Showing Collections: 6426 - 6450 of 9059
Siegfried Sassoon's 'The Tasking'
Sierra Leone 1938: a geographer's journey
A description of Robert Steel's five months in Sierra Leone based on his notes, diaries and letters to his fiancée, 93 pages. The work was begun by Steel in the time leading up to his death, and completed and edited by his son-in-law, Colin Johnson. There is an accompanying letter from Eileen Steel to the R.C.S. Librarian, 8 January 2000.
Sierra Leone: Wallace album
Signatures and seals, Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire
W.S. Wiles, Charles Finch Foster, Charles Wright, Edward Mason, and W.W. Hall
Simeon: Papers Relating to Charles Simeon
This collection contains letters written to, by and about CS, and genealogical information collected by other members of his family.
Simon Patrick: A Brief Account of my life with a thankful Remembrance of God's Mercies to me
The Autobiography occupies pp. 1-226, whence it is continued apparently by Dr Knight. Pinned to p. 215 is a portion of the shroud of Edward the Confessor, obtained from his tomb in Westminster Abbey, 1685.
Simon Patrick: Collection of sermons
The sermons were aparently composed and preached by Simon Patrick. Most of the sermons are arranged in the order of the books of the Bible from which the texts are taken. The sermons are numbered, but the numbering is not consecutive. Each sermon occupies a quire, and eight are dated 1669-77. None has apparently been printed. fo. 219: 'preached at Ham May 1723', in later hand. fos.: 268-9, 313v: notes in 18th-cent. hand.
Simon Patrick: Collection of sermons
Sermons apparently composed and preached by Simon Patrick. Several were apparently preached between 1667 and 1679 at S[t] M[argaret's], W[estminster]. The sermons are numbered, but the numbering is not consecutive. None has been printed, although two texts are repeated in Patrick's published sermons. fo. 196: 'N.J.' fo. 283: notes in an 18th-cent. hand.
Simon Patrick: Collection of sermons
Sermons apparently composed and preached by Simon Patrick. Four are dated 1663-71. The sermons are numbered, but the numbering is not consecutive. fo. 48: notes in an 18th-cent. hand.
Simon Patrick: Collection of sermons
Sermons apperently composed and preached by Simon Patrick. fo. 1: 'Br.1-2.9'. fo. 33: 'John Embrey 1723, Paling, Cha Bonand'.
Simon Patrick: Commonplace Book
In shorthand. Includes notes dated at Bristol, 11 July 1677, and paraphrases of Pss. i-viii and Job iii-xxviii. (Patrick published paraphrases of Job in 1679, and of the Psalms in 1689.) fos 47v-90: blank. Includes two sermons (fos 36v-47) in hand of Samuel Knight DD (? 1678-1746).
Simon Patrick: Draft of 'The Glorious Epiphany'
Includes an epistle dedicatory not included in the printed editions.
Simon Patrick: letters to Elizabeth, Lady Gauden
Many of the letters are followed by copies in the hand of Samuel Knight DD. The collection includes three replies by Gauden, a letter from Philip Morant to [S. Knight], 11 Jan. 1754, and a letter from C. Marriott to 'Mrs Knight', 27 Mar. 1838. The list of contents at the front of the volume is in the hand of John Percy Baumgartner.
Simon Patrick: Private Prayers
A collection of prayers and devotions fro private use on various accaions made by Bishop Simon Patrick.
Simon Patrick: Series of lectures on the cathechism, numbered XXX to XLVIII
Inside front cover: copy of letter from J. Byrom (?) to Samuel Knight, 14 Feb. 1727, with explanation of the cipher used. fo. 1: scribblings. fos 182-4: blank.
'Sinfonia per cembalo'.
Rondo, arrangement of overture to Paisiello's opera 'Le astuzie amorose' (1775), MS score, Italian, in a copyist's hand.
'Sinf[oni]a p[e]r cembalo del celebre Maestro Giov[an]ni Paesiello'.
Rondo, arrangement for piano of overture to Paisiello's opera 'Elfrida' (1792), MS score, Italian, in a copyist's hand.
'Sinfonia ... per il cembalo'.
Rondo, arrangement for piano of first two movements of overture to Paisiello's opera 'Motezuma' (1772), MS score, Italian, in a copyist's hand.
'Sinfonia ridotta per cembalo'.
Arrangement for piano of an unidentified sinfonia or overture, MS score, Italian, in a copyist's hand.
Collection of photographs most of which are by G.R. Lambert and Co. Unless otherwise stated they are 270 x 210 mm. The captions are those on the prints; where there is no caption, one is given in brackets.
Singapore 1982
A collection of loose colour prints each 360 x 240 mm. Some descriptive captions have been added, but most of the information was supplied with the photographs, and has not been updated.
Singing book: Metrical psalms, hymns, anthems
Sir Adolphus William Ward: Correspondence
Correspondence, mainly concerning the Cambridge Modern History series of volumes. Letters are addressed to Ward unless otherwise stated.
Sir Ahmadu Bello
This collection comprises a full length portrait of Sir Ahmadu Bello and a family tree with Annabi Muhammadu at the head, and a head and shoulders portrait of a man in the centre (perhaps Sir Ahmadu Bello?).