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Peterhouse (Ward) Library



The library holds and periodically acquires (through donation or purchase) academic and, occasionally private, papers of old members of the College, as well as modern (post-1500) manuscripts with a connection to the College.
Further information is available in the following published works and on the college's website (
T.A. Walker, A Peterhouse Bibliography (Cambridge 1924)
T.A. Walker, Peterhouse, 2nd edn [ed. W.L. Walker] (Cambridge 1935)
T.A. Walker, A Biographical Register of Peterhouse Men 1284-1616, 2 vols (Cambridge 1927-30)
T.A. Walker et al., Admissions to Peterhouse, 3 vols to date (Cambridge 1912-71)
S.H. Mandelbrote, Donors of Books to Peterhouse, (Cambridge 2005)
Information about the College's history can be found at

Access arrangements:
Visits are by appointment only. Opening hours: Mon-Fri. 10-4.30
Closed: 23 December - 2 January; Good Friday to Easter Monday; August Bank Holiday and some other times during the year.
Credentials: Letter of introduction; proof of identity and of current address.
Disabled access: Yes
Reprographics: No in-house service; arrangements for using external contractors possible.

Ward Library
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1RD United Kingdom
+441223 338218

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