Showing Collections: 5526 - 5550 of 9059
Poems and notes on the Corral Family
A manuscript collection of poems and romances, with notes on the Corral family in the seventeenth century containing entries for births, baptisms, etc.
Poems by Siegfried Sassoon
Poems by Thom Gunn
Poems, chiefly on Philip O'Reilly
Some notes are in the hand of W. B. Kane of Edmund House, Cambridge.
Poems of John Donne
A collection of poems of John Donne. Also includes other poems by Francis Bacon, Thomas Carew, Francis Beaumont and Sir Henry Wotton transcribed at a similar date. The manuscript is sometimes referred to as the 'Cambridge Balam' manuscript.
Poems on sacred subjects
Poems on Several Occasions
106 folios. The volume is probably the verse commonplace book of a Cambridge student. The authorship of the poems is not stated. Pages 2-6 and 118-206 are blank. There is a list of contents at pp. 207-209.
Poems on the parables
'Poems on the Underground' archive
Documents relating to 'Poems on the Underground' and related publications and activities, collected by Judith Chernaik, a co-founder of the programme. The papers include correspondence, project files, subject files, and printed items, including copies of a selection of posters.
Poems (Phillips MS 9325)
Seventy-eight poems by Henry King, written in a contemporary hand. The volume was probably compiled under the author's supervision. It includes the bookplate of Sir J.A. Brooke. There is an accompanying letter from Margaret Crum, 27 March 1953, describing the collection.
Poesais Profasas a Diversos Asumptos
Poesias serias y morales
A collection of sixty-nine poetical manuscripts bound into one volume. The documents are mainly concerned with Sancho Dvila y Osorio (d. 1689), Marqus de Astorga, de Velada y de San Roman, who became Viceroy of Valencia in 1664, and later Viceroy of Naples and Mayordomo mayor, and with his father, Antonio Dvila y Toldeo (1590-1666), Marqus de Velada, Governor and Captain-General of Milan. One of the poems is in the former's hand.
Poesias varias
Poetry commonplace book
Pole: Papers Relating to Reginald William Pole
The papers contain published and unpublished writings by Reginald Pole, printed material relating to productions, and photographs.
'Policies towards white labour on the South African railways, 1910 to 1935': BA thesis
A B.A. thesis for the Honours School of Modern History with Economics, University of Manchester, 68 pages. There is a covering letter from Ben Harrison to Terry Barringer, R.C.S. Librarian.
Policy papers etc., no place specified
Papers relating to a debt owed by one Fenwick to Christopher John Anstey esq. Papers enclosed in paper wrapper endorsed by Anstey 'No 24' and with a note of the contents.
Polish Roman Catholic Seminarians' Handbook
'Political dilemma'
'A study of a world-wide problem: representative government in a plural society: in this instance for the period 1652-1962 in Africa', 706 pages with maps.
Political verses relating to the Dutch wars of liberation
fo. 1: 'Pasquillus in vanam quaesiorum expeditionem at meticulosam fugam In Julio MDC ...'; fo. 1v: 'Pasquille tot Sent getroyt'; 'Aen Albertus'; 'Voor d'Infante'; fo. 2: 'Ostende Potentiam tuam'
Pollock Family: Papers
A comparative study of the ranking of wives in polygamous households among the Southern Bantu, with diagrams and maps, 212 pages.
Polynesian School, Levuka, Fiji
Ponteix 1955
Pope Gregory XV: Instructions for Papal Nuncios
'Instruzioni di Roma per diverse nunziature', 27 instructions for papal nuncios in and outside Italy, written in a single hand throughout (428ff.).