Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)
- Existence: 1874 - 1965
Found in 537 Collections and/or Records:
Public and Political: General: Defence of Freedom and Peace Union., 08 Jan 1938 - 23 Dec 1938
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/343A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondence on the Focus in Defence of Freedom and Peace, mainly between WSC and A H Richards [Secretary of the Focus] on subjects including: the visit of [? Ivan Subasic], Ban of Croatia [Yugoslavia]; the pacifism movement among the churches; meetings of the Focus, where WSC gave speeches, including mass meetings at Manchester (9 May), Bristol [16 May], Sheffield [Yorkshire, 31 May], Birmingham (2 June) and Chingford [Essex, 11 December]; a joint campaign with the League of Nations...
08 Jan 1938 - 23 Dec 1938
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: General Election: Press cuttings of broadcasts., 09 Jun 1945 - 01 Aug 1945
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/558
Scope and Contents
Newspaper cuttings (mainly from the Times and the Daily Telegraph) of broadcasts and speeches made during the 1945 General Election campaign by the following: Sir Richard Acland; A V Alexander; Leo Amery; Clement Attlee; Philip Noel-Baker; Harold Balfour; [1st] Lord Beaverbrook [earlier Max Aitken]; Leslie Hore-Belisha; Aneurin Bevan; Sir William Beveridge; Ernest Bevin; Lady Violet Bonham Carter [earlier Violet Asquith and Violet, Lady Bonham Carter, later Lady Asquith of Yarnbury]; Brendan...
09 Jun 1945 - 01 Aug 1945
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: General Public correspondence, N-Q., Feb 1942 - Dec 1943
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/476
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: [Leslie] Bradley [Director] of the Imperial War Museum, Eleanor Emery [Assistant Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Dominions], UK High Commissioner in New Zealand Sir Harry Batterbee (4), [Saville] Garner [Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Dominions] (3), [William] Jordan, High Commissioner for New Zealand in London, and [Clement] Attlee [Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs] on an inkstand presented to WSC by the New Zealand...
Feb 1942 - Dec 1943
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Germany and the European Situation: Memoranda., 19 Aug 1937 - 23 Nov 1938
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/340A-B
Scope and Contents
Notes and memoranda on Germany, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic and Slovakia] and Europe, including: memoranda by Sir Henry Strakosch on the German economic threat to Eastern and South Eastern Europe; memorandum by [Henry] Wickham Steed on the expansion of German influence in Central and South Eastern Europe and the effects of British and French foreign policy; copy of a report by Guy, Comte de Baillet-Latour, head of the Banque Lambert, on Czechoslovakia; note of a meeting between WSC,...
19 Aug 1937 - 23 Nov 1938
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: League of Nations Union., 03 Apr 1936 - 02 Dec 1936
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/286
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Austen Chamberlain on subjects including views on colonial policy expressed in a League of Nations Union pamphlet, WSC's defence deputations to the Prime Minister [Stanley Baldwin] and refusing to sign the union's declaration of its aims (2); 1st Lord Cecil of Chelwood [earlier Lord Robert Cecil], President, League of Nations Union and Joint-President, International Peace Campaign, on subjects including his vote for rearmament in the House of Lords, the difficulty...
03 Apr 1936 - 02 Dec 1936
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: miscellaneous correspondence., Mar 1941 - Dec 1941
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/415
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Queen Mary asking WSC to autograph a photograph; [6th] Lord Hood [Private Secretary to the Minister of Information] on supplying a F Hourani with information on WSC's ancestor Colonel Charles Churchill; [Emmanuel] Tsouderos, Prime Minister of Greece, and James Gardiner, Canadian Minister of Agriculture, sending Christmas and New Year greetings. Also includes notes and copies of correspondence from Prime Minister's Private Secretaries "J R C" [John Colville], "E M W"...
Mar 1941 - Dec 1941
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: New Commonwealth Society for the promotion of International Law and Order: correspondence mainly with General Secretary N B Foot., Jan 1939 - Oct 1939
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/377
Scope and Contents
Subjects include: Society publications, including publishing the text of a broadcast by WSC, [16] October 1938; involving Emile Bure in the Society; the Society's International Summer School and Delegate Conference; a meeting of the British Parliamentary Group; a suggested letter to be sent by sympathetic MPs to newspapers in their constituency; Hungarian members; a Europa Union Congress.Also includes notes and copies of correspondence from WSC's secretaries including [Kathleen] Hill.
Jan 1939 - Oct 1939
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Patronage: Churchill College, Cambridge: correspondence on special subjects, L-Z and miscellaneous., Mar 1958 - Jul 1963
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/571A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Major-General John Hamilton, Bursar of Churchill College (17); 1st Lord Tedder, Chancellor of Cambridge University (3); Sir John Cockcroft, Master of Churchill College (7); Anthony Phelps, Private Secretary to the Prime Minister; Sir Shane Leslie; Robert Tollast (7) on arrangements to paint a portrait of WSC from photographs (7); Alexander Fleck, Chairman of Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Limited (3); 1st Lord Weeks; Sir Alexander Todd; Brian Downs; 1st Lord...
Mar 1958 - Jul 1963
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Patronage: correspondence., Jan 1942 - Dec 1942
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/455A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Thomas Mitchell, Lord Provost of Aberdeen [Scotland], on WSC visiting Aberdeen and accepting its Freedom (4); Thomas Loveday, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol, on various University matters; Hugh, [7th] Lord Sefton [earlier Lord Molyneux] offering WSC membership of the Buck's Club; Sir Patrick Hannon sending confidence in WSC's leadership from the Constitutional Club and the Early Closing Association (2); Sir George Mitcheson offering WSC the presidency of...
Jan 1942 - Dec 1942
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Patronage: correspondence, H-Q., Feb 1943 - Feb 1944
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/485
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Mackenzie King [Prime Minister of Canada] congratulating WSC on his speech at Harvard, Cambridge [United States]; James Conant, President, (2) and Jerome Greene, Secretary to the Corporation, of Harvard University and Lord Halifax [earlier Edward Wood and Lord Irwin, British Ambassador to the United States] (2) on WSC receiving an honorary degree from Harvard; Victor Goodman [Chief ARP and Security Officer of the Palace of Westminster] and [Douglas] Clifton-Brown...
Feb 1943 - Feb 1944
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Patronage: Correspondence, L -M., Jul 1956 - Nov 1964
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/558A-B
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence from various organisations and individuals informing WSC of tributes paid to him or requesting his support for various projects. Correspondents include: Major C Petit of the Association of Lancastria Survivors (8); Sir John Smyth on representing WSC at a ceremony organised by the Association of Lancastria Survivors; Antony Acland [Assistant Private Secretary to Foreign Secretary] and [Adrian] Ian Samuel [Principal Private Secretary to Foreign Secretary] on a Libyan...
Jul 1956 - Nov 1964
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Patronage: Correspondence, P-Q., [Mar] [1941] - Mar 1965
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/560A-B
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence from various organisations and individuals informing WSC of tributes paid to him or requesting his support for various projects. Correspondents include: D Routhwaite of the Commonwealth Relations Office regarding a centenary message from WSC to the Pioneer newspaper (3); Sir Frank Francis, Director and Principal Librarian of the British Museum; Charles Jervis, Editor-in-Chief, Press Association; Henry Boyne regarding the Parliamentary Press Gallery Trust; various...
[Mar] [1941] - Mar 1965
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Patronage: Fourth Queen's Own Hussars P-Z., 1943 - 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/366
Scope and Contents
Correspondence and papers on WSC's activites as Honorary Colonel of the 4th Hussars including: Letter from Major C M Clements c/o of the regiment, 1946, on shortage of junior officers; correspondence with James Chuter Ede, Home Secretary and Lt-Colonel R S G Smith on desire of Polish soldiers serving with the 4th Hussars to become naturalised British citizens, 1949, including draft letter, signed by WSC correspondence with Frank Salisbury (4) and Lt-Colonel George Kidston-Montgomerie (2)on...
1943 - 1951
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Patronage: Westminster College, Fulton [Missouri, United States]., Mar [1946] - Jan 1965
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/566A-C
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence from various individuals on a memorial to WSC's speech "The Sinews of Peace". The memorial consisted of the church of St Mary Aldermanbury, City of London, which was rebuilt at Westminster College. Correspondents include: Christopher Everett and Robert Ford of the Foreign Office; representatives of Westminster College including Robert Davidson, President (19) and Joseph Staples, Administrative Assistant (3); Joyce Hall of Hallmark cards (5); Patrick Horsbrugh (7);...
Mar [1946] - Jan 1965
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, A-B., Jan 1941 - Dec 1941
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/416
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: [2nd] Lord Aberdeen [and Temair, earlier Lord Haddo] on [Mary] Churchill [later Lady Soames]; [Bernard] Sendall [Principal Private Secretary to Minister of Information]; Vice-Admiral [Sir] Guy Royle [Naval Secretary to the First Lord of the Admiralty] on his knighthood and the death of [Rear-]Admiral [?John] Fitzgerald; Captain Maurice Mansergh [Director of Trade Division, Admiralty] and Rear-Admiral Stuart Bonham-Carter on receiving honours; Mabell, Lady Airlie;...
Jan 1941 - Dec 1941
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, A-B, many congratulating WSC on becoming Prime Minister and praising his leadership and speeches. [please note that almost the whole file dates from 1940]., Jun 1903 - Feb 1941
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/392A-B
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Vyvyan Adams (4) including (2) on his attending a meeting addressed by WSC; [John] Sandeman Allen on [David Lloyd George]; [1st] Lord Alness [earlier Robert Munro]; Julian Amery [Attache HM Legation, Belgrade] on articles by WSC for publication in Yugoslavia [later Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia] (4); Leo Amery [Secretary of State for India and Burma, later Myanmar] sending on a 1903 letter from WSC to him on...
Jun 1903 - Feb 1941
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, A-B, many on WSC's health, his travels abroad, and offering support for his leadership. [please note that most of the file dates from 1943]., Mar 1941 - Aug 1947
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/463
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Major-General [2nd] Lord Rennell [earlier Francis Rodd] (15 Army Group) and General [Sir Harold] Alexander [later 1st Lord Alexander of Tunis] forwarding the first Union Jack to fly on the mainland of liberated Europe; Ava, Lady Anderson [earlier Ava Wigram, later Ava, Lady Waverley] commenting on and sending on notes on Ralph Wigram and the German breaking of the Treaty of Locarno including extracts from letters by [Pierre] Flandin [former French Foreign Minister];...
Mar 1941 - Aug 1947
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, C-D., Jan 1942 - Dec 1942
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/441
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Sir Edward Campbell on the death of his son; Malcolm MacDonald, British High Commissioner in Canada, passing on a request for WSC's autograph; "Porchy", [6th] Lord Carnarvon [earlier Lord Porchester] (2), Sir Philip Chetwode, and Sir Stafford Cripps sending birthday greetings; Victor Cazalet; "R C" [1st Lord] Cecil [of Chelwood, earlier Lord Robert Cecil] on WSC's "two Archbishops"; [Rodney] Gallop (Foreign Office); "Bobbety", Lord Cranborne [earlier Robert Gascoyne...
Jan 1942 - Dec 1942
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, C-D., Jan 1943 - Jun 1944
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/464
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: "E R" [Eleanor Roosevelt] and John Russell [2nd Secretary] (British Embassy, Washington [United States]) (2) on communications with a US sculptor Stirling Calder and his bust of WSC; [1st] Lord Camrose [earlier Sir William Berry], High Commissioner for Canada [in the United Kingdom] Vincent Massey, Chilean Ambassador [to Great Britain] Manuel Bianchi, and Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia [later Czech Republic and Slovakia] Jan Sramek, on WSC's health problems; Sir...
Jan 1943 - Jun 1944
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, C-D, many congratulating WSC on becoming Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party and praising his leadership., Jan 1940 - Dec 1940
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/393
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Monsieur Campinchi, French Minister of Marine; [1st] Lord Camrose [earlier Sir William Berry, Editor-in-Chief] of the Daily Telegraph sending on a United States article published in the Telegraph; Robert Cary; [1st] Lord Cecil of Chelwood [earlier Lord Robert Cecil] (?2) including (1) on the League [of Nations]; Lord Hugh Cecil [later 1st Lord Quickswood]; Neville Chamberlain (5) on subjects including his health, government policy, and his resignation; Sir Evan...
Jan 1940 - Dec 1940
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, E-G., Jan 1943 - Jan 1944
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/465
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Charles Eade [editor] of the Sunday Dispatch and Leslie Graham-Dixon thanking WSC for gifts of his books; Admiral Sir Edward Evans [later 1st Lord Mountevans] sending a book for WSC; General Dwight Eisenhower (2) on receiving a picture of WSC and WSC's illness; James Forrestal [Under Secretary of the United States Navy] on WSC's recovery; "B B" [Brendan Bracken] on "Lee's Lieutenants" by Douglas Freeman; Arthur Grenfell on early flying experiences with WSC; Sir Edward...
Jan 1943 - Jan 1944
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, E-G, many praising WSC's speeches and leadership., Sep 1939 - Nov 1940
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/394
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Anthony Eden [later 1st Lord Avon, Secretary of State for War] (5) including (2) on his role in the government; Maxine Elliott on her health (2); Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain on honouring [Walter Richard] Sickert; Daisy Fellowes [earlier Daisy, Princesse de Broglie] (2); Sir Warren Fisher [Regional Commander for Civil Defence, North-West Region] criticising the conduct of the war; [Edward] FitzClarence [later 6th Lord Munster] on Randolph Churchill's time in the...
Sep 1939 - Nov 1940
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, H-K, many congratulating WSC on becoming Prime Minister and praising his speeches and leadership., Sep [1939] - Dec 1940
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/395
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: [Lord] Halifax [earlier Edward Wood and Lord Irwin, Foreign Secretary] (3) including (1) on the War Cabinet and (1) on Neville Chamberlain's health; Nina, [Duchess of] Hamilton [and Brandon] giving advice on speeches; [2nd Lord] Hamilton of Dalzell on defending Brittany, France; Captain [Cecil] Harcourt on his receiving an honour; [Saville] Garner [Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Dominions] on Sir Edward Harding's collection of autographed...
Sep [1939] - Dec 1940
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, L-M., Jan 1942 - Dec 1942
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/444
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: Harold Laski on the importance of WSC's leadership, particularly in the United States; [Caroline] Lejeune [Mrs E Roffe Thompson, Film Critic to the Observer] recommending films to WSC; [Richard] Eric Long on his support for WSC (3); Jean [Ivan] Maisky [Soviet Union Ambassador to the United Kingdom] sending WSC a copy of [Ilya] Ehrenburg's "Fall of Paris"; Paul Maze sending 2 paintings and hoping to see WSC (3); Barbara McCorquodale (Barbara Cartland) sending WSC her...
Jan 1942 - Dec 1942
Conditions Governing Access:
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, L-M. [please note that most material dates from 1941]., Feb 1941 - Feb 1943
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/420
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: George Lambert; Harold Laski on the death of his father Nathan Laksi; "Jack" [John] Lawson (2); [Bernard] Sendall [Principal Private Secretary to Minister of Information] on United States recordings of WSC's speeches; Major [Richard] Eric Long (3) including (1) sending on a letter from [Robert] Hudson [Minister of Agriculture] on Long's gardener; [Dame] Edith Lyttelton [Mrs Arthur Lyttelton] (3) including (2) on an English Speaking Union luncheon; Oliver Lyttelton...
Feb 1941 - Feb 1943
Conditions Governing Access: