Showing Collections: 7526 - 7550 of 9117
Terrier, Chesterton, Cambridgeshire
Please ask at Reading Room counter for more information.
Terrier for Impington, Cambridgeshire
Includes additions: Note of lands in Histon Field which ought to pay tithes to Impington; Mr Horiser the Farm Park; Free Rents; Orders made by the Assent and Agreement of the Lords of both the Manors of Impington; copy of Inspeximus of 17 July 1565; copy of survey made 19 Edw. IV (c.1600); note of total number of acres, 17th century.
Terrier, [Husborne Crawley, Bedfordshire]
Terrier of land belonging to a certain farm. Endorsed on the back: 'The withmentioned Terrier containes the lands sold by me to Edmund Williamson Esq. And conveyed to him by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date the Lease the day before and the Release even date herewith so delivered to me by Mr. St. John Thompson. Witness Richard Smyth.'
Terrier of T. Harris, Knapwell, Cambridgeshire
Terrier of the land belonging to the Parsonage Farm, Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire
Witnesses: Thomas Holyday, John Osborn.
Terrier, Old Warden, Bedfordshire
Terrier of the land in the above parish held by William Savage of Lidlington. In the preamble, the parish is incorrectly described as 'Warden in the Countie of Buck'.
Terrier, Shepreth, Cambridgeshire
Terrier, Shepreth, Cambridgeshire
Terrier (two skins), [Kelletthorne], Yorkshire
Terrot Reaveley Glover: Correspondence
Terrot Reaveley Glover: Notes for lectures on ancient history
Terrot Reaveley Glover: Papers
Letters, writings, press reviews, obituary notices.
‘Testimoniae reverentiae erga duos fratres cvm primis pios probos et benignos Carolvm Georgivm Baronem Arden et Honoratissimvm Spencervm Perceval collegit vidva prioris’: Perceval family letter book
Text by Wladimir Nikonowiz
Text of Antonius Arkudius
In hand of Peter Leseynos. On slip attached to fo. i v: 'Ja. Robertsone witnes D Robertsone witnes Duncan Steuart wittnes Jo. Steuart wittnes' (in 18th cent. hand).
Thaddeus Mann: Papers
The 1570 Statutes of the University of Cambridge, and related material
In the hand of William Sandcroft. (fo. 6) note with autograph of Sancroft, 'Of two statutes, the restrayning Statute doth bind. If neither restrained, the latter doth bind.'; (fo. 6v) alphabetical list of contents; (fo. 8) address to University by Elizabeth I; (fo. 9) statutes of the University, 1570.
The accomplish'd maid
MS score, late 18C, Act 1 only, with printed title pasted in: The accomplish'd maid a comic opera as it is perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden the music by Sigr. Niccolò Piccini.
'The Acorn'
Fifteen numbers of, and one supplement to, 'The Acorn' magazine, edited by John Maynard Keynes with contributions by members of his immediate family and their friends.
The magazine was produced in manuscript, with hand-drawn illustrations and some printed matter and photographs pasted in. The principal contributors were John Maynard Keynes, Margaret Neville Keynes, Geoffrey Langdon Keynes, and their mother Florence Ada Keynes.
The Aethiopique Lord's Conversion
An account of the biblical story of the 'Aethiopique lord's conversion', 139 pages. The volume is addressed to Dr John Williams on his elevation to the keepership of the Great Seal in July 1621 and subsequent appointment as Bishop of Lincoln. There is a brief description accompanying the collection.
The Afghan Campaigns of 1878-1880
The Alexander Hepple Collection
Material related to the history of the South African trade union movement and the South African Labour Party
The Archive of the Royal Society of Literature
The Australian Bicentennial
Twenty-two images (with some duplicates), chiefly of the 'Young Endeavour'. A photograph of an article on the voyage of the Young Endeavour which sailed from Portsmouth in August 1987 and arrived in Hobart on 10 January 1988, taken from the RCS Newsletter No. 19, Spring 1988, is filed with the photographs.
The Autobiography of Captain Hank Rotherham
This autobiography is typed with some handwritten annotations. Rotherham deals with his early years in the opening pages and briefly summarises his life after leaving the navy in the last pages. The core of his autobiography is about his life in the British Royal Navy.