.
The Papers of Professor Max Born
Papers and correspondence of Professor Max Born, his wife and children, and material concerning their family history. Including photographs and artefacts.
The Papers of Professor Nicholas Kemmer
The collection held at Churchill Archives Centre includes Kemmer's personal and scientific papers.
The Papers of Professor Norman Feather
This collection consists solely of Feather's scientific papers and contains original experimental records and calculations, correspondence with other scientists, unpublished wartime reports and offprints of published papers.
The Papers of Professor Paul Dirac
This collection of xeroxes comprises mainly letters and rough notes showing the developing history of quantum mechanics.
The Papers of Professor Robert S. Hutton
The Papers of Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat
Rotblat’s personal archive includes working papers, notebooks, correspondence, lectures and photographs and documents his scientific career (including his research in atomic physics at the University of Liverpool and medical physics at St Bartholomew's Hospital) and the Pugwash organisation and conferences. There is a separate section covering Rotblat’s involvement with various societies and organisations. The remainder of the collection is still being catalogued and remains closed.
The Papers of Professor William Burcham
The collection relates to Burcham's scientific career, especially his work in the high voltage laboratory under M L E Oliphant and P I Dee which was set up to pursue the findings of Sir John Cockcroft and E T S Walton in splitting atomic nuclei.
The Papers of Randolph Churchill
The Papers of Rear-Admiral Clarence Howard-Johnston
Copies of letters by Howard-Johnston describing his wartime service, including his work as Director of the Anti-U-Boat Division, and as captain of HMS Bermuda, with the British Pacific Fleet (1947). Subjects include: Cabinet Anti-U-Boat meetings; difficulties with the lack of understanding at the Admiralty of anti-U-Boat operations; German success in evading Asdic; service with Admiral Sir Denis Boyd [Commander-in-Chief, British Pacific Fleet].
The Papers of Rear-Admiral Edmund Nicholas Poland
Memoirs of HMS Vernon, 1872-1986
HMS Vernon, at Portsmouth, was a torpedo training ship, 1872-6, and the Royal Navy's Torpedo Branch, 1876-1986
The Papers of Rear Admiral Frederick Peter Scourse
Comprising an unpublished memoir entitled "Sea-Change: A personal account of a career in naval and defence engineering in the late 20th century", and letters, documents and photographs relating to Scourse's career in the Royal Navy.
The Papers of Rear-Admiral Iain Maclean
The papers chiefly consist of a series of lectures and papers on marine engineering written by Maclean after the Second World War, also including a small number of pocket diaries and some biographical material.
The Papers of Rear-Admiral John Adams
The collection primarily consists of papers relating to Adams' involvement with submarine warfare and includes papers on anti-submarine warfare and the Admiralty underwater weapons establishment.
The Papers of Rear-Admiral Malcolm Walter St Leger Searle
The Searle papers comprise the reminiscences of Admiral Searle of his service as a gunnery expert before and during the Second World War.
The Papers of Rear-Admiral Sir Anthony Miers
Papers comprising lectures, official reports and correspondence, mainly about Second World War naval operations in the Mediterranean and the Pacific, 1941-5, and the Cyprus Emergency, 1955-9.
The Papers of Rear-Admiral Sir Anthony Wass Buzzard
The Papers of (Reginald) Hugh Hickling
This small collection relates to a personal memoir written by Hickling recalling the final days of British rule in South Arabia (1964-67) recalling his time as Legal Adviser to the High Commissioner in Aden and South Arabia [later Yemen]. Hickling wrote the memoir in 1973-4 while waiting for a Foreign Office posting. It has not been published.
The Papers of Reginald Maudling
These files contain constituency correspondence.