Box MS Add.10275/3/2/2/1, MS Add.10275/3/2/2/2, MS Add.10275/3/2/5, MS Add.10275/3/2/6, MS Add.10275/3/2/7: Box 146
Contains 5 Results:
Luck & Flaw's Illustrated Guide to Caricature, c 1985
Arena, 1991
Suchard Commercial, 1991
A fax containing a sketch illustration for the film set of a 'Suchard Milka Chocolate Bunnies' commercial, which Spitting Image Productions Limited produced (SI/1117). This appears to be the third page of a three-page fax, which was sent by BBRK Bams Lighting Limited [other pages missing].
Newman and Baddiel Comedy Show Specials, 1993 - 1994
The Big Story, 1994
A 5.25" floppy disk that contains BPT., PJT., and TXT. files relating to the Spitting Image Productions Limited's/Screwball Productions Limited's short animated film, The Big Story, created by David Stoten and Tim Watts. This short animated film was released in October 1994.
At this time, the contents of these text files are unknown.