Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)
- Existence: 1874 - 1965
Found in 72 Collections and/or Records:
Acquired Papers: Letters and telegrams from WSC to Lady Randolph Churchill. All items are manuscript and signed unless otherwise described., 1915 - 1919
Articles, 1953
Typescript and manuscript texts and drafts on subjects including: the mutinies of French soldiers in 1917; the career of Sir Winston Churchill; relations between Britain and France over Syria and Lebanon during the war; the Arab world today; Major-General Sir John Davidson’s book on 1st Lord Haig, "Haig Master of the Field"; the danger of politicians being over-swayed by public opinion.
Cabinet papers on naval policy and naval statistics, 1917-07
Includes: memorandum by Winston Churchill on naval war policy, particularly the ineffectiveness of the distant blockade and the Navy's defensive approach, while submarines were attacking commercial shipping, and the advantages of inshore offensives from an overseas base close to Germany, such as the Frisian Islands, Borkum or Sylt; comparative tables for the Anglo-American and German fleets, supplied by Churchill.
"From the Dardanelles", 1915-02-20 - 1915-12-13
Letters to Lady Wester Wemyss, 1920 - 1923
Literary., Mar 1927 - Nov 1927
Literary: Articles., 1930
Literary: Articles., 1930
Literary: Articles., 1930
Literary: Articles., 1930
Literary: Articles., 1930
Proofs and offprints of articles by WSC about World War I for Collier's Magazine and the Daily Telegraph including: "Panic in the East" on attacks on Germany by Russian forces; "[Field Marshal von] Ludendorff at Tannenberg" on the Battle of Tannenberg [Stebark, Poland]; "The man who saved Paris [France]" about General [Joseph] Gallieni; "The mystery of the Marne" on the Battle of the Marne [France]; "The mission of Colonel Hentsch" and "Ludendorff's last card".
Literary: Articles 2., Feb 1934 - Aug 1934
Literary: Articles: Daily Mail., Feb 1934 - Sep 1934
Literary: articles, News of the World 1., Jan 1936 - Feb 1936
Annotated proofs and press cuttings of the following articles by WSC: "Great Men of Our Time": "Kitchener" on 1st Lord Kitchener of Khartoum [Sudan]; "Admiral Fisher" on 1st Lord Fisher; "King George V"; "Sir John French" on 1st Lord Ypres; "Douglas Haig" on 1st Lord Haig; "Asquith" on 1st Lord Oxford and Asquith [earlier Herbert Asquith].Also includes: "Truth about the Bacon Letters", a cutting of an article by Admiral Sir Reginald Bacon in answer to WSC's article on Fisher.
Literary: articles: Sunday Chronicle., 21 Feb 1937 - 26 Dec 1937
Literary: Corrections to Volume 3 of "The World Crisis"., 14 Feb 1927 - 01 Nov 1927
Literary: Correspondence., 02 Jun 1927 - 11 Dec 1927
Literary: Correspondence concerning corrections to and research for Volume 3 of "The World Crisis"., Nov 1926 - Dec 1926
Literary: Correspondence concerning "The Eastern Front", Volume 5 of "The World Crisis"., 1930
Correspondents include: [Brigadier General James] Edmonds (7); WSC's researcher Charles Hordern (8) and Sir George Franckenstein.Includes copies of letters from WSC to the individuals mentioned above and to Thornton Butterworth Limited and the Times about the possible serialisation of the book. Also includes chapter outlines and an article by Field Marshal von Ludendorff criticising WSC's account of the Battle of Tannenberg [Stebark, Poland].
Literary: Correspondence concerning "The Eastern Front", Volume 5 of "The World Crisis"., 1931
Literary: "Great Contemporaries": copy., 04 May 1930 - 22 Jun 1937
Literary: "Great Contemporaries": correspondence., 12 Nov 1936 - 13 Dec 1937
Literary: "Great Contemporaries": proofs., 22 Jun 1937 - 17 Jul 1937
Annotated proofs of the following articles by WSC: "Joseph Chamberlain"; "Sir John French" on 1st Lord Ypres, as Commander in Chief of the Expeditionary Forces in France 1914-1915; "John Morley" on Lord Morley of Blackburn.
Literary: "Great Contemporaries": proofs., 19 May 1937 - 02 Jul 1937
Annotated proofs and press cuttings of the following articles by WSC: "Hindenburg" on Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg's role in the First World War; "Boris Savinkov" on his role in the Russian army on the Eastern Front, and fighting against the Bolsheviks; "Marshal Foch" on Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch on the Western Front; "Herbert Henry Asquith" on 1st Lord Oxford and Asquith.