Showing Collections: 6401 - 6425 of 9078
Scripture References
A list of scriptural references, arranged for the whole Bible verse by verse, with a few verses omitted, 195 folios. There are occasional footnotes and other annotations. At fo. 176 are annotations to various passages from Genesis to Isaiah. Inside the front cover is 'John Bell' and 'G. Dav[id] 25/11/22'.
Seals and coats of arms
A collection of letters, pictures and two seals received in reply to the R.C.I. circular of 1904, with later additions, including booklets, newscuttings, newsletters and volumes. A summary list describing the earlier material is in the first box.
Second Duke of Cambridge: letters to Sir Thomas Wyke
26 letters, 1855-96, from the Duke of Cambridge to Sir Thomas Wyke, on diplomatic, political, dynastic and personal matters.
Second Intercolonial Exhibition, Brisbane
Second mortgage, Cambridge
Securing growth: The ritual system of the Kuria people of East Africa
Typescript unpublished book, 306 pp, by Malcolm J. Ruel, together with letter discussing deposit of the item to the library from Ruel.
Sedgwick Migration Photographs
A collection of 3 albums (now disbound) containing a small number of original photographs as well as letters, pamphlets, press cuttings and memoranda. The photographs are spread throughout volumes 1 and 2. Volume 3, 1913- (which was marked vol. IV inside) has no original photographs. Images reproduced in cuttings and articles are not listed.
Sedley Taylor: Correspondence and sermons
Sedley Taylor: Papers
Includes sketch book containing sketches of Swiss mountain scenery, lists of letter writers in CUL MS Add.6247, various music copied by, or associated with, Mary Anne Bacon and music composed by Sedley Taylor.
See Adversaria
Segni and Medici, Florentine Merchants: Business Letters
50 business letters, of which 22 are addressed to Niccolo, Gianni and Lorenzo Segni, 1616-25; 2 to Lorenzo Segni, 1625; and 26 to Lorenzo Segni and Francesco Medici, from agents in other Italian cities, on commercial and financial matters. Many have original string ties, seals, addresses and postal markings.
Selden : Guybon Goddard's annotations on Selden's 'Of the originall of Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction of Testaments', and, 'Of the disposition or Administration of Intestates goodes'.
Selden Society: Minutes, Correspondence and Papers
Selected Correspondence of Marshal of the RAF 1st Lord Trenchard
Xeroxed material used by Captain Stephen Roskill for his book "Hankey, Man of Secrets", consisting of Trenchard's correspondence with Winston Churchill, 1st Lord Hankey and Sir Samuel Wilson over air defence, particularly as relating to naval forces, and papers on his agreement with Vice-Admiral Sir Roger Keyes over relations between the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy.
Selection of photographic subjects of the Union of South Africa
Sénégambie-Niger reports
'Senex Africanus'
A carbon copy of a typescript of Sinclair's reminiscences of his time in England, Kenya, Zanzibar and Tangier, 177 pages. Although there is a list of photographs, the illustrated copy of the memoir is believed to be lost.
Seretse Khama statue
Sermon preached in Wells Cathedral
The manuscript of a sermon on Psalm 139, 6, preached in Wells Cathedral.
Sermones Graecae and related works of Ephraem Syrus
Sermons on Romans viii. 28-31
The last dated sermons are 193 and 194. Sermon 195 is headed by this note: 'The following sermones intended to have been publicklie delivered and inlarged by the author were found in a booke after his death (19 March 1674) and thought meit to be anexed to his Sermons on this scripture.' Opening sermon defective at beginning, 5 fos lost. Recto of each fol. headed by number of the sermon, and verso by reference to the text.
Set of Manuscript cards, physiognomy of the face
100 cards illustrated with features of the face made up for J.K.L. and given away in return for aid to the poor.
In 2 boxes, wood covered with leather, gold-tooled on spine: Regeln I, Regeln II.
'Setting up in Njombe'
This is an account by Norman Cuthbert, illustrated with colour photographs, of his colleagues and working life in the laboratory and factory, and of his wider experiences of the people and geography of Njombe.