Churchill, Clementine Ogilvy Spencer (1885-1977, née Hozier, Baroness Spencer-Churchill of Chartwell)
- Existence: 1885 - 1977
Admin / Family structure
Wife of Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Found in 118 Collections and/or Records:
Article on Clementine, Lady Spencer-Churchill
Manuscript and galley proof of article, probably for the Daily Express.
Baroness Spencer-Churchill, 2012-09-12
Recording of an oral history session held at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, on Clementine Spencer-Churchill, with contributions from Hugh Lunghi, Deborah Nutter, Heather White-Smith and Nonie Chapman.
"Churchill Days": George Allen's recollections of working for Sir Winston Churchill, 1970
Comprising correspondence with Winston S. Churchill, 1944 - 1960
Including thank you letters and a copy of the sinews of peace speech (39); and also including correspondence with Clementine Churchill (3).
Copies of Clementine and Winston Churchill correspondence, 1908 - 1963
This section comprises photocopies and transcripts of correspondence between Clementine and Winston Churchill.
Correspondence: Orpen portrait of Sir Winston Churchill, 1965
Including letters with Clementine Spencer-Churchill, 1965 (5).
CSC's public life, 1941 - 1964
Photographs of WSC throughout his career.
CSC's public life, mainly after the death of WSC, 1962 - 1968
Photographs of WSC throughout his career.
"Dubbing Mrs Churchill", 1945-05-09
VE Day message from WSC to Stalin, broadcast to the Russian people by CSC [while in Moscow, Soviet Union], with the simultaneous Russian interpretation in the background.
Family correspondence, 1916 - 1970
Correspondence between RSC, WSC, CSC, Pamela Churchill [earlier Pamela Digby, later Pamela Hayward and Pamela Harriman] and RSC's son Winston.
Great Britain–USSR Association , 1971 - 1990
Letters from Adeline to Henry Hankey at Oxford and Christopher Hankey in Haifa, Palestine [later Israel], 1933-01-15 - 1933-10-22
Subjects covered include home and family news, including the installation of an Aga, Maurice's work; Christopher's work in Haifa and lunch with the Churchills at Chartwell. Also includes one letter from Maurice to Christopher which includes observations on Hitler leaving the disarmament conference and the League of Nations.
Papers relating to Clementine, Baroness Spencer-Churchill, 1925 - 1974
Photographs of Clementine Churchill.
Personal: Clementine S Churchill: Correspondence., Dec 1915 - 1945
Includes letters from CSC to WSC written while he served on the Western Front. Part A comprises original letters: part B comprises typescript transcripts prepared circa 1945.
Personal: Clementine S Churchill: Correspondence., 27 Apr 1916 - 18 Aug 1918
Includes letters from CSC to WSC.
Personal: Clementine S Churchill: Correspondence., 23 Jan 1921 - 29 [Dec] 1921
Includes letters from CSC to WSC.
Personal: Clementine S Churchill: Correspondence., 04 Jan 1922 - 25 Jun 1925
Includes letters from CSC to WSC.
Personal: Clementine S Churchill: Correspondence., 08 Jan 1925 - 31 Oct 1927
Includes letters from CSC to WSC.
Personal: Clementine S Churchill: Correspondence., 02 Feb [1932] - 19 Jan 1939
Includes letters from CSC to WSC.
Personal: Congratulations on WSC's engagement to Clementine Hozier [later CSC]., Aug 1908
Subjects covered include: WSC's engagement and marriage and wedding presents.
Personal: Family etc.: correspondence., 03 Jan 1948 - 11 Mar 1950
Personal: Family etc.: Correspondence A - Churchill, John., Apr 1955 - May 1964
Personal: Mrs Churchill's cruise to the Dutch East Indies [later Indonesia]: Correspondence., Dec 1934 - 30 Apr 1935
Includes correspondence between WSC and CSC.