Showing Collections: 26 - 50 of 552
Fenner Brockway Associated
Papers relating to Fenner Brockway, from other sources.
Financial Limitation, Technological Innovation and British Naval Policy, 1904-1910
Doctoral dissertation for the University of Chicago.
Headlam-Morley Associated
Other material relating to Sir James and Agnes Headlam-Morley.
History of Fusion
"Illustrated Arctic News"
A facsimile copy written onboard "H.M.S. Resolute" during the search for Sir John Franklin's Arctic Expedition and published in 1852. Entries dated 1850 - 1851.
Illustrated sale brochure for Denham Place, Buckinghamshire
Brochure for Denham Place, [?] produced when the house was bought by Sir Robert Vansittart. Also includes a later press cutting on a repair grant for the house.
Items left by D H A Ratcliffe
Two naval cartoons of Admiral Jackie Fisher and Jellicoe (?) by Spy, originally published in "Vanity Fair". Also a certificate for crossing the Equator aboard HMS Sansovino (20 December 1945).
Kinnock Associated Papers
Papers relating to a television programme and a biography on Neil Kinnock.
Margaret Thatcher Associated Papers
Mary Soames Associated Material
Papers relating to Mary Soames, from other sources.
Material on Major-General Charles Gordon
The most notable materials from this collection are the four notes written in Arabic by Gordon while besieged in Khartoum and a contemporary map of the Sudan by the Illustrated London News. Also included are several photographs of Gordon, and material dating to the fiftieth anniversary of his death; reflections on his life, and the order of the memorial service.
Memoirs of the Preparation of the Home Office War Book by Ronald Wells
Wells describes his role in the compilation and maintenance of the Home Office War Book. He also relates anecdotes about key figures such as Warren Fisher as well as staff including Sir Joseph Ball and Lawrence Burgis.
Metals Society
British Intelligence Objectives Sub-committee and Combined Intelligence Objectives
Sub-committee reports on German and Japanese war industry.
Microfilm copies of "ULTRA" signals
Consisting of intelligence from intercepted enemy communications, forwarded from the Admiralty to Allied Commands, "Cairo Series", June 1942-September 1943.
Generally being decrypts from the Government Code and Cipher School at Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, using the Enigma machine. The Enigma signals were given a special security classification, "MSS" (Most Secret Source) or "ULTRA".
Midshipman's Logs of D Calybut Downing
Naval logs and photographs
"Naval interlude", memoirs of a RNVR midshipman, 1918/9, including photographs of various naval vessels Adam served on
An account of Adam's early life and education, and particularly his service during 1918/9 on HMS "Victory VI", "Excellent", "P20", "Vehement", "Sandfly" and "Venturous", including an account of the surrender of the German Fleet, November 1918, and his demobilisation, January 1919. The memoir ends after his arrival at Queens' College, Cambridge.
"Naval mutineer", Memoirs
Memoir of the "Invergordon mutiny" in September 1931 when the British Atlantic Fleet, anchored at Invergordon in the Cromerty Firth in Scotland, mutinied in the face of a pay cut
Notes of Two Conversations with Lord Brimelow
Official Archive of Churchill College
The college archive contains material (hard-copy and digital) from and about every aspect of life at Churchill College, including administrative, student life, photographic and some artefacts.
Other Deposited Collections Relating to Sir Winston Churchill
Ove Arup Oral History Project
Audio tapes and typescript summaries of interviews with architects, engineers and other people who worked with or knew Ove Arup.
Papers accumulated by Henry Winston (Peregrine) Churchill
Papers associated with the Mitrokhin Archive, but deposited by other sources
Papers collected by Roy Acheson about Wickliffe Rose
Papers concerning Margaret Thatcher's time as Member of Parliament for the Finchley Constituency, 1948-1992.
Including in and copy-out constituency correspondence answered by Margaret Thatcher and her constituency office staff, 1986; constituents' cases and surgery files, 1987-91; details of Mrs Thatcher's constituency engagements, 1971-87 (incomplete); annual yearbooks of the (then) Finchley and Friern Barnet Conservative Association, 1948/9-55/6, 1983, 1985/6-89/90; and other miscellaneous material, ca. 1983-92